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I'm working on 3 fanfics rn:
RedFinch SAK (stims and kisses) the final
And Ikeshot

So here is a mini chapter!

Headcannons for my 2 otps


Albert loves being seen as dominant, but hates being dominant in the first place. When people are around, he hugs Finch by the back and kisses his neck, and Finch would wait for them to not have eyes on them to spoon Albie and start kissing him.

Finch can and will pick up Albie with one arm, even put him over his shoulder. Albert tries to struggle, but it's pointless.

In Stims and Kisses, Albert would cuddle up with Finch after they sleep in separate beds after a fight. Albie would wake up, not remembering and be like, 'why is he there? I need a snuggle.'


Jojo is basically the most innocent person ever. Since hes new to relationships, when it comes to small gestures that he thinks is sweet and romantic, his face would light up and politely ask if Mike could do it again, and Mike would put it on his list of things to do to make his baby happy.

Mike loves to make Jojo laugh. It's honestly the cutest thing. But he also loves it when Jojo doesnt get a pretty immature joke, and thinks it's actually innocent, and Mike just cant believe hes met somebody so pure.

After a fight, Jojo would still ask for a cuddle that night. If Mike says no he adds a 'please' sometimes Mike would melt and agree, if he doesnt, Jojo barely sleeps and gets touch starved.

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