Chapter 32

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Mark //

I woke up seeing that my two girls were out of the bed already, "What time is it?" I took my phone from the table to check the time and I flinched when I saw that it's already 6:30 in the morning, "Oh shit!" I swore and immediately got up from the bed because Aika's class starts at 7:30 and the drive up to her school takes forty five minutes from here.

When I came out from the room I saw Aika wearing her uniform already and Love on the kitchen preparing breakfast. "Oh! Good morning Mark!" Aika cheerfully greeted me and gave me a hug.

"Good morning Mark, breakfast is ready." Love who can somewhat walk normally now greeted me with a smile on her face, "Eat now and take shower after, you still need to drive Aika to school, right?" She instructed as she placed the rice on the table.

"Love Rivera, why so stubborn?!" I started off as I crossed my arms over my chest that caught both of their attentions, "You need to rest but what are you doing? Aist! Why you don't listen, huh?!" I barked while my eyebrows were furrowed.

"You know Mark, it's still too early for you to get mad." She retorted with a deep sigh, "And besides, I'm already ok. I can actually go to school now but for sure you won't allow me again..."

"Of course I won't." I cut her off still not dropping my angry face.

"Don't worry, I won't force you to let me go to school but!" She started off and she made sure to emphasized the word but, what is it this time? "Let me cook, read, watch tv, and walked around the house because if you'll force me to just stay on your room I'll surely end up losing my sanity." She snorted then sat beside Aika on the couch.

"Mark, don't act like a grumpy old man and just let Love do what she wants," Aika piped up, "Besides, she was right. Just staying in a room without doing anything can really drag you crazy." She followed up and winked at Love. Does she thought I didn't saw that? She's backing her up, two stubborn girls united what else can I do against them?

"Fine," I sighed deeply as I surrendered, "But Love, don't force yourself if something hurts or you feel something weird contact me immediately. If only I can skip class today I-..."

"Don't even think about it Mark Tuan." She cut me off, "I'm ok, I'm seriously fine now so, nothing to worry about. Concentrate with school and stop worrying, that's troublesome not only to you but also to me, you know?" She stated as she heaved a deep sigh.

"Yes boss~" I sang then patted her head, "But seriously, stop being reckless and contact me if there's a problem, got it?" I instructed and there is it again, her infamous sweet smile.

"Yes sir!" She saluted then we chuckled in unison.

Aika then faked a cough, "Can we eat now?" She cutely interfered, "Mark, you still have to take shower and then drive up to my school from here takes forty five minutes so, double time!" She said in commanding manners but she's too cute to act serious and be bossy.

"Yes my little boss!" I saluted and the three of us laughed. Having two cute bosses here isn't that bad actually, without them around this house and my morning will be as dull and boring as usual. And Aika seems to really like Love so much same goes to Love. Aika usually don't treat the girls nicely that she met here at my place when she's visiting but it's different from Love probably because she save her life?

But is it ok if I let these two get along? Isn't it will be troublesome especially when they both learned about the arranged marriage and the thing I planned to do? Will Aika also hate me? Ugh! Now, I'm thinking twice if I should let Aika be close with Love. Damn it Mark Tuan, what kind of mess you got into, huh?

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now