Henry // Torn part 3

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(Final part)

Hours later, Henry lay on Snipers bed, his fingers lazily running through the other boys hair as Sniper kissed his neck. Henry looked out the window and saw some newsies have arrived back,
"Looks like they are done for the day, you want me to stay?"
Sniper looked at him, "I'm OK, you can go back to your bed if you want." He smiled.
Henry wanted to insist but he knew it would be better if he kept what just happened a secret, but Sniper didn't mind. They kiss softly before Henry climbs down and heads to his bed laying down.
When Jojo and Tommy walked in, Jojo saw his best friend on his bed, and assumed he stayed in bed all day, knowing how depressed he was feeling. Him and Tommy walk to Henry's bed.
"Hey, Henry, how are you feeling?" Jojo asked, sitting on his bed, Tommy following.
Henry sat up, "Fine, I guess." He sighed.
Jojo looked at him sympathetically, "You had a nice day?-" Jojo then looked at Henry's neck and noticed something.
Henry didn't realise Jojo was noticing something and said, "Yeah I did-"
He was interupted by Jojo gasping when he realised what it was. Henry and Tommy were scared as Jojo pull Henry closer onto the bed as he whispered- yelled excitedly, "You've got a hickey."
Henry went red as he instinctively covered his neck with his hand. Jojo grinned at him and pulled his hand away, "What on earth have you been up to?"
Tommy joined them and asked, unsurely, "Um...what's a hickey?"
Jojo held blushing Henry's jaw up to show Tommy and explained, "It's when someone kisses your neck and get alittle... carried away-" he giggled.
Henry sighed, "It can also be called a love bite." He explained making it clear.
Tommy, curious, left them and headed to find Barney. Meanwhile, Jojo was ecstatic, teasing Henry when he realised, "Only one person was in the lodging house with you." He snickered.
"Oh my god-" Henry was so flustered and embarrassed he fell onto the bed.
Jojo laughter died down as he lay beside his friend, "So...was it Sniper who gave you that 'love bite'?"
Henry nodded, "I just felt him kissing my neck, not giving me hickeys..." He mumbled.
Eventhough Jojo has been poking fun, he didn't want Henry to feel ashamed, "Sometimes it happens, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." He said, comfortingly.
Henry decided to come clean, "We aren't together or anything, but he knew about my break up, and it started off with a kiss but it escalated..."
"Why was there a kiss in the first place?" Jojo asked teasingly, as well as curious.
"I'm not sure, he ran away from home and I was comforting him and it just happened. It wasn't appropriate, I know, but I regretted it while he told me that it's 'hard to fall in love after a break up but it's easy to have fun when single'."
Jojo grinned, "So you had fun."
Henry nodded, thinking he told Jojo everything so there was no more questions. But there was one last one: "Do you like him?"
Henry went red and tried to avoid answering, "Of course, he's a great friend-"
"No... Henry, you know that's not what I meant." Jojo said sternly.
Henry sighed and came clean, "I think so. You're right, we have alot in common and in general... yes I like him, alot."
"Aw, that's so cute." That was the end of Jojos question as he hugged Henry tightly. And Henry mumbled, "How much can you bet we find Barney Peanuts with like 50 hickeys tomorrow?"
Jojo burst out laughing, "Probably-"
They both laughed uncontrollably knowing they set something off in Tommy's mind.

(I'm halfway through writing this when I remembered Barney was  gone but I'm too lazy to edit it so deal with it you sluts)

Later that evening, Henry saw Sniper go outside, knowing they needed to talk, he followed him, hoping for some privacy. Outside, Sniper was just writing in his journal, and went out for some fresh air. He sat in the corner of an allyway and Henry joined him, sitting beside as he said, "Well, Jojo knows."
Sniper looked up at him, "Oh, hi-"
He smiled but Henry interupted him.
"-what is that about?" He showed Sniper the hickey. Sniper put his journal down and took a closer look, "Oh crap- I did that?"
"Yes, you did that." Henry chuckled.
"I'm so sorry- it slipped my mind-" Sniper felt embarrassed but Henry just smiled at him, "It's ok, don't worry about it. I was hoping we could get even and I could give one back."
Sniper blushed a deep red before nodding, "Sure..."
Henry smiled and pulled him close and started kissing his neck. After a while, Sniper asked, "So, are you sleeping in my bed tonight?"
"Uh- not tonight." He placed one last kiss on his neck before starting a first kiss on his lips.
Sniper smiled against Henry's lips and they started making out again.
A couple minutes later they got up to head back inside. Sniper took Henry's hand and asked, "Could I sleep in your bed?"
Henry looked at him, confused, "Why are you asking me this?" He thought he made things clear with him that he wasn't ready for a relationship. But as he looked at Sniper, he saw alittle glimps of heartbreak in his eyes, even though he was very good at hiding it, it was clear to Henry Sniper just wanted to be with him. Henry decided to let things go, "Yeah, of course you can."
Snipers face lit up alittle as they headed back inside.

