Blush // Nostalgia

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"Blink..." Mush teasingly cooed, as he climbed gently onto Blink, trying to pull the blanket off Blink's face. Blink mumbled, "What?..." to his boyfriend. Mush finally managed to get the blanket off, and started kissing sleepy Blink's face softly, "You need to get out of bed, baby."
"And if I don't?" Blink, cheekily, asked.
"I'll pour water on you again." Mush joked. Blink laughed and sat up, "Don't you dare."
"Well, look who's now awake." Mush smiled and kissed Blink. Blink couldn't help but feel so happy with the change in Mush when it came to affection, this is how their mornings are compared to the simple peck on the lips they used to do before going off and not speaking to each other for the rest of the day. Mush, admittedly, used to hate affection, he didn't find the point in it and all his partners in the past didn't really care, but, Blink secretly did, he acted all cool on the outside, but inside he was so touch starved, but he loved Mush so much he wanted to let it slide. But now, Blink is living a dream, that he almost isn't sure is fully real. "Where are you selling today?" Mush asked as Blink was getting dressed.
"I'm not sure, maybe near the library," Blink responded.
Mush nodded, "You coming back late again?"
Blink nodded, "Yes, sorry love."
Mush sighed and looked down sadly, "Where do you go in the evening, Blink? You're always home late... you always sell near the library so I don't understand why-"
"- don't think about it too much, Mush," Blink said softly.
"I'm just worried, baby... are you meeting up with someone?"
"Mush," Blink said sternly, "It's nothing to worry about, my love."
"Why won't you tell me then?" Mush didn't want to argue, he has learnt from his relationship with Mike that arguing gets you nowhere, but he didn't like secrets.
"Because..." Blink whispered, "It's a little personal..."
Mush instantly nodded, "Yeh, sorry, you're right."
"Don't apologise, I understand why you're worried, but trust me- you were my first kiss and the only guy I have loved for years I would never see someone else behind your back."
"I know baby, I love you." They softly kiss, before going on about their day.

That evening, Mush waited for Blink, a little sad that he was coming back late again. But, since he was still curious, he decided to ask Sniper, as he was Blink's best friend and knew Blink told Sniper everything. Sniper was sitting on the ladder of his bed, writing in his journal when Mush approached him, "Heyy...Sniper-" Mush said awkwardly. Sniper looked up at him, "Hey, man, everything alright?"
"Yeah... I was just wondering... you know how Blink always comes home late, I was just wondering if you knew where he goes."
Sniper thought for a moment before nodding, "I do."
Mush sighed of relief, "So, you know he's OK?"
Sniper just simply nodded, "Hes fine."
Mush fiddled with his hand, "Ok... thanks..." He was about to turn around when he did a 180°, "Can you tell me where he is, please?"
Sniper shook his head, "I know you were going to ask me that, the answer is no."
"But please- put yourself in my shoes and Henry is the one coming home late-"
"Yeah, and if you were in my shoes as Henry's best friend, you wouldn't tell me." Sniper hopped back up onto his bed.
"Sniper, please-"
"No." Sniper was insistent, but Mush knew how annoying he can be. "Please."
After a couple minutes, Sniper had enough and started ignoring him. So Mush decided to bring out the big guns, "Henry-" Mush went over to Henry's bed, "Your boyfriend isn't being fair."
Henry was just trying to enjoy his soda, "What now?-"
Mush sat beside him, "Blink is always home late and I, like a good boyfriend, am very worried, but Sniper won't tell Mr where he is."
Henry sighed and stood up and went to Smipers bed, "Sniper, wheres Blink?"
"Your moms house." Sniper mumbled tiredly.
Henry looked at Mush, "Sorry, Mush, nothing I can do."
" can give me your soda-"
"No." Henry frowned before going back to his bed.
Mush pouted, but could do nothing else but wait for Blink to come home.

