Blush // Showing Love Part 2

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(This is again really really short- I think it's the shortest one I've ever written, please suggest anything you want a longer fic)

It was morning and Mush woke up first as usual. He woke up alittle differently, because Blink was in his arms, and he looked so comfortable, he had his hand on Mush's chest and was smiling alittle in his sleep. Mush tried to wake him up slowly, "Hey- Blink- Blink- wake up- it's morning..."
"No..." Blink mumbled, snuggling closer to Mush.
"Yeah, I know mornings are hard."
"Let's just stay like this alittle longer." Blink looked up and smiled and kissed his jaw.
"We can't, we have to get ready for the day."
"Then you go, I'll stay." Blink sighed, alittle frustrated.
"Ok." Mush smiled and got up. Blink wasn't expecting him to actually get out of bed, "Wait- where are you going?"
Mush looked at him confused, "I need to get ready to sell."
"You don't want to stay with me?" Blink asked, alittle upset.
"You can stay with me if you get up and we sell together." Mush shrugged, oblivious.
Blink frowned, and stayed in bed, "I'm not going anywhere."
"You still need to get up at some point, Blink."
Blink didn't say anything and just turned so he wasn't facing him anymore. So Mush left to get ready, when he came back, he had a glass of water. Blink still refused to look at him.
"You're still not out of bed?" Mush asked,
"I told you, im not getting up."
"Ok." Mush then threw water on Blinks head. Blink gasped and sat up, drenched in water. He looked at Mush who just stared at him blackly. Instantly, Blink felt his eyes fill up with tears and he went red, he got out of bed and choked as he told Mush, "You're such an asshole." Before leaving. Alot of people saw what happened and felt bad for Blink.
Henry, being the older brother figure that he is, decided to try and help sort out the situation, he asked Mush, "What is your problem?"
"Why did you throw water on him?"
"He wouldn't wake up."
"Mush, he clearly wanted you to stay in bed and cuddle up with him."
"I- oh-"
"Yeh, now he's upset and embarrassed because you decided to be a jerk."
Mush frowned, "I wasn't being a jerk."
"You made your boyfriend cry, dude."
"I didn't mean too, why didn't he just ask?"
"Probably because he was expecting you to want the same thing, now I say, take the day off from selling, apologise, and take him out on a date or something to make him feel special. Right now, he must feel humiliated so don't make him feel like this was his fault."
"Ok- how do I make him feel special?"
Henry shrugged, "You know him more then me." And left. Mush sighed and left to try and find Blink.

He eventually found him, in the bathrooms, near a sink trying to dry himself off with a towel as he sniffled and shivered from the freezing water. Mush felt so bad, "Hey."
Blink looked at him, "Go away." He sighed, Mush was the last person he wanted to see.
"I just want to apologise. I'm sorry for everything. I know you just wanted me to stay."
Blink cried alittle more, "I should have just asked, I shouldn't have called you an asshole, it was all my fault..." Mush instantly hugging, not minding the water, "No it wasn't. Please, don't think that."
"Yesterday, I never felt so loved and cared for...I just wanted that for a little longer."
"You should always feel loved and cared for, that was supposed to be my job and I keep fucking it up. I do love you and I do care about you, I promise."
"But you don't like showing it..." Blink mumbled, pulling away from their embrace to put his towel over his shoulders.
"I-...its not that I don't like it, it's that I'm really bad at it, I still haven't found something else to call you other than Blink or dude."
"Why not just call me something basic, like, baby or sweetie."
Mush frowned, "Wouldn't you rather I call you something unique?"
"Mush, if you start calling me 'moonbeam' or 'flamingo' I will actually barf."
Mush laughed, "What about 'barf bag'?"
Blink laughed alittle too, "Even that would be more exceptable than what I hear couples call eachother on the street."
Mush smirked and got closer to Blink, kissing him everywhere as he named off cringy couple pet names, "'Sugerplum'... 'baby cakes'...'Boo'...'Snuggle bug'."
Blink tried to push him off as he couldn't stop laughing, "Ew stop!"
Mush laughed and stopped before kissing his lips one last time, "I guess baby works fine then."
Blink looked up at him and smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too, baby."

After Blink dries up and gets dressed, they leave. Mush takes him to the park so they can just sit-down on the grass and talk and enjoy eachothers company. "I don't think I've ever been so in love." Mush smiled, interrupting Blink as he rambled on alittle. Mush couldn't help it, he was just awe. Blink blushed alittle and kissed him, "I don't think I have either." He held Mush's face in his hand.
"You're my everything." Mush took Blinks hand and kissed it softly.
"Aw-" Blink hugged him, he felt so special in that moment. He felt like he was the most amazing thing in the world for Mush to have loved him that much. Living on the streets he doesn't always feel to important, that's why he's always dreamed of dating someone. But at the time Blink had feelings for Mush, Mush was dating someone else, and they were together for a while so Blink just had to move on. But now, he's living his own dream, eventhough they hit abit of a rough patch, they are both doing their best to make this work.

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