Myron x Morris // Caught part 2

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Myron held Morris tight. But evening he drifted off to sleep. He didn't want to but he was exhausted. But they were both then woken up by a crash of lightning followed by thunder. Myron sat up instantly, instinctively holding to Morris tighter. But Morris also woke up, and also instinctively held Myron tighter. They both look at eachother, Myron shocked the Morris was awake, "Are you OK?"
Morris nodded, "I'm fine." And let go, he brought his hand up to an injury on his head that Myron missed, "Oh sorry-" Myron gasped, "um- you want me to see if I find some bandages?"
"Why did you leave me?" Morris asked, sternly.
Myron was taken aback, "I just felt overwhelmed."
"That's a stupid excuse, you always do this." Morris stood up, "You fucking left me alone to get beaten up." He was angry.
It was raining heavily from a storm. Myron looked sorry, "Morris- I'm sorry..."
"Sorry?!" Morris yelled, "Sorry won't fucking cut it! You left me! Nothing will make this ok!"
Myron teared up, "Morris-"
But Morris continued, "I've done everything for you! You were ill for a week and I risked everything letting you stay over-"
"I know- and I'm so thankful, I'm sorry I left-" Myron stood up, and tried to take Morris' hand but Morris pulled his hand away. That's when Myron broke down crying, but Morris didn't care, "I'm done... you never cared about me."
"I do care-" Myron sobbed.
"Not enough."
Myron took a shakey breath, "I've never loved anyone more... I've dated 7 guys and I'm sure they all loved me but I don't know how to love-"
"Clearly." Morris interupted.
"Let me finish, I don't know how to love because I was always scared of being abandoned so I never wanted to fall inlove in fear of getting my heartbroken... But you make falling in love so easy... like I want to love you... no matter what..."
Morris sighed, "But you left me... again... you've watched me get hurt so many times and still, you just watch or leave, never defending me. That's not love."
Myron looked down, "Look I-"
"Save it. I'm going home. It was nice knowing you." Morris watched as Myron broke down in tears, but he started walking away anyway, ready to leave. But Myron grabbed his arm and stopped him, "Please- I've never been left alone before."
Morris pulled his arm away, "That's not my problem. You never have any problems abandoning me."
"Please, give me one more chance, I promise I'll never leave you again..."
"Too late, Myron." Morris said, a little softly, hoping for Myron to listen.
"No. I'll make sure to always be on your side. I love you."
Morris sighed, "Look, its clear this isn't working. We just found out what would happen if we got caught, and we shouldn't risk it anymore, you understand?" Myron shook his head, "I promise, I'll talk to them. They'll leave you and Oscar alone."
"Will they leave you alone?" Morris raised an eyebrow.
"Probably not." Myron whispered.
"I thought so."
Myron looked up, "We can say we broke up and continue dating in secret."
"No Myron, it's over. I'm sorry." Another crash of thunder.
"I'll leave Brooklyn," Myron said, desperately, "I'll find another way to earn money- I can talk to my brothers."
Morris' heart broke, "Aw, Myron, no... I'm not worth it, honey, just, let it go. You'll find someone else, I promise."
"I don't want anyone else." Myron sniffled. Finally, Morris leads Myron into a loving embrace. "Look, I'll send you a letter but I'm gonna go home, ok?"
"Let me walk you home."
Morris chuckled, "Then you'll find a sneaky way to cuddle up in my bed and spend the night."
Myron tearfully laughed, "You know me too well."
Morris let go and kissed Myrons forehead, "Goodnight, baby..."
"Don't call me that." Myron pouted. Morris smiled and left.

Myron made his way back to the lodging house. He got inside, soaking, and noticed everyone was awake, and everyone looked pissed. "How dare you come back here." Spot stared at him.
Myron ignored their looks and went to his bed, "I dared."
"What the fuck is your problem?" Hotshot asked.
"Nothing, I've got no problems..." But he saw the look of disappointment and anger in everyone's face, so he sighed and came clean, "Me and Morris broke up anyway."
Everyone went quiet, "Really?" Hotshot said, sceptical.
Myron nodded, "I'll find someone else anyway." He got his towel from his bed and dried his hair.
Bart was the first one to come up to him, "Um... I'm sorry about everything... hurting your boyfriend and such..."
Myron was a little shocked but shrugged it off, "It's fine."
Bart sat down beside him, "For what it's worth, if Spot and Hotshot didn't walk in, I would have never told them."
Myron looked at his friend, "Why would you do that?"
Bart sighed, "Because I know what it feels like to fall in love with the wrong person."
Myron smiled, "Thanks." And hugged his friend. But felt sad. He just wanted that day to be over with. Eventually Bart leaves and Myron goes to sleep.

The next morning, Myron stays in bed as everyone leaves. Finally, he can remove a brave face a bursted out crying, missing Morris. He's been through break ups before but its never hurt so badly before. He truly loved Morris. He was also waiting for Morris' letter, hoping for it to say, "I love you, let's get back together." Or something of the sorts. But secretly he knew Morris lied about sending a letter so Myron would let him go. But Myron was in denial about it.
Surely he would receive a letter very soon. But he was too depressed to even get out of bed to take a shower. He looked at the time. Everytime he closed his eyes an hour would go by. 10 am...11 am... 12 am... 1 pm... he kept on doing nothing until it was 2 pm... he sat up. "You're not gonna feel sorry for yourself." He whispered and grabbed his bag. Inside, a copy of his father's novel. He was a writer, and wrote love story's. He died before he could publish any of his work but Myron had a copy of this book. A poor man wanting to impress a beautiful rich woman.
It doesn't have a happy ending bug a quote inside always stuck to Myron, "Take love when it's at arms length, the longer you wait, the further it drifts away." He whispered. He wiped his tears and made his way to the showers.
After he cleaned himself up, he brushed his hair because he knew Morris loved his curly hair. He then put on some clean clothes and headed to Manhatten.

He knew where Morris worked, so he made his way there. But as soon as he saw the warehouse, he saw Morris and he panicked and kept walking. But he had an idea. He went to the distribution window, "100 papes please." He gave Weasel his 50 cent. Oscar gave him a dirty look, while Morris was dumbfounded, his jaw almost dropped. But Myron gave him a flirty wink and walked away, and like he planned, Morris followed him, telling his uncle Myron was being suspicious. But as soon as the were out of eyesight. Morris pushed Myron into a supply closet. At first, Myron was scared Morris was mad at him, but he knew that wasn't true when Morris pulled Myron close and kissed him passionately. Holding his waist as they started making out. Both giddy and happy. Myron was laughing against Morris' lips, "Hi, Morris." He cheekily cooed as they kissed. "Hi, baby." Morris smiled.
"Don't call me that." Myron pouted.  Morris shook his head. Myron holding his face and happy kissing his man. They kept on going for a couple minutes, before Myron pulled away, "You broke up with me." He frowned.
"You abandoned me." Morris retaliated. Myron shrugged, "Fair enough and went back to kissing.
More minutes past and they are having the time of their lives when the door open. They don't notice until they hear a "What the fuck?"
The turn to see Oscar, looking at them disgusted, before he just said, "You know what, I won't even bother." And slammed the door.
Once again, they've been caught.

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