The next day, it was noon and Henry was doing his job at Jacobis. Race and Albert were already there but they weren't weren't much commotion so Henry left them alone. Jojo and Tommy then walked in, "Henry, guess who we saw near the lodging house?" Jojo said, sounding alittle annoyed.
"My dad?" Henry answered jokingly, placing two cups of water for both Tommy and Jojo.
"No, he's still dead," Jojo mumbled sitting down, "Cybill Harlow."
Henry's heart stopped, he put the broom down and sat down at Jojo and Tommy's table with them, "Really?" He asked, curious.
Tommy nodded, "We saw her talk to Romeo, we think she was asking where you were but Romeo was more interested in asking her where she's going."
Henry sighed, "Oh no..."
"You wanted her to find you?" Jojo asked.
"She knows I work at Jacobis at noon so I don't think she was asking where I was." Henry whispered, sadly.
"Look, its fine, you were just getting over her, don't focus on Cybill, she isn't worth it." Jojo put his hand on his shoulder.
That's when Albert walked by, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?"
"Henry's ex..." Tommy answered, taking a sip of water.
Albert nodded while thinking alot, he didn't know Henry and Cybill broke up so he thought he was talking his other ex, "Oh, Race?"
Jojos jaw dropped as Tommy spluttered, almost choking on his water.
Henry sighed, "God damn it, Albert."
Now that was an unexpected turn, Tommy confirmed, "You- and Racetrack Higgins?!"
Jojo was equally shocked, "So that was your secret boyfriend at 14??"
Tommy repeated himself, "Racetrack Higgins?!"
Henry groaned and flopped his head onto the table as Jojo called Race over.
"Hey, what's up-" Race was interupted by Tommy and Jojos questions,
"You and Henry dated?!" Jojo asked.
Race nodded, "Yeah, he was my first boyfriend at 14." Race smiled.
Jojo grinned at Henry, "How did that happen?"
Race shrugged and sat down, "Opposites attract I guess."
Everyone was so occupied on finding out more from Race and teasing Henry for keeping it a secret, no-one realised that Henry was actually getting really upset.
He sat up, pissed off, he mumbled, "Fuck-" without looking at everyone and leaving, quickly taking his apron of and throwing it to Dex. Everyone went quiet, realising they went alittle too far on that one. Jojo tearing up because it was never meant to make his best friend uncomfortable. Race side hugged him to comfort him, but him as well feeling extremely guilty because he knew Henry wanted to keep that part of his life a secret.

Outside, Henry was about to walk home when he bumped into Sniper, who was working. "Hey- man, what's wrong?" Sniper stopped him, because Henry was clearly extremely angry.
"Why is it so hard for my private life to stay private- everyone always wants to know my buisness..." He mumbled, sitting down on the street.
Sniper followed him, "Why do you want to keep all your relationships a secret?"
Henry sighed and shrugged, "It's just... less stressful..."
Sniper nodded understandingly, "But isn't it alittle hard to always hide?"
Henry looked at him, "But if I introduce everyone to a relationship that didn't work out- it means... I'm hopeless..."
"What do you mean?"
Henry teared up as he admitted, "I think I have relationship anxiety... I'm insecure and I'm always worrying about the end... that's why I like to keep things a secret, incase it doesn't work out so I don't seem so pathetic that I let myself fall inlove."
Sniper hugged him tightly, "No. I understand that completely. But... its also important to live in the moments with relationships, yknow?"
"I know." Henry mumbled.
Sniper looked at him, "Are you ready to get together with someone, if it means opening yourself up?"
Henry nodded, "I think I'm already falling for someone... but how do I know they won't break my heart?"
Sniper took a deep breath silently took his hand, his heart racing as he whispered, "I promise I won't..." Sniper knew Henry liked him and truthfully he liked him back, "I've never felt this way about anyone and I promise if you give me a chance-"
Sniper was interupted by a kiss, as Henry held his face softly, when they pull away, they look at eachother, Henry still alittle afraid to start a new, but knowing he can trust his boyfriend, Sniper.

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