Redfinch // Puzzles

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(This is kinda a part two to my first fic, protagonist (idk why I called it that, I think there was a reason but it was 3 years ago and my memory isn't that good)

"I feel like you know." Finch said, with that stupid smile he always does when he's sincere about something.
"I know what?" Albert rolled his eyes, not looking up from his book.
"That your adorable-" Finch sat beside him.
"Can you stop saying that? I hate when you say things like that... I hate you." Albert mumbled, scooting away from him on the steps of the lodging house. Finch was taken aback a little, "You never asked me for a second date."
"I don't want to go on a second date."
"So cry your eyes out for a first date, but you don't even want to go on a second."
"Yes, exactly, are you done?"
"Can I ask you out on a second date?"
Albert looked at him, and put his book down, "Sure."
Finch smiled, "Ok, would you like to go out again sometime?"
"No." Albert got up, and walked away, leaving Finch.

It was true Albert had a huge crush on Finch, and in a way, those feelings are still there. Actually, they are more 'there' than ever. But he didn't like the idea of being in love with Finch. Finch was like a puzzle, scattered and complicated to figure out. And the thing is, he doesn't even think Finch actually likes him, it feels like pity, so when he calls Albert cute or beautiful, Albie doesn't believe him. "A month ago you were all over him, now your being so mean, what is your problem?" Race asked.
Albert shrugged, "I've matured, I guess, idiots like him don't cut if for me. I was sad and desperate..."
"What made you change your mind?"
Albert looked at Race, "Nothing. I just did."
"Well, something tells me your hurting Finch's feelings."
That kind of broke Albert's heart because he does really like Finch, but he again shrugs it off, thinking Race is just being dramatic.
"He doesn't actually like me, Race, don't be stupid." Albert left again, this time he had no where to go so he just went outside.

But outside, Albert saw Finch still sitting on the steps of the lodging house, head in hands. He wasn't crying but something was definitely off, he seemed frustrated or angry. Albert isn't the best with emotions so he didn't really know what was wrong with him. He tried to sneak past him, already making a plan to sleep at his own house, knowing his brothers snoring was better than Races nagging.
"Where are you going?" Finch asked, not looking up.
Albert stopped, mumbling 'shit' before answering, "My house..."
"Why?" Finch looked up.
Albert sighed and turned to face him, "My dad needs help with something."
"Can we talk when you come back?"
"I'm spending the night..." Albert said, a little too quickly.
Finch sighed, "Can we speak now then?"
Albert got nervous, "I really need to-"
"Fine. Go." Finch stood up, clearly angry and went inside the lodging house. Albert has honestly never seen him mad, he honestly started questioning if Race was right.
He sighed and went back inside to talk to Finch, but he was with Mush, Mush clearly trying to cheer him up, and Albeet didn't want to ruin that so he just went to his bed and lay down, trying to clear his mind.

It was midnight, and Albert still couldn't sleep. His mind rushing, and it started to overwhelm him. Emotions have never been an easy thing for Albert to face, despite him being deeply emotional. He doesn't blame his family, but deep down he knew the "Toughen up kid" and "No-one wants to see you cry" didn't help growing up. He started tearing up, but the more he tried to suppress it the more he cried. The worse thing was that he didn't even fully understand why he was crying, and he tried his best to stay quiet, but unfortunately for him, Finch's bed was right beside him and Finch is a very light sleeper, "Why are you crying? It's the middle of the night..."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you..." Albert sat up, his voice sounded broken and honest.
Finch's heart melted as he got up and sat beside the other on his bed, "What's wrong?"
"I fuck everything up..." Albert sobbed.
"What do you mean?"
"I like you, ok?" Albert tearfully admitted, "I like you a lot, and no matter what I do, I can't get over you..."
Finch went wide eyed, blushing a little as he smiled sincerely, "Really?"
"Oh shut up..." Albert mumbled, leaving Finch to chuckle, "I like you too, Albert."
"-Don't." Albert said sternly.
"Why? I mean it... thats why I've been asking for a second date... I really want to move forward in our relationship."
"But you don't like me- there's no way you like me..."
"I'd beg to differ." Finch smiled. Albert went red and stayed quiet. It was silent for a couple seconds before Finch softly kissed Albert's cheek. Albert loved it but pushed him away and faced away from that idiot, laying down and stating into nothingness. "You want me to hold you?" Finch offered, politely.
"No." Albert mumbled, feeling like it was a tease.
"Please, you've been crying and I want to comfort you..." Finch said, sincerely. Albert sighed, "Fine..." He mumbled. Finch smiled and tucked himself in behind Albert and spooned him, softly kissing the back of his ears and neck and Albert was a blushing mess. The room was darkly lit by the moon, a slight glow from the stars shimmered, brightening Albert's red hair, Finch, loving the colour, couldn't help but nuzzle his hair, feeling lost in the ruby locks. But Finch isn't the only one who loves their cuddle partners hair, feeling loved and relaxed Albert lifts up his arm behind him and softly tangles his finger into Finch's curls, adoring the texture and softly caressing his hair. "You're so cute when you don't want to rip my head off..." Finch said, making Albert laugh alittle as he turned around to face him. They spend a moment looking at eachother, secretly admiring the other. Finch was doing that smile again, but Albert didn't find it annoying, he found it super cute, matched with his beautiful brown undertones and soft blush coloured lips, Albert couldn't help but cup his cheek with one hand and softly lead Finch into a soft, long awaited kiss. Finch embraced Albert's first move before taking control, by holding Albert's hips and they softly started making out. Albert has never done that before, but Finch was so gently, Albert pretty much melted at the sensation.
After a couple minutes, Albert stops and looks at Finch, "When can we go on that second date?"
Finch smiles, "No need for a second date. Is it OK if i call you my boyfriend?"
Albert laughed, "Of course."
At the end of nigh, Albert realised he was right, Finch was like a puzzle, but like all puzzles, it takes a lot of passion and love to see such a beautiful picture.

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