Chapter 13

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Jr //

"Here you go girls!" I said as the orders of food and beverages were already served. "Eat and drink up ladies!" I added

"Here you go Love" Bambam served Love a glass of cocktail drink first. And it seems that Cath don't like it? I wonder what this guy thinking? I thought he's interested with Cath, is this part of his plan? Well, who knows?

She accepted it but only stared at it, thinking if she should try it or what? According to Mark's stories she's not fond of parties, she spend all her spare time at home studying. Nerdy boring girl, but looking at her now, I guess the Love on his stories was different from the Love whose in front of us now.

"You shouldn't force yourself." Mark piped up, "I can just order you mango juice and spaghetti?" He smirked making Love annoyed.

"Nope, I'm ok with this." She told him, "Thanks though." She added then forced a smile.

"Are you sure Love?" Hannah worriedly asked.

"Besides from red wine you never tried any other alcoholic drinks, have you?" Cath started off, "And this drink, it's kinda hard, you know?" She warned her.

"Is that so? I'll just order you new one then." Bambam offered and about to get her new drink.

"Wait, isn't it better if she tried it?" I piped up, "So next time she hangout with us again she's used to it already." I explained, I'm actually curious how she'll turn out to be when she's drunk. Is she going to turned to a wild one? That will be nice, isn't it?

"No, I'll just get you something else." Mark said with commanding tone and about to call the waiter when Love grabbed his arm, "Why?" He asked.

"I told you, it's ok I'll drink this." She said then suddenly drunk the whole thing in just one shot, woah?! "Ugh" She reacted and made a funny face, Mark then handed her a glass of water.

She's a very interesting woman, isn't she?

"Stupidly innocent girl" Mark hissed, and it looks like our friend was mad? "You don't need to drink that at once, you know? What are you an alkie?" He stated then shook his head in annoyance and disbelief.

Oh no? It seems like he already cares for his fiancée?! Where's the guy who told us before that he will do everything to make the girl that his beloved father want him to marry turned off? Or this is the new way of making a girl turn off? I really wonder.

"Can you shut up!" Love shouted that surprised us, "So nosy, such a gay!" She insulted him.

"Wait? You're drunk already?" I chuckled, "Wow? That so fast?" He added, "Do you want more?" I offered then she took the glass from my hand.

"One more!" She shouted then I gave her another one and she again drank it at once.

Hey, hey, hey, I think I'm starting to like her.

"Hey, don't give her drinks anymore!" Mark scolded, "Can't you see, she's already drunk by just a glass of ladies drink, so giving her beer is not a very good idea at all?!" He lectured.

"Yeah, whatever! Shut the fuck up you fucker!" Love shouted and they started a staring game.

"Did she just call you fucker?" I laughed hard, "Nice one Love!" I said and did high-five with her and she enthusiastically response.

"Jr, you're not helping at all." Bambam said as he hit my head, "Behave, will you?" he commanded me. I then groaned in pain as I was caressing the part he hit me.

"Come to think of it, Cath do you remember when she drunk a half  bottle of red wine?" Hannah started off, "She started being so talkative and..."

"Wild" Cath continued, "Please, don't give her more drink, I don't want to see her being like that again." She said as she shook her head while you can see disgust on her face.

"Me, I want to see it!" I raised my hand with full of enthusiasm then they all glared at me. "Come on! Don't be killjoy, I already know the two of you for so long and I know you like wild girls, don't you?" I stated referring to my beloved bros.

Mark shook his head, "I'll drive you home now." He told Love and helped her stood up, "You two take care of Hannah and Cath, and behave!" He warned us.

"Eh? You're sending her off already?" I whined and pouted, "Well If I know, you just want to have her alone by yourself." I protested as I rested my back at the backrest of the couch.

"Oh please, I'm not you Jr." He hissed then walked Love already while she was struggling.

"I don't want to go home!" She drastically shove Mark's hand, "I haven't even dance yet!" She complained "I want to dance!" she shouted then groggily walked to the dance floor.

She'll dance to a sexy beat of song, right? Ok, I should witness this.

"Yah! You want what?!" Mark shouted and followed her. "Come back her Love Rivera!"

"Mark, catch her! Don't let her be on stage!" Cath shouted wearing so worried face.

"This is not good, Drunk Love and dance floor? Not a good combination." Hannah shook her head.

"Why so?" Bambam asked

"See it yourself" Cath said so we all looked at the stage.

Our eyes widened and our jaws dropped at the floor seeing the nerdy boring girl dancing her ass out on the floor.

"Oh shit! She's fucking hot?!" I muttered as I can't still took my eyes off her. "I think I'm in love?"

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now