Tombarn // My Little Clown

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Tommy boy knew his boyfriend was his complete opposite. While Barney was an outgoing, extrovert who loved to entertain people. Tommy was a socially anxious introvert who'd rather keep to his own. It was no surprise that Tommy fell first and harder for Barney, even though at the time Barney had no clue who he was. But as soon as Tommy found the confidence to introduce himself, his shyness and charm melted Barney's heart, and he fell almost instantly, and Tommy fell in love with his energy and smile.

One day, Barney bursts into the lodging house super excited, "Tommy! Tommy!- Angel, guess what!" Tommy was making putting his stuff away when he was interupted by his boyfriend jumping into his arms. He chuckled and shushed his loud boyfriend, "What is it, baby?" He asked softly, holding Barney's hips as he had his legs crossed around Tommy's waist.
"The Barnum and Bailey circus is coming here to Manhatten-"
Tommy knew Barney's parents are part of that circus, "Wow, that's so-"
"That's not all," Barney giggled, "I got a letter from my mom and dad, the circus is arriving in 2 days so tommorow there will a stage set in in the park for someone to announce it and they want am opening act and guess who they asked to do an acrobatic and juggling routine on that very exact stage tommorow."
Tommy paused for a second, "You?"
"Meee!" Barney sang excitedly. Tommy laughed and sat on his bed, still holding Barney.
Barney smiled softly, he traced a finger from the helix of his boyfriends ear to his jaw, "I'm so excited."
"You'll come see me, right?"
"I wouldn't miss it for anything, I know you'll do great."
Barney blushed a deep red and buried his head in his boyfriends neck, nuzzling him, "You're so cute..." He mumbled, in an attempt to make Tommy blush, which is super easy, and Tommy fell instantly against the bed, and tried to cover his face, "Stop..." He whispered, scared other newsies would see him, but Barney wasn't scared of showing affection, unlike Tommy's shy ass, he wasn't worried about anyone staring, but he knew Tommy was so he stopped, he lay beside him and combed his fingers through Tommy's hair, until Tommy had calmed down and could show his face again. They hadn't said it yet, by god was Barney in love.

The next day rolls around and Barney is warming up in the wings of the stage as Barnum and Bailey circus was being announced by some guy on the outdoor stage and Barney was practicing his juggling. His heart was racing from excitement. All the newsies came to see him perform, they always loved watching him put on little acts in the lodging house for the younger newsies. The feeling he gets when he knows he's gonna make loads of people smile is incredible, hes looks so small on the outside, with his rags for clothes and not alot of money but for a while he knows he's gonna feel so big on stage.
That's when he heard the announcer say, "I hope we can all see you at the ticket line this week! But for today, we have a treat just for yous, the son of two beloved performers happens to live here in Manhattan and the youngster is kind enough to give you the preview of the talent you folks will see." The man gestured for Barney to come on stage, Barney takes a deep breath and hops on stage, smiling instantly when he heard the audience (especially the other newsies) cheering him on. "Why don't you introduce yourself, son?"
"Well," Barney looked at the audience, "my name is...uh... actually my name doesn't matter-" that made the audience giggle, "-most people call me Barney Peanuts, sorry if you're allergic, so feel free to call me that, or anything you fancy. I am 16 years old and circus is my entire life, I strongly encourage you all see the show. I'll be doing some juggling for you today, how does that sound?" The audience cheers. Tommy stays quiet but he is admiring his boyfriend from a far, at the back with the other newsies, his heart flutters everytime he speaks, he not only is proud of him, he's alittle envious, wishing he could do all that without practically fainting. Barney finishes his introduction, the man leaves the stage and Barney starts.
He takes his a single ball and starts throwing it from hand to hand, then, one by one, he uses his boot to kick another ball to add onto his juggling every single time he does that, the audience cheers louder as Barney cracks jokes and occasionally spins and does an extra trick, he went up to five, and all the newsies are hyping him up. He continues different acts, all around the stage, making people smile, laugh, impressing them.
Occasionally, he made eye contact with Tommy, he even winked at him at some point leaving Tommy a blushing mess.
Barney then stopped "Before I continue, I want to remind you youngins to not try this at home. If you do, parents, I am not responsible for any injuries." Kids and parents laugh, as Barney takes a deep breath and picks up 3 empty beer bottles and juggles them, the audience is super excited and Barney can't stop smiling to himself, thinking about how much joy he's bringing them. Barney then takes all three bottles in one hand, and he throws one into the air, does a backwards walk over, and catches it with one hand. And the crowed held their breath and cheered, he then does it again, until he reached a chair behind him. Barney practiced this trick lots of times, he throws the bottle, backflips onto the chair, and catches it standing on one leg. It's one of his most dangerous tricks but he's done if enough times to know he can nail it. He throws the bottle into the air, he takes a deep breath and prepares to back flip onto the chair but, one of the wooden tiles on the floor must have been crooked because he didn't prepare his jump properly causing him to land unbalanced on the chair. He falls back, taking the chair with him, and lands harshly on his leg. Everyone gasps, and Tommy watched in fear, not knowing if he was OK as Barney didn't get up right away because he was extremely hurt, he was about to try and get up and get off stave that's when the bottle fell back down and smashed directly onto his knee. Instantly Jack, Finch and Tommy ran to the stage.

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