Javid // The Letter

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Jack sat outside the lodging house, watching newsies walk in and out of it. He looked out into the streets, it was a warm summer day, and the some of the newsies decides to take the day off because it was too hot to sell and too nice weather to not enjoy. Jack was just watching them. That's when Specs walks up to him, "Jack- I got a letter for you and it doesn't seem too good-"
Jack frowned and grabbed the letter from him, "Why? What's bad about it?"
"It's from Davey, I'm just thinking why he's sending you a letter instead of talking to you, I just through-"
"Nah, Specs, it's fine, probably him just wanting to be romantic is all."
Jack smiled. Specs just nodded and headed inside the lodging house.
As soon as he did, Jack took the letter and walked to the closest trash can.
"And what are you doing?" Race asked, standing beside him, "throwing away your sweetheart's letter, Jack?"
Jack sighed, "Specs is right, if he did write a letter instead of speaking to me, that can't be good news."
"Then open it and see." Racetrack said, like it was obvious.
"I'm too scared to, if I don't read it, it ain't good news or bad news."
A group of the boys, Albert, Tommy boy, Henry, Romeo and Jojo were listening in and gathered around,
"Well, we're curious." Henry started,
"Yeh, can we open it?" Romeo asked.
"No." Jack said sternly.
"If you let us, we can tell you if it's good news and bad news without telling you what's inside!" Race said, and Jack thought it was pretty smart,
"Fine, but yall better not lie to me."
Jack handed over the paper to Tommy boy cause he was the closest.
Tommy opened it slowly, Jack almost cringing at how painfully intense the moment was.
Tommy took out the letter from the envelope, and starred at the paper, squinting alittle. After a couple seconds of saying nothing, Albert realised, "Tommy, can you even read?"
Tommy boy went red, "Of course I can."
"Then what does it say?" Albert asked, loosing his patients.
"Uh...well- um..." He mumbled shyly,
"You need some help?" Jojo kindly offered.
Tommy boy shook his head and Jack sighed, "Fellas, please, I'm on the edge of my seat here."
Albert snatched the letter from Tommy and read it with Race and Romeo reading over his shoulder.
"Oh-" Albert said, Jack was nervous, fidgeting, but Albie, Race and Romeos faces were hard to read.
Albert handed it to Jojo, to further analyse. Jojo held it between him and Henry so they can both read, "Huh..." Jojo looked confused.
"Well?" Jack asked nervously,
"Don't... don't worry about it-" Jojo said,
"Is it good news?!"
"Well- no-" Race added, "It's hard to explain."
"But it's nothing to worry about." Jojo reassured.
"Yall are hopeless." Jack sighed and left.

He went inside the lodging house and saw Finch was still in bed, asleep, "Are you kidding?" He took off his hat and smacked the younger boy in the head, "Finch, it's noon, get up."
"We ain't selling today." Finch mumbled trying to go back to sleep,
"Still, you can't sleep in all day." Jack took his friends arm and stood him up, "Come on, get yourself ready you mess."
Finch sighed and got his shirt on, while he was getting his buttons fastened, Jack asked him, "Finch, you're not an idiot like all the other newsies, can I ask you something?"
"Yeh, go ahead." Finch put on his hat,
"If someone loves dearly and you send them a letter when you could speak to them directly, would you do that if it was good or bad news?"
"Huh," Finch thought for a bit, "I supposed if I could speak to them, it would have to be bad news, so I don't have to do so directly."
"Right..." Jack pressed his lips together.
"Why?" Finch asked, tying his laces, "Is Albert gonna send me a letter?"
"No, I'm talking about me and Davey, he sent me one and I'm too scared to know what's inside."
"Huh, ok then, maybe he's dead, who knows."
"You're not helping."
"Well you woke me up-" Finch yawned, and left to go find Albert.

