Newsies Headcannons pt 3

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Tommy Boy is the shiest newsie, and the most quiet. I ship him with Barney Peanut who I imagine is a social butterfly, while Tommy is just an introvert who hates talking. When he realised he had feelings for Barney, Barney didn't even know who he was. Tommy had the courage to tell Jojo about his feeling, and Jojo subtly brought it up in a conversation with all the newsies, asking Barney, "What do you think of Tommy Boy?"
And Barney just responded with, "Who?"
That shattered Tommy's heart.
Also his shyness also tends to interfere with him selling, the first time he had to sell, Jack kept him around to help him, and Tommy couldn't bring himself to call out a headline to sell a newspaper, "You expect to make money by just looking at the ground? Wheres your voice?" Something I love about this headcannon is that when in newies live when Tommy boy has his pirouette solo and everyone is cheering for him, that could be him breaking out of his shell, and when he runs off, he gets a rush of adrenaline. Also, Tommy boy is one of the few newsies who can't read, or do math. He never learnt. He was born and raised an orphan and never went to school.

Jojo, Hotshot and Elmer are all Bilangual newsies. Jojo can speak Spanish, Hotshot can speak Georgian, and Elmer Polish. However, there is a little rumour going around that Finch is  a native French speaker, Finch Is hella secretive about his past so when Jack found out his full name, Patrick Baptiste Cortes, he was like, "that sounds hella french... wait-" also there was a letter addressed to Finch from his older brother, after Finch read it, he threw it away, curious, Les read it and when asked about it by curious newsies, Les said he couldn't read it because it was in a different language. Albert, who I ship Finch with, grew up raised by his dad and his aunt (his dad's sister) and they spoke Gaelic to eachother, so Albie knows a couple words and also some songs his mom sang to him.

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