Jomike // Missing?

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Everybody was at the beach, it was summer break and they thought it would be a nice outing. Jojo, Race and Albert went to the rocks to find some see creatures. Mike stayed with Finch while Ike was with Hotshot and Spot.

When Jojo came back, he sat on the sand infront of Mike, showing him all the shells he found. Albert was getting chased by Race so Finch and Spot went to go stop them before somebody gets hurt. "I'm sad I couldnt find a hermit crab." Jojo pouted, Mike chuckled and thumbed his cheek. "Stop being gay." Ike barged in and sat down with them. "Why are you here?" Mike sighed. Ike looked at Hotshot "Because somebody wont give their boyfriend a kiss!" He said out loud. Hotshot rolled his eyes and walked away. Jojo looked at him "Maybe theres a reason, probably cause we're in public, some just dont like that."
Ike rolled his eyes "I'm not taking advice but a homophobe."
"-Isaac." Mike said sternly. Jojo looked down "I'm sorry."

Ike sighed, "Doesnt it occur to you that homophobes dont change?" He looked at his brother. "Jojo is not homophobic, and hes right there so shut up." Mike took Jojos hand.
Jojo felt really hurt but he held Mike's hands and kept his head down.
"He doesnt think my boyfriend is ok with kissing me in public but he probably thinks it's ok for a straight couple to-"
Jojo tried to defend himself "-nono, it goes either wa-"
But Ike had non of it, "-shut up."
"Do not tell him to shut up!" Mike yelled, causing everybody to look at them. Jojo looked at Mike, he has never seen him so angry. "Its ok." Jojo said, warmly. But Mike was red and upset "No it's not!" Ike actually started laughing. And if looked could kill. Jojo hugged him to calm him down. Mike hugged back but only for a few seconds before standing up and storming off. Jojo stood up and was about to follow him when Race and Albert joined him, "No, I think its best to leave him, ok?" Race put a hand on his shoulders. "I've never seen him like this, hes so angry..."
"I know, come on. Let's go back to the rocks, maybe you can find a hermit crab to show him when he gets back."
Jojo looked at him and nodded, still quite shaken.

Albert stayed behind, he turned to Ike "You are an asshole." Ike stood up. "Says the complete idiot no-one likes." Albert shoved him, he was going to do more but Finch was near by and him and Ike were friends. "You think what you want about me, but theres no way I'll let you hurt Jojo, next time, I will smack you're face into the back of you head."
Ike chuckled, he was just in a bad mood because he had a fight with Hotshot before leaving, "Hit me now then." Albert was about to go off but Jack broke it up and ordered Albert to go with Race and Jojo and Ike to go home.

Jojo tried to keep his mind off Mike, but it was hard, he was so worried. Race hugged him from behind, "Did you find anything?"
Jojo looked at his bucket, "Just a starfish..."
"Hey, I can tell your worrying, Mike's ok." Race comforted, but Jojo shook his head, "You dont know that."
"I've had the same problem with Spot before. He got so frustrated with some work he left after kicking the table. You did nothing wrong."
"But hes never angry...i must have said something wrong..."
"You didnt. I dont know why Ike was being such an ass, but you did nothing to upset Mike, ok?"
"But I want to comfort him."
"I know, but the best you can do is give him some space."
Jojo nodded, not quite understanding.

Albert joined them, "Isaac's a dick."
"Yeh, we know, but Spot told me him and Hotshot had a fight so that may explain." Race said, still calmly.
Albert checked on Jojo, "How you feeling?" He sat down besides him. Jojo leaned in for a hug. Albert hugged him back. "You'll be ok." They go back to trying to find a hermit crab. But Jojo was really worried, after 10 minutes, he went up to Race, "Can we go back? Please?" Race nodded and when to get Albert, when Jojo looked down and found a hermit crab, he smiled a little and put it in his bucket gently. He was really excited to show Mike, they could name it and they can let it free back together. He rushed to show Race and Albert and they started walking back to the others.

