Chapter 15

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Cathlyn //

"Hey, is my decision of letting Mark bring Love to his place right?" I piped up as the word worried was all written on my face.

"Why, are you regretting it?" Bambam asked, "Do you want us to follow them?" He added.

"Eh? But earlier you easily agreed to Mark's suggestion of bringing your friend at his place then now you're being so worried there? Girls." Jr started off as he shook his head in disbelief, "Besides, your friend is already old enough, it's time for her to experience those things." He added as he drunk his beer.

When he said those things he didn't mean having sex, right?

"Aist! You know you're not really helping?!" Bambam hissed glaring at Jr.

"What?" Jr said acting innocent but he's far from being one.

"Cath, don't worry Mark is not as bad as we first thought of him." Hannah piped up as she tapped my shoulder, "Besides, you also saw it, right? The way he care about our Love, so stop stressing yourself out there, ok?" She explained and I just nodded as response.

"Hannah was right," Bambam agreed, "Mark won't take advantage on someone he cares about. And obviously Love is one of those people." He said then winked at me.

"Ok, ok, enough with the sweet words and drama," Jr piped up, this guy is really something? "Let's enjoy the party, let's dance!" He cheered as he stood up and started moving his hips.

"What are you doing?" Hannah asked then chuckled watching this guy dancing crazily in front of us.

"You called that dancing, really?" I teased and the three of us laughed in unison.

"How dare you?!" He growled as he narrowed his eyes on us, "Didn't you know that many girls are falling for my hot dance moves?" He protested.

"You mean drunk girls?" Hannah chuckled, "You're really funny, Jr." She added while trying to contain her laughter.

"Aist!" He hissed, "You guys talking like you're really good dancer, huh? Wanna have a dance battle with me?" He challenged us.

"Nah, don't like." Hannah turned down his challenge and just continued drinking.

"Me too." Bambam said.

"Same here," I piped up, "Sexy dancing is not my style." I added.

"Really? So what kind of dance you're up to?" Bambam asked wearing curious face.

"Hip hop or something that usually boys dances." Hannah answered for me.

"Seriously?" Bambam and Jr said in unison and we nodded as an answer.

They exchanged stares for a couple of seconds then smiles were plastered on their faces. I wonder what's the meaning of those cocky smiles?

"If that so, this ain't the place suit for you." Bambam smirked, "Right Jr?"

"Yup," Jr agreed, "But we can bring you somewhere we can all enjoy." He added.

Hannah and I gave them questioning look.

"Where?" We asked in unison.

"You'll know if you'll come with us." Bambam said then took his stand, "So, will you come with me?" He asked ten held out his hand on me.


Mark //

After half an hour drive we finally arrived at my place. I never thought Cath and Hannah will agreed to me that easily? But I like the fact that they do trust me. So I should behave and be a good boy tonight.

I then looked at this wasted girl sleeping beside me. "You're seriously an interesting one, huh Love Rivera?" I sighed then shook my head.

I went out from my car and then walked to the other side to get my drunk fiancée.

"Abruahkyah~" he mumbled as I opened the door.

"Talking like an alien again?" I shook my head then chuckled. Looking up closely at her sleeping face, I must say she's really beautiful. And her lips, it gives me the feel of wanting to kiss and bite it. "A single kiss won't kill, right?"

I slowly went closer to her and when my lips were just couple of centimeter away from her, she suddenly opened her eyes that surprised me. Our gaze were locked into each other, she's just looking straightly into my eyes not even blinking. She slowly close her eyes, I thought it's a sign that I can proceed on kissing her already but she suddenly started puking.

"What the?!" I growled as I put my both hands on my head, "Not in my car!" I protested but it's already too late.


As we reached my room I gently laid her on my bed then removed my shirt that was soaked with her puke. Her clothes were also soaked, I should change it before she caught a cold.

I don't have girl clothes so I just got one of my shirts, I guess this will do? I went to her still half naked then gently got into the bed for me not to wake her up.

"Such a troublesome girl" I sighed and shook my head seeing my fiancée lying on my bed, wearing a sexy dress, and defenseless. "I'm trying to control myself but you're not helping at all, you know?" I sighed again then proceeded on changing her clothes.

Undressing a girl isn't new to me anymore but this time I can't do anything lewd, how depressing my situation is right now?

When she's left with her underwear only I can't helped myself but be amuse on her attractive body. Her boobies is not that big but it's still looks sexy, she's not also that skinny like models but the curve still there, and her skin I must say it's so porcelain-like. Hiding it is really such a waste?! This girl is being too greedy!

While still protesting with this drunk girl's body she suddenly pulled me out of nowhere, my eyes grew wider due to that sudden attack and now my face is against his sexy boobies. I don't know if I was being lucky or the contrary because for Pete's sake there's no way I can touch this woman?!

"This is so fucking unfair!"

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now