Chapter 24

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Love //

"You're going already?" Cath asked while I was busy fixing my things already.

"Yup!" I replied without turning my eyes to her because I was texting Mark asking him if his class was already over also.

"So, you don't have meeting today?" Even without looking I know that it's Hannah, her voice was easy to distinguish because she's the only one on the class who has that kid-like voice.

"Yeah," I answered with a nod still busy typing on my phone that made Cath annoyed. She suddenly snatched my phone on my hands that startled me, "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I hissed as I tried to take my phone back but she lifted it up that give me a hard time, "Cathlyn!" I growled.

"Will you tone down your voice?! I'm just here no need to shout, you know?" She retorted as she shook her head, this bitch! "And isn't it rude that we're talking to you but you're not focusing or even looking at us? You're oh so busy with your phone?! Why, who are you texting, huh?" She protested then passed my phone to Hannah who looked over it.

"Isn't reading others' message is also rude?" I snorted and then crossed my arms over my chest, "It's Mark, I was asking him if his class is already over so that I'll know if I can pick him up already." I explained then rolled my eyes on them.

"So now you're the one who'll pick him up? Why, where's his beloved car?" Cath took my phone from Hannah then handed it back to me.

"Thanks," I said full of sarcasm then forced a smile, "He's sick last night, I told him to just stay at home and don't go to school anymore but he's so stubborn and didn't listened to me. I didn't let him drive though so, I'm going now to pick him up and we still need to go for grocery." I took my bag and about to go.

"Wow, why do it sound like that you two are already dating?" Hannah smirked.

"It actually looks like they're already live in partners to me." Cath stated and both of them started to giggled creepily.

"Bye~" I don't have time to play with them so, I already left. When I was already at the parking lot I bumped into JB who's with Youngjae, his best friend and Youngjae's younger brother, Yugyeom that both from Music and Art Department.

"Hi Love!" Youngjae greeted me in his high pitch voice.

"Hello Love!" Yugyeom greeted me also while wearing a big smile, "You're already going?" He asked.

"Hello Youngjae, Hi Yugyeom," I greeted them back, "Yeah, I still need to go somewhere." I stated as I beamed them a smile and they just nodded in response.

"Where's Uncle Lucas? Why are you driving your own car, are you just ok?" JB asked worriedly, he's as caring as always.

"He's on short vacation so, for this week I'll drive my own car," I lied, sorry for lying JB, "Besides, I have my license JB so, you shouldn't be worrying about me." I said then lightly tapped his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, it's just that this is the first time you're driving your own car so yeah, I'm somewhat worried." He shyly revealed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Aw, JB you're so caring and cute!" Youngjae teased as he patted JB's head, JB sent him a glare that took Youngjae aback while Yugyeom was just laughing and enjoying watching his older fellas. I also let out a little chuckle as I find them so cute.

My phone rang as I received a message, it's from Mark saying that his class was already over. That's the cue that I already need to leave, "Sorry guys, but I have to go now. See you around!" I waved as I bid my goodbye and got into the car already JB then closed the door for me.

"Drive safely, Love." He muttered with his famous eye smile.

"You too." I replied and smiled back.


"You said five minutes before I response to your message that you're on your way already so, why did you still took long, huh?" Since I arrived at our meeting place he's still not stopping on complaining about me being late and making him wait up until now that we're here at the grocery store.

"Mark, can you please stop already?" I started off as I thrown my hands in the air dramatically, "I already apologized to you hundred times so, please, shut up already." I begged as I clasped my palm together then rolled my eyes.

"Not until you tell me why you're really late," he protested as he crossed his arms over his chest. I let out a deep sigh on disbelief on how childish this guy now. Earlier he was possessed by evil spirit now he's possessed by a seven year old kid who loves to sulks and complains.

"You want to know the truth? Ok then, I bumped into JB and his friend at the parking lot and have little chat that's why I was five minutes late, happy now?" Even I know that he'll surely not be happy to hear my reason or should I say hear JB was the reason I still asked him that because he's so annoying!

And I was right his face suddenly changed to annoyed one, "I knew it." He snorted that made me rolled my eyes.

"If you already know it why you still asked me?!" This guy is really annoying, "And what did JB do to you for you to hate him that much, huh Mark Tuan?" Every time he hear JB's name especially see him his mood abruptly change and I don't get why? JB is a very nice guy? I can't think of any reason for someone to hate him.

"Love Rivera," he started off, "Do you like that guy?" He asked that taken me aback, what the heck was wrong with this guy throwing me random question instead of answering my own question to him? "I need your answer now." He said in commanding tone.

"Yes, I like him."

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now