Myron stuff cause i love him

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Me: Myron is my favourite Brooklyn newsie I love him so much!

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Me: Myron is my favourite Brooklyn newsie I love him so much!

Sonyia: Who?

Me: :0

SO APPARENTLY people don't know who Myron is! Yall made me look like idiots making posts about him thinking everyone knew.

He's the one with the angry face and blue bandana.

And he's also the only historically/cannonically gay newsie (atleast I think it counts) because of his bandana. Historically, blue bandanas were made for gay men to recognise eachother, the placement represented if the wearer was a top or a bottom. Our little Myron is a bottom (dw, I hc he's 18). And I ship him with Morris (I hc he is 19).

Myron is a huge flirt, but also pouty and stubborn. He has multiple ex boyfriends, like 6 or 7, all short term, because Myron always feels like his boyfriends get bored of him so he breaks their heart before they can break his. But Morris is very different, he seems to sincerely love Myron, not just having a boyfriend but Myron in general. Myron isn't sure why, he goes out of his way to be annoying, even when he's being flirty with other people Morris doesn't seem to bat an eye. Myron was told his entire life by he's brothers his personality is incredibly unlikeable, and ugliness projects on the outside, his brothers are all very classy looking, neat as well, but since he lives on the street, Myron doesn't have the luxury of always looking clean. But one day, when Oscar and Weisel were out, Morris let Myron take a shower, now a quick freezing cold shower like at the lodging house but a soft, comforting warm shower with soap and clean clothes afterwards Morris let him borrow. When he was dry and his hair was back to its natural curly state, instead of being hidden by a hat, a mangled mess, Morris sat him infront of a mirror and made Myron look at himself and was like, "Your really telling me these cute freckles and this amazing curly hair were just hiding this entire time? Do you even realise how gorgeous you are?"
And for the first time ever, Myron started crying, he has never felt so good about himself. And as Morris side hugged him to comfort him, he knew it wouldn't last, he'd have to give the clothes back and the cold showers won't be enough to maintain his soft hair, but for the first time he felt like an actual normal couple, like those you see locking arms walking down the street. It felt so good to feel good about himself, to feel his boyfriends arms around him and be kisses, not worrying that Morris isn't sincere when he says he loves him.

(Alittle nsfw)

But even when Myron is in his natural state with messy hair and dust on his face, Morris thinks he's fucking beautiful. His beautiful green eyes and those muscles get him weak. Morris just staring at his lover, stradling his hips as Myron lay shirtless, clearly extremely shy, Morris can't help but make sure every inch of his body isn't left untouched.

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