Chapter 25

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Mark //

"Yes, I like him." Love answered, and as I heard that from her I felt something broke inside me, "Everyone likes him, that's why I wonder why you don't?!" She followed up, ugh! Damn this stupid girl! So, that's the like she mean?! Ugh!

"Damn it Love! That's not the like I mean?!" I growled as I thrown my hand in the air dramatically, "Stupid" I snorted, I really thought she mean like the way I was thinking because she's wearing serious face but ugh! Fuck it! She's so annoying!

"What?! What did I do?!" She retorted as she arched her eyebrow. Mark, chill don't make a scene here, don't do things that might be the reason for you to be ban here at the grocery.

"Nothing!" I huffed as I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "I think I know now what will be our first leason, you should know how to differentiate different kinds of the word 'like'" I stated as I air-quoted like.

"Different kinds of like?" She repeated wearing questioning look, and I nodded in response.

"Yeah, like for friend, family, relatives, like for different gender, and even to pet or things." I lazily explained with annoyance in my tone, she nodded but you can see confusion on her face, "Now tell me, what makes you 'like' that guy, JB?" I asked as I air-quoted the word like.

"Well, JB is smart, responsible, reliable, caring, thoughtful, a complete gentleman." She stated proudly, "JB is also fun to talk and be with, he has cute smile and eyes, he's hands-..."

"That's enough." I cut her off as I placed my palm in front of her face, why does she have lots of things to say when it comes to that guy?

She then shove my hand in front of her, "So, do you think I like JB more than a friend?" She asked as she tilted her head to the giving me questioning look. I stared into her eyes straightly for a couple of seconds then looked away.

"Probably" I huffed.

"Probably?" She mimicked with her eyebrow arched, "What do you mean by that, huh Professor Mark?" She asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Probably because you're stupidly innocent with this kind of things," I started off and brought my stares to her. There's a big possibility that she really likes him but I don't want to admit it yet, I don't like that guy. "With those things you stated probably you like him more than a friend but tell me, what do you feel when you're with him? Do you feel something weird whenever you're together with that perfect guy?" I asked as I emphasized perfect in my sentence.

She placed her index finger on her lower lip as she started to think, I guess? "Just like what I said earlier it's fun when I'm with JB," She started off, "Whenever he's around I feel...happy and safe." She stated with sweet smile plastered on her face that made me more annoyed. Silence stayed with us for seconds before she cut it off, "Mark, are you ok?" She asked as she went closer to me and tiptoed to touched my forehead.

"I'm ok, I don't have fever anymore." I said coldly as I shove her hand off me, "Anyway back to topic, that guy obviously likes you more than just a friend so, why not...why not try it with him?" I suggested then I continued pushing the cart to the next aisle.

"Try with him what?" She asked.

"Try going out with him." I elaborated with cold tone, "He likes you, you probably likes him back, a perfect situation that you can use to win against your parents." I explained further then I stopped on the instant noodles section.

"Wait, you said that I just 'probably' likes JB more than a friend, right?" She asked as she air-quoted probably and I lazily nodded my head, "If that so, why you suggesting me to date JB with this unsure feelings? JB is a very good friend of mine so, using him to win against my parents doesn't sound so right?!" She stated as she thrown her hands in the air dramatically.

"You're not the only one who will be benefiting with that set up him also, he can date the girl he likes so, its just even, isn't it?" I retorted, "So, stop being dramatic there." I snorted then continued walking around again.

"I'm not being dramatic here Mark, I just don't want to take advantage on JB's feeling for me if you're really right about it, I don't want to date him or any other guy with an unsure feelings, even a playboy like you." She explained, I again stopped and faced her, "Let me figure out first my real feelings for JB, and of course I need your help with it, will you help me?" She blinked two times then started bitting her lower lip. Even I don't like that guy I still need to help her, that's the original plan anyways, right? I need to help her find a guy that will save both of us from being in a stupid arranged marriage.

I let out a deep sigh then patted her head, "Of course I'll help you, that's why we're together right?" Her expression shifted to a bright one.

"Thank you Mark, thank you very much!" She stated then shot me with her infamous warm smile. If you find out the real reason why I'm helping you, I'm pretty sure you'll not thank me, you'll hate and curse me instead. "So, let's go? My puddings are already waiting for me!" She cheerfully said then wrapped her arms into mine.

"Pudding? But you still have lots of it in the fridge, right?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope! I only have five of it and that's far away from being enough! Pudding is my life so, let's go now! I can hear them calling my name!" I chuckled with her statement, this is the first time seeing her acting like small kid so, pudding is her weakness, huh?

"Ok, ok, I want pudding too anyway." Seeing her like this makes me remember and miss Aika, I wonder how is she and also steak?

"Hey! For your information I'm not sharing my pudding to anyone so, if you want pudding buy your own and don't you ever try or even think of touching my babies!" She warned as she pointed her index finger to me.

"Seriously? Such greedy pudding freak." I snorted then shook my head in disbelief, "Fine! But don't put it on my fridge then because everything that's on my fridge is mine." I informed with a smirk.

"Fine also! I'll call Uncle Lucas to bring my fridge from my room." She retorted then stuck her tongue out on me, she's unbelievable? A real pudding freak, she then suddenly ran when she saw her beloved pudding and you can see sparkles on her eyes that made me chuckled, she's so cute. It's just a waste that she's the girl that that old man want me to marry. If she's not I won't think twice and date her but that's impossible and besides, I met her because of that damn arranged marriage thingy so, if that didn't happened I don't think I'll meet Love, the real Love Rivera.

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now