Chapter 11

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"Ok then, that ends our lesson for today" our professor said, "And by the way to our class president that's also our college governor and our class vp you have meeting to attend to at exactly 5:30pm, that's after 15 minutes from now so don't be late, ok?" she reminded as she was clearing her table.

"Got it Miss" Gov said and I just nodded as response, "Let me carry your bag for you." JB volunteered then they already left.

"Wait, did Gov just leave you?" Hannah piped up, "That's so not him?" She added raising her eyebrow.

"Does your number one fanboy already stop liking you after seeing you yesterday with the famous Mark Tuan?" Cath joined the conversation, "He might thought that the two of you are dating already? Poor Jb," She stated as she shook her head with his arms crossed over her chest.

These two are starting this bullshit again.

"You know, I don't have time to talk nonsense things with you." I started off while putting my books inside my bag, "So, if you'll excuse me I'm heading to the faculty room already." I excused myself with a force smile then about to go but Cath stopped me.

"So hey, are you coming this Saturday?" Cath asked while wearing a sour smile. What's with her now?

"Where?" I asked back as I shot her a questioning look.

"At bambam's party where else it might be?" Cath sassed "Didn't he invited you first before me, I mean us?" She complained.

Is this mad woman jealous? Don't tell me she's really interested with that flirty guy? Did she already forgot about Lui, her boyfriend?

"I'm not going" I quickly answered.

"What?! But Mark is going?" Hannah cried.

"That's why I'm not going" I pointed out throwing my hands in the air dramatically "Do you guys want to witness bloody war between us again?" I rolled my eyes remembering our debate yesterday.

"But you have a deal with him?" Hannah started off "So you're saying that your backing out already?" She added, "Is this about the kiss from yesterday? That's your first kiss anyways, right?"

"That kiss was just nothing" I said dryly, "Especially because its a kiss from a pervert player like him." I added as we continued walking outside the room.

"You mean you'll marry whoever the guy your parents will choose?" Cath asked as she raised her eyebrow, "Good luck about that then." she snorted then patted my shoulder.

"Of course not!" I raised my voice that made people stared at me but I just ignored them. "It's just Mark is really annoying and hard to read, I don't get him at all" I explained.

"Well it's not him you need to understand, it's the thing he'll teach you, isn't it?" Cath started off "Just like our professors, you just need to listen and understand the lesson they're teaching and not who they really are." she elaborated and I just sighed deeply.

"Anyways, why not just ask someone to act as your boyfriend if you really can't stand Mark?" Hannah suggested "And why did you accepted his offer anyways? Don't you already dislike him from the very start?" She asked an she got the point on her last statement.

"Have you already forgotten who her parents are?" Cath said exaggeratedly "It's Mr & Mrs Rivera for Pete's sake and they're famous having so many connection. So if Love will try that thing to fool them she'll be surely get married to whoever guy they want before graduation" she explained and she really got it right! That's why I never considered that idea. Hannah's lips formed into letter o and just nodded her head after being enlightened.

"So, you guys go ahead now" I told them as we arrived at the door of the faculty room "For sure I'll be going home late already because there's too many things we need to settle today, so just see yah later." I explained then waved my hand on them.

"Ok, ok, we'll continue our chat later" Hannah replied.

"Laters!" Cath said then they walked towards the parking lot already.

When I was about to open the door JB suddenly came out from the office.

"L-Love?" He muttered "I was about to call you." he said then scratched the back of his head looking at the other way.

What's wrong with him? He's acting cold since morning.

"Is that so, am I already late?" I asked while trying peaking inside "You should've call me instead of coming to me, that's more troublesome, isn't it?" I told him as I tilted my head to the side.

"No, but almost" he answered then he made way for me to enter "I don't have your number anymore you've just changed your phone, right?" He said then closed the door.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to give you my new one." I remembered and scratched my head as I let out a little chuckle. "Are you trying to reach me since earlier?" I asked then took my phone from my bag planning to give him a call so he can save my new number.

"Actually, I've been s-since yesterday" he confessed that made me stopped and looked at him. He was looking down but I can see a tint of red on his face, "I'm actually worried because you went with that pervert player." he raised his voice that made those people in the office looked at us but that didn't bother JB at all "Don't you know that guy's reputation? Someone like you hanging out with him is really no good. He might do..."

"JB, tone down your voice we're in faculty, remember?" I cut him off by covering his mouth using my hand but removed it after he nodded, "And about Mark, of course I know how pervert player he is" I said emphasizing pervert player, "But you shouldn't worry about me I can handle him, you shouldn't underestimate me, you know?" I said and winked at him that gave him a surprise.

"Gov, Love, sorry to interrupt you but we'll start the meeting already." one of the officers informed us.

"Ah, O-Ok, ok" he answered, "Lets go?" He said and I nodded my head with a smile as response.

He's really a good and nice man, the total opposite of Mark. If only he's like JB, we will surely won't have hard time on our deal and setup.

Why am I even comparing the two of them?

There's no way Mark can be like JB. No freaking way.

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz