Chapter 20

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"Well, uhm...that's actually,"

"Mark's place!" Hannah cut me off, "And he's just living alone." She added proudly getting a nudge from Cath, thanks a lot Cathlyn.

"I see," JB said lowly while he looked down.

"You know JB, nothing happened between them," Cath started off, "Mark promised us that he'll not do anything and we trust him, right Crystal nothing happens?" She stated and the three of them stared at me, besides from the kiss...yeah! Nothing else happen.

"Y-Yeah, that's right!" I answered while I nodded my head in agreement, "Mark is a good friend of mine, he might have not good reputation with girls but he didn't do anything to me last night," well, just this morning, and I let him do that. "He's one of my trusted friends so, don't worry." I stated then wore an assuring smile. JB shouldn't find out that I'll be staying with Mark's place for awhile or else he'll freak out.

Shouldn't I tell Hannah about it also? But she can't really shut her damn mouth?!

Bambam //

We're here at the skating range, we often come here if we're not busy especially weekends. Mark and I played with our skateboard but I actually prefer bmx tricking than skateboard while JR is only here to flirt with girls. He's accident prone so, he seldom play with us and just sitting down while cuddling two or more girls. Such a player, isn't he?

Mark on the other hand was on the skateboard range now doing some trick, he looks serious today and not enjoying just like he always do. I guess something happened, I just wonder what is it?

"Jr, isn't just me or something is really wrong with Mark?" I approached Jr who's cuddling girls each of his side, "Just look at him, I can really sense that something happened, what do you think?" I asked as I shot him with questioning look.

"You know what I think?" He started off, "You're being paranoid and annoying," he snorted and I raised an eyebrow with his statement, "Can't you see I'm busy here? If you're worried with that guy then ask him what's his problem directly and go away!" He hissed, like Mark I really wonder why I'm friend with this jerk?

"Why did I still wasted my time asking you?" I shook my head in disbelief then started to kick the pedal of my bike to get away from this jerk, "Anyways, you'll not get free VIP pass at my brother's club anymore." I told him and he immediately ran after me.

"Wait! Come on dude, you know that I'm just joking earlier, right?" He stated and smiled like an idiot, how annoying? "You know you're right, he really look piss? But what thing can make him like that?" He cuffed his chin as he tried to formulate conclusion, "Or should I say, who can make him that piss?" He followed up.

"Love!" Both of us stated in unison.

"So, what did Love did this time?" I asked then knitted my brows, "Should we ask him?" I suggested then shot Jr a glare.

"I don't think that's a good idea? He might don't want to talk about it?" He said and he got a point there, "Why don't we just ask Love instead? Call her!" He suggested as he poked my forearm like a girl, what's with that weird move? Is that what he have learned on always being with girls? Acting just like them?

"Do you think that's a good idea? Love might also be piss now or something?" I started off, "I think I'll just call someone else, I'll call Cath." I stated then got my phone in my pocket then dialed Cath's number.

"Really?" He snorted, "If I know, that's just an excuse to call Cath, you're obviously very interested on her, you know? Last night, your smiling like an idiot and your eyes were sparkling when you're together." He blurted out, I was about to argue back when she already picked her phone that stopped me, you're saved by the bell you rascal.

Me: "Ah hello!"

Cath: "Bambam, why did you call?"

Me: "Am I not allowed to call you? Don't you like it?"

Cath: "That's not it, you crazy! I'm just wondering why did you call? Something happen?"

Me: "Well yeah, something really happen but I still don't know what is it?"

Cath: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Me: "Are you with Love now?"

Cath: "Yeah, why?"

Me: "Can you feel something strange about her? I mean is she acting weird or something?"

Cath: "Well, kinda but that's already normal for her. Wait a minute Bambam, what's really happening, huh? What are you trying to point out? Can you just tell me directly?"

Me: "Ok ok, I'll tell you now. Mark is acting strange, he look so piss and Jr and I thought the same thing that probably Love is the reason why he's being like this."

Cath: "Oh, I see. You know you might be right, knowing Love she might really did something crazy to make Mark piss? Don't worry, I'll try asking her later."

Me: "Later? Why not just ask her now? You're together anyway."

Cath: "That's right, I can ask her now if JB is not here with us."

Me: "JB? You mean that guy from your University before?"

Cath: "Yup! He's having a conversation now with Love. So, I'll just ask her later and if I already know the answer I'll inform you immediately, ok?"

Me: "Cool! Thanks a lot Cath!"

Cath: "You're always welcome."

Me: "Really? How about in your place, am I also welcome?"

Cath: "At my place? Wait, is that a plain question or are you trying to imply something, huh?"

Me: "Well, it's already up to you how will you interpret it."

Cath: "Ok then, I'll take that as I plain question. You're welcome to my place if you'll invite me again to that wonderful place just like last night."

Me: "Why didn't choose the latter one? But oh well, I can bring you there again anytime you're free."

Cath: "In case you're forgetting it, I have boyfriend, you silly. Anyway, thanks! I'll just tell you when is my free time for now, I got to go. So, see yah!"

Me: "Okidoki, see yah!"

So what, if she's already dating someone? I don't care at all. Besides, that guy is faraway from her so, that means she's lonely and need some company. Long distant relationship don't work most of the time specially if one of them give in to a temptation.

"So now tell me that calling her for Mark's sake is not just an excuse, huh lover boy?" Jr who's making faces the whole time I was talking to Cath smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Will you win against his model boyfriend, hm?"

"Of course!" I confidently stated, "Wanna bet?"

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now