Mush sat on his bed. Waiting for Blink, "I want a fucking soda." He mumbled to himself.
Finally, around midnight, Blink arrived and went straight to Mushs bed, not expecting him to be awake, "Oh, hi my love-"
"Where have you been, Blink?" Mush asked, tiredly.
"I uh- we talked about this... Its personal..."
"But- Blink- Sniper knows, I'm your boyfriend, can't I know. I just want to make sure you're OK."
"I am fine, Mush, Please don't worry."
"But I do. Why won't you tell me?"
Blink sighed, "You wanna go out for a walk, clear your mind?"
Mush was confused, but nodded, and took Blinks hand as they went outside. On their way out, Mush whispered, "Is it weird Sniper and Henry don't share a bed?"
"You know about Henry and Sniper? They are trying to keep it a secret-"
"Oh... they are not subtle."

Outside, Mush and Blink walked through Manhattan, talking and enjoying eachothers company.
"Sorry, about coming home late I mean... I'll try and do that less often." Blink said.
"Baby, it's fine, I'd just like to know what your up to." Mush softly said.
Blink sighed, he stopped in his tracks, Mush stopping with him. Blink thought for a moment, he was scared Mush was going to judge him, that's why he didn't tell him, or, force him to stop going, taking away his comfort. The truth is, Blinks parents left new York a couple years ago, and he never got the chance to say goodbye, ever since he was six, he wished his parents would take him back, and they could be a happy family again. But his parents had another kid, a kid without monocular vision, a kid that they loved more than they could ever love Blink. And Blink was so hurt. But now they're gone, he will never see them again. Will never listen to his moms bed time stories ever again
But if he admitted that to Mush, Mush will tell him to move on, but Blink doesn't want to move on, he wants to stay in his delusion his mom and dad will come back for him. But Mush was worried, and Blink did need to talk about it, so he silently admitted, "I've been going back to my old home..." He sadly whispered.
Mush looked at him, wide eyed, "Aw- Blink..."
Blink teared up, "It's just... my family got evicted 2 years ago and I've been sneaking inside my old house... there are some of my old family memories and-" Blink bursted out crying.
Mush instantly hugged his boyfriend, holding Blink close and comforting him.
"Please don't make me stop going." Blink sadly whispered.
"Why would I?" Mush asked softly.
"When I told Sniper... he said it wasn't healthy and that if I got caught they'd take me to the refuge and tried to make me stop. But I can't stop going. It makes me feel so-"
Blink nodded, holding Mush tightly.
Mush understood alittle, he never knew his parents, and he isn't the smartest guy, but if Blink is hurting so much, it's best to support him, "As long as your safe, Blink, but make sure you don't get caught... how do you get inside anyway?"
Blink pulled away and let Mush wipe his tears, "You want me to show you?"
Mush nodded, so Blink took his hand and led him to his old home.

There, Blink showed Mush how he would climb up the fire escape on the side of the house and pry the window open with a stick he kept beside the window. Then he would just climb inside. Mush was honestly very shocked Blink had it in him to do something so- criminal. Blink showed Mush around, "That used to be my bedroom," Blink went inside a small kids room, that was well decorated, with little sheep's and bunny's and ducks on the wall,  "but now it's my little siblings. I'm not too sure if it's a girl or a boy." The room was very clean, something tells Mush Blink has been the one tidying it.
"It's a very nice house..." Mush said, kindly. But Blink could feel himself getting upset as he nodded. He sat down on the small bed and looked down, "We can go back now, if you want."
Mush could feel his boyfriends sadness as he realised the nostalgia this place brought for him, so he decided to do something alittle risky, but special, "We can spend the night here, if you'd like."
Blinks face lit up, "Really?"
"Of course."
"That'd be great- can we sleep in my parents room? They used to let me sleep in their bed when I needed comfort, and their comforter and blanket are so soft-" Blink rambled on alittle bit as they went to the master bedroom. Mush didn't mind though.
They lay down on the bed, holding hands, and just stare up at the ceiling, "I want to be able to live in a nice house like this some day..." Blink smiled. Mush agreed, "We could move in together when we're older."
Blink chuckled, "Really?"
Mush nodded, "Yeah. It would be perfect. You and me living together, being able to just... be together, grow old together."
"You want to be with me for ever?"
Blink teared up as he asked.
Mush looked at him and smiled, gently wiping his boyfriends tears, "Of course."
Blink had never felt so loved before. He instantly hugged Mush tightly, hoping that it will be forever.

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