Chapter 36

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Mark //

After walking Hannah and her boyfriend outside I mindlessly walked towards my room without even looking at Love and Aika who were in the kitchen.

I closed the door behind me then walked towards my bed. I slammed myself on it then covered my face with my hands. I kept quiet for several seconds then released a groaned in annoyance.

Damn it Mark! What the hell was that? After hearing JB's name you started to be piss like you're a jealous boyfriend or something?! "The fuck is that?!" I swore then massaged my temple.

If you're forgetting it already, you're supposed to help Love to find someone who she can freely fall in love with. Someone who can make her happy, someone who can love her truly, someone way better than you. And there's no doubt that that someone is no other than that JB dude.

You should be pro JB and not anti like what you are now. Mark Tuan, stick with your plan and stop being fool already.

I removed my hands off my face then just stared at the plain white ceiling. "Damn it Mark, get yourself together." I murmured then heaved a deep sigh. "I'm so tired." I closed my eyes and placed one arm on my forehead. And without a couple of minutes I dozed off.


"Yah! Mark Tuan will you stop fooling around?!" Love shouted as she sent me her infamous death glares.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Who's fooling around?" I asked innocently as I continued filming her while she's cooking breakfast for us.

"Seriously Mark, stop it already and just help me here please?" She begged without looking at me because she's focusing on what she's cooking.

"Ah uh, that won't work to me anymore babe." I placed the cam above the counter still filming then I walked closer to her and gave her a back hug. "You should beg again but this time you should add a kiss." I whispered behind her ear and she started moving away since she's ticklish on the ears down to her neck.

"Mark Tuan stop it!" She scowled, "If you don't want to help then just go aw--ahh!" She jumped and elbowed me when I suddenly bit her ear.

"Aw!" I groaned in pain as I held my side where she hit me. "That was strong!" I complained while caressing my side.

"You bit my ear?!" She pointed out.

"So? That's not the first time I did that and you know how I love to bite you, don't you?" I whined then pouted playfully. Let's see if this will work at her.

She was in silence for a seconds while looking at me then heaved a deep sigh. Oh yeah! I won!

"Fine, I'm sorry." she muttered, "I'm just stress this passed few days I'm graduating, remember?" She explained then walked towards me. "Come on, where do it hurts? Let me see hm?" She hummed then started checking and by checking it means caressing my side that's so dangerous.

"Y-Yah! It's already ok, you don't have to check it anymore." I told her as I gently shove her hands off me.

"Oh come on Mark Tuan, you looked really hurts earlier so don't fool me." She retorted and came back on touching my side. "Does it hurts here? Or here?" She was gently touching my side and I was just biting my lower lip trying to hold myself back.

"S-Stop it already." I managed to say. "P-Please?" I added.

"Ah uh, that won't work to me anymore. At least add a kiss." She repeated what I said earlier and when I turned to her she's wearing a knowing smile.

"Oh you just didn't do that Love Rivera?" I piped up as I stood straight with one eyebrow raised.

"Huh? What are you talking about? What did I do?" She acted innocently just like what I did earlier to her then winked at me. Damn this girl! She's taking revenge!

But...I don't actually hate it.

I smirked then pulled her making our body pressed into each other. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds then I crashed my lips into her. I kissed her passionately and she immediately response to my kisses and snaked her arms around my neck. I lift her up and bit her upper lip that made her heave a sexy moan that turned me on even more.

"" I muttered in between our kisses that becoming more intense from time to time.

" Tuan." She replied making me smile like a maniac. "M-Mark...Mark Tuan...Hey Mark, Mark Tuan."


"Aw! Who did that?!" I scowled as I felt someone slapped me so hard.

"I did!" I opened my eyes and there I saw Aika raising her hand up and beside her was Love who's just looking at me.

Wait...Love? So that means, a dream? Ugh! Fuck it! Fuck! I just said I should stick to the plan, right?! I'm so damn convince now that I'm a pervert after dreaming something like that.

"Hey Mark, are you ok?" Love asked worriedly and I immediately nodded my head in response. "Are you sure?" She confirmed and I again nodded my head.

"I-I'm just ok, why wouldn't I?" I said then forced a smile.

"Ok...he's not really ok. Should I call an ambulance now?" Aika piped up and I turned to her to give her a glare. "I'll...take a shower now." She grinned then walked towards the bathroom.

I heaved a sigh then shook my head. I'll grow old fast thanks to that kid.

"Hey, you sure you're ok?" Love asked once again and she's really look so worried. Earlier she's mad at me, right? What makes her mood change and be worried at me like this? What did happened when I was sleeping, huh?

"Why you keep on asking me if I'm ok? What makes you think that I'm not ok?" I asked him as I cocked my head to the side.

"Well," she straightened up and places her hands together at her back, "it's about what happened earlier." I mentally sigh in relief that it's about earlier and not something that I did or say when I was sleeping.

"I see, you know just forget about it. I'm just tired that's why and I'm sorry." I stated and I meant it when I apologized.

"No! I'm the one who should be apologizing here." She retorted, "I mean, it's my fault being so careless and oblivious with your feelings." My eyes twitched twice with her statement.

My f-feelings?

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered as I became uncomfortable on my seat. "My f-feelings?" I repeated and she nodded her head. Oh my god?! Does she already know my feelings for her? Am I that obvious?! Oh shit! What to do now? What to do?!

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now