Chapter 8

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Since this morning up until now that our last class has already ended Cath and Hannah still not talking or even looking at me. They might already know that I'm keeping something from them? Knowing Cath, whose really good at reading people. That's a big problem then. I guess I need to tell them everything already before this day ends.

But on a second thought, things might get more complicated if those two will know our plans, isn't it? Not that I don't trust them, I really do trust them but not about this kind of things, because knowing those two? They might just think or add up crazier things to the annoying hell lesson about that love thingy, right?

Ok then, I'll eventually tell them but not yet, no no no not today.

I sighed and tried to act normal "Cathlyn, Hannah, lets go home together?" I offered but it seems like I was just talking to myself, "Hey! Why are you guys being like that?" I asked still keeping my innocent act.

Cath glared at me that made me took a step back "Come on Hannah, lets go." She said then walked out from the room with Hannah.

I don't know why but I still followed them. why can't I just leave them alone, huh? "Hey! Don't ignore me like this?!" I complained, "Is this about yesterday?" I cried then finally, they stopped from walking and faced me.

"Why Love, Is there another reason other than you left us yesterday and when we're calling you, you didn't even give us a glance?" Cath piped up and shot me with a piercing stares.

"Uhm...I'm sorry?" I said lowly but I know that, a simple sorry wont do after what I did yesterday, and I even kept a secret from them though we promise that we shouldn't "Ok, fine! I know a simple sorry won't do so tell me, what should I do to make up with you?" I thrown my hands up in the air as a sign of defeat.

Cath and Hannah exchanged stares then after they both faced me with their arms crossed over their chest.

"We might forgive you, if you'll explain to us what spirit possessed you yesterday, that you acted weirder than your usual?" Cath started off.

"And why are you in hurry? Where did you go?" Hannah followed up. I should have see this coming.

Damn it! What should I tell them as an alibi?! Think of something Love, think!

"So?" Cath raised her eyebrow "Fine, if you can't tell us then we're leaving" she said then turned her back to me once again. "Lets go Hannah!" She pulled Hannah's hands but I immediately ran in front of them to stop them.

"Ah wait! Don't go!" I said as I blocked their way, "Fine, you guys win I'll tell you everyth-..." I was cut off by those girls that was squealing like maniacs with unknown reason.

We diverted our glances where those annoying girls staring at and we saw a very familiar car to me approaching us.

"No way?" I muttered then I tried to scratched my eyes hoping that I was wrong, but when the said car parked in front of us I confirmed it, it was him "Mark" I piped up.

"Mark? You mean that guy from Purple Tree?" Hannah clarified.

"Based on her expression, it's really him" Cath confirmed.

What the fuck is he doing here?!

When he went out from his car he immediately wore his annoying smile then another guy went out from his car, a friend?

"Hi girls!" He greeted us and I just narrowed my eyes in annoyance "Nice to see you again, Cath and Hannah, right?" He started off and they both nodded as response. "By the way, this is Bambam my friend." he introduced his mysterious buddy, "This is Love and her friends."

"Oh? So you're Love? Mark mentioned you to me a lot of times already," Bambam piped up "Nice to finally meet you." he added.

"Nice to meet you too, Bambam." I replied with an awkward smile, "I just hope that those things about me that he mentioned to you were not all bad things?" I said and gave Mark an evil glare.

"Of course not! Well, just little." he said then chuckled that made me raised an eyebrow, "Nah, just kidding." he said then winked at me.

Oh yeah, they're really friends. Another flirty guy.

"By the way Bambam, they're my friends, Hannah and Cathlyn" I introduced then Bambam shook each of their hands.

"Just call me Cath" Cathlyn said while a big toothy smile was plastered on her face.

"Sure thing, Cath" Bambam said while wearing a flirtatious smile and then kissed Cathlyn's hand.

Gross?! What the hell? Is he worser than Mark?! But Cathlyn seems like she's enjoying it as if she don't have boyfriend?!

"Yo!" Mark approached me that snapped me.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I whispered yell while trying to control my temper. Not working.

"What's with that? You're not cute at all, you know?" he teased and I just rolled my eyes on him. He then let out a chuckle, what's really wrong with this guy, huh? "Anyways, about your question, I'm here to pick you up, you still have class with me, remember?"

I gave him confused look, "But we didn't talked about having lesson today, did we?" I asked, "And also didn't I told you before that I don't want you to pick me here? Because I don't want your fangirls to see me with you or else my quiet life here will finally comes to its end." I muttered then heaved a sigh.

"Yeah, I know that but I was trying to text and call you since earlier but you didn't answer any of it so I decided to just come here and pick you up." He explained and I then checked my phone and he was right, I got a lot of missed calls and messages from him "See? I told you"

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now