Chapter 23

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Love //

I was looking into my stuff for something to eat this morning because his refrigerator and cupboards were all empty, good thing I brought some stocks from my room.

"I think these will do?" I told myself as I took instant noodles and my favorite among my favorites, pudding! So, I'm not going to share my pudding to Mark or to anyone. I should put it on the fridge first though.

After ten minutes of cooking and preparing our breakfast I was about to go upstairs when Mark suddenly went down. He lazily walked towards the couch and there he flopped himself.

"Hey Mark, you should have just waited for me on your room?" I started off as I placed a cup of noodles, glass of orange juice, and his meds on the table in front of him, "Don't tell me you're going to class today? Just take a rest here, you really need that." I said worriedly then sat beside him, I was about to touch his forehead when he suddenly stopped me, he grabbed my hand that startled me.

"Sorry," he apologized then let go of my hand, "Don't worry about me, I'm already fine." He stated then let out a deep sigh. He really seems not ok for me and I don't know if it's just me but he's also acting strange? Is he usually like this when sick? Grumpy? Cold? "Just instant noodles?" He questioned as he lazily took the fork.

"Well yeah, because your kitchen is already empty. We really need to go to the grocery store." I stated then took my share on the noodles, "I think I'll just drop by later after school since I brought my car with me. Let me handle it for you in exchange in letting me stay here."

"You brought your car? Why so? I already have a car," he asked still in his grumpy cold mode, I'm really not used to talk to the serious cold Mark Tuan, it actually creeps me.

"Yeah, I brought it because I don't want any hassle on going on school waiting for taxi." I retorted while can't straightly look into his face.

"Who told you that I'll let you take taxi for school?" He stated as he raised an eyebrow, "Of course, I'll drop and pick you up while your here because you're my responsibility since you're living in my house."

"That's another reason why I brought my car, I don't want to trouble you the whole week that I'm here by dropping and picking me up every time." I explained, "I don't want to be a burden to you, Mark." I added, and it seems like he's not amused with my explanation.

"Really? Is that your real reason or you just don't want that guy to see me with you?" My eyebrow furrowed with his statement, who's guy and what the hell is he talking about? "That JB guy."

"What?" I raised and eyebrow, "What's with that? Where the hell that come from? And most of all what's wrong with you acting like this, huh? I don't know if you're usually grumpy and cold when you're sick but ugh! Never mind, just finish your food and take your meds, I'll just take shower." I don't want to argue with him today because first, he's sick, that's not good for his recovery, and second, I still have class and I can't be late. Whatever kind of bad spirit possessed his body I hope it's already gone after I took a shower.

Mark //

Before a long argument starts Love left already to take shower, and that's a very good idea because it gave me time to calm down. I don't know what's happening to me, I know I said I should control myself to be not so close to her but that didn't mean that I need to pick a fight with her, and go back to our cat and dog relationship, that's so naive, isn't it?

"Ugh Mark Tuan, what's really wrong with you?" I rested my head on the couch then placed my both hands in front of my face, "Why can't you be as cool as always when it comes to her? Why?"


Even Love told me to just stay home and take a rest I didn't listen to her and still insisted to go to school and surprisingly I won on our argument, probably she just don't want to argue with sick person, right? She let me come to class today but didn't let me to drive so, now we're using her car and she's driving me to my University.

"Geez Mark, you're like a kid when sick, so stubborn." She lectured then let out a deep sigh as she shook her head in disbelief, "Anyway, don't forget to take your meds this lunch and take it with meal, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, you already told me that hundred times, you know?" I snorted, if I'm stubborn she's so annoying, she's worrying and caring too much? Is that still because she's taking up nursing?

"What's with that attitude, huh?! I'm just worried for you Mark Tuan!" she protested, I didn't know that this girl is actually a drama queen, isn't she?

"Yeah, whatever mom!" I said as I emphasized the word mom, that's the perfect description for her. I thought she'll be offended when I call her mom but she was not.

"Speaking of mom, did you know that you also called me mom last night?" I called her mom last night? Seriously? "You said, please don't leave me mom." My eyes widened as I heard what she said.

"I-I said that?" I muttered, "Is that all I said?" I asked and she nodded on me as response, "I see, are you not going to ask something? I mean things about what I said last night?" It's not that I want her to ask me it's just that normally people will be curious about the meaning behind that, right?

"I want to but can I?" She parked the car outside our University gate then looked at me with warm smile on her face that made my heart beat faster, damn it! "You know, if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine I want force you. There are really things that you can't manage to tell others easily even they're your friends." She stated, I can't help myself but to be amaze on how mature and cool she is. "So, we're here! You can go now, I also need to go I can't be late on my first class." I don't know what to response so, I just nodded and opened the door already but before I close it I looked at her and our eyes met, "Yes?"

"Uhm...well, you'll pick me up later, right?" I asked.

"If you just want to?" She replied still wearing her warm smile.

"Then let's just go for grocery story together later," I told her and she cheerfully nodded in response, "Ok then, see you later and drive safely."

"I will! Take care and see you later." I stayed on the same position until I can't see her car already, can I really control and help myself not falling for her?

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now