When they came back, Jojo couldn't see Mike so he asked Jack, "I dont know. He hasn't come back yet?" Jojo pressed his lips and looked around. "You know what, you go check in you room, Specs and Romeo, you guys can check down town, Blink and Mush go check the fair, and Race and Albert can check the park, the rest, check all over the beach, we arent coming home until we find him." Jojo started panicking, he went to the dorms and called Mike, but no answer so he started walking quickly.

He went to his room, "Baby? Babe are you here?" Nothing, he looked everywhere, but no signs of Mike, he went to the balcony and looked down at the beach, he was nowhere. So he ran to Ikes room and knocked quickly. Ike opened "What?" Jojo was fiddling with his fingers "Is Mike with you?"
"No why?"
" missing..."
Ike went wide eyed "What?!" He rushed out and Jojo followed him.

Ike went straight to Mike and Jojo's room and knocked. Jojo timidly said "He isn't in here...I've checked..." Ike frustratingly pushed him out of the way as he headed for the exit, "This is all your fault Jojo." He said before leaving. Jojo knew that Ike was just worried but, deep down, it really felt like it was his fault. He took out his phone Mike hadn't responded to his messages. He took 3 deep breaths and left again, he thought of all the places Mike could be. School still has the library open for another half an hour so he decided to check there.

When he arrived, Jojo looked everywhere. But his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. Now he was panicking even more, and frantically called Jack, exiting the library. "Hello?" Jack answered, "Have you found him?" Jojo asked, heart racing. "No, buddy, sorry."
"Aw-" Jojo leaned against a wall and slid down hopelessly, "Where could he be?..." He sniffled. Jack sighed, "Look, we've tried everywhere. Down town, across the beach, dorms, he may have taken the bus and gone to the mall or something."
"No...he would tell me...he always tells me-" Jojo cut himself off when he suddenly had a realisation, "Wait, Jack, I think I know where he is, I'll call you back."
"Wait, what-" Jojo hung up the phone.

He got up and composed himself and started walking to the local park. There, he remembered the place like a map and went to a very specific tree. He looked up at the camouflaged branches and saw two legs dangling down. He moved closer until he could see, as he imagined, his boyfriend, sitting on one of the branches, and it broke Jojos heart to see he was crying. "Aw, Micheal..."
Mike looked down at him, "Is everybody mad at me?"
Jojo shook him head, "No one's mad, I promise. We are just very worried."
On that not, Jojo quickly texted Jack that he found him, but didn't say were at risk of everybody coming to crowed him. Mike looked at Jojo, "I'm so sorry my brother said those things, I didn't want my emotions to get the better of me but it's just too hard sometimes." His voice broke and Jojo knew exactly that feeling. "It's ok, Amor, come down so we can talk." But Mike shook his head. "Can I tell Jack where we are so no-one has to worry?" Again, Mike shook his head. "Please come down, it's ok if you don't want to talk about it but-"
That's when he was interupted by someone shoving him to the side, if was Ike, "What the fuck?! We thought you were dead! This isn't funny, get down!" Jojo tapped him on the shoulder, "Wait, he's OK, there's no need to get angry-"
Ike stared directly at him, which intimates Jojo into stepping back.
Mike looked at his brother, "Why are you so angry?"
"Cause you decide to be an attention seeker and now everybody is worried sick. Get. Down."
Mike nodded, even though these aren't the best circumstances, Jojo was happy Mike was coming down from the tree. And Mike was getting ready to get down, Ike said, pissed off, "You're an embarrassment." And that didn't sit right with Jojo, "Will you stop being an ass to him just because you don't know how to control your emotions?"
Ike turned and grabbed Jojos sleeve, "What did you say?"
"NO-" Mike tried to stop him but, because he wasn't looking where he was going he slipped from getting down, "Mike!" Jojo pushed Ike away as he watched in horror as his boyfriend fell from a 15 feet hight..

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