Jack was at a lost for words.
"Ignore him, Davey isn't dead." Crutchie said, having listened to the whole thing.
"Yeh I know that- I think..."
"Where is the letter, by the way?"
"I think Jojo has it. I asked them if it was good or bad news but they weren't much help."
"Just read it, it could make you feel better-"
"Or make me feel worse."
"Jack, I'm sure it's nothing bad, come on, let's go find Jojo and read it." Crutchie got up and Jack followed him outside. There, they found Jojo, speaking to Tommy and Henry. "Jojo, wheres the letter?" Jack asked.
Jojo looked confused, "I don't have it?"
Jacks face dropped, "What do you mean you don't have it? You were the last person to read it?"
"I gave it to Race."
"Where is Racetrack?" Crutchie asked,
"I don't know." Jojo shrugged.
Crutchie sighed, "Sorry to tell you Jack, but that letter is gone."
"Oh, you want us to tell you what was inside?" Henry offered
"No!" Jack instantly said, he really didn't want to know. He's actually glad Jojo didn't have the letter.
"Well, isn't Davey coming over tonight? I'm sure he'll tell you then." Crutchie said.
That's when Jack remembered, Davey was coming over tonight, if Davey finds out he didn't read the letter- Jack ran away to find Race.

He looked everywhere outside and inside the lodging house. He asked Albert and Finch, interrupting their make out session in an allyway, but Race was nowhere to be found. He was about to give up, he really needed to find that letter, he was too scared to find out second hand what it said.
He decided it was worth a shot to keep looking, until he decided to go check at Sheepshead, and lo and behold, there was Racetrack counting money that he won.
"Race! I've been looking for you all over Manhatten, the fuck are you doing in Brooklyn??"
"There was a race," Race smiled, "won alot off it too."
"Wheres the letter?"
"What letter?"
"The letter Race! The letter from Davey!"
"Oh that letter- uh- you want it? I thought you didn't want to know what was inside?"
"Race- wheres my letter-"
"Look, I kinda lost it at the races- I checked my pocket and it was gone-"
Jacks eyes twitched in frustration, but Race said, "Don't worry! I'll tell you what was inside-"
Jack put his hands over his ears, "Stop- I don't want to know second hand- then I'll feel too guilty-"
"Then...what are you gonna do?"
Jack sighed and shrugged, not knowing what he was going to do.

That evening, he lay in his top bunk, panicking every second that goes by, until he finally saw Davey and Les walk through the door. Davey sees him and waves. Jack can't help but smile back at the adorable nerd as he approaches him. Davey climbs onto his bed, "Hiya, Jack-"
In a panic, Jack instantly starts kissing him, stopping Davey from saying another word. Davey was shocked but just excepts it. When they pull away, Davey tries to get another word it, "It's good to see you-" But Jack just kisses him again. They stay like this for a while until Davey pulls away, and pushes Jacks face away when he tries to kiss him again, "Ok-ok- what's up with you?"
"Nothing, Can't I just be happy to see my boyfriend?" Jack goes in for another kiss but Davey pushes him away again.
"You sure, you seem nervous?"
"Yeh I'm sure."
"You're sweating, Jack-"
"It's summer, what did you expect?"
"I expected a "hello" or "How are you?"
Jack looked down, "How are you, Davey?"
"I'm good," Davey smiled, "Now how are you, and be honest, cause I can tell if your lying."
"I'm fine."
"Your lying." Davey laughed alittle, before sitting beside Jack and holding him close, "Tell me what's wrong, babe."
"...I lost it..." Jack mumbled.
"Lost what?" Davey kissed his temple,
"The letter, I gave it to Race and he lost it, I never got to read it..."
"Aw Jack-" Davey held him closer because it clear Jack was upset, but he was confused, "What letter, honey?"
Jack sat up, "The letter- the one you sent me, Specs gave me it this morning?"
"Jack, I never sent you no letter."
Davey swore. Now Jack was really confused until he heard Les say, "Oh that was from me."
Davey and Jack looked at eachother before looking down at the boy below.
"What?" Jack asked.
"Yeh, I've got this project for school, talk about someone that inspires you, I needed you to answer the questions in the letter. Thanks alot for losing it by the way, took me ages to write it all down."
"Yeh," Henry said from his bed, "That's probably it, we couldn't really read more of it so we assumed it was Les."
"And you didn't think to tell me?" Jack frowned, Davey laughing his head off.
"You wouldn't let us!" Race called from his bed.
Jack sighed and flopped down on his bed, Davey laughing beside him. Jack was angry but after a while he laughed too, holding his boyfriend close and kissing his jaw multiple times as Davey tried to push him away, "Looks like I'm not gonna write you any letters any time soon." Davey smiled.

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