Blush // Sick fic

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(I'm sick rn so I'm making this, btw this is based off the Newsies Live Blush, not the movie)

Throwing up

Mush held Blink to his chest, it was quiet, "Fuuuukkkkk!" Mush moaned sickly, Blink let out a giggle, "I know-"
"Why did we have to get sick at the same time?" Mush continued,
Blink kissed his jaw "Its just a cold, we will recover soon."
"But I want to take care of you- instead I'm stuck in bed with you! We cant take care of eachother."
Blink hummed, "Well, if we want to recover quickly, I dont think it's a good idea to share a bed." He got up and went to his bed,
"Noooo- babyy, come back, I need your cuddles." Mush grabbed his arm, Blink kissed his forehead with a tired smile, "Not tonight, maybe when we get better."
Mush let go, "I want my baby to gwive me cuddles." He said in a baby voice.
Blink ignored him and went to bed, but Mush tried again, "Bliiinnkkkk, I'm not even that sick- I'll give you kisses, and hugs, and keep you warm!"
Blink took and squeezed his hand, "If you dont shut up, ill sleep on the couch. Goodnight, love you."
"Mmh, love you too."

The next morning, Mush woke up, he felt better and well. Smiled and got up to check on his boyfriend. Blink was awake but laying in bed, Mush sat on the edge of his bed, "Hey, babe, I think I'm not sick anymore, how are you feeling?"
Blink sat up, he did not look well, "Not good- everything hurts..." he sighed, Mush went wide eyed then his expression turned to pity as he leaned in for a hug, "Oh know what, you go take a bath, I'll run to the pharmacy and get you some sinex and some painkillers, ok?"
Blink nodded and got up. 
Mush got changed and quickly headed to the pharmacy.

When he came back, Blink was still in the bath, so he put the stuff down, and got one of Mush's t-shirts for him to wear. He gave Blink his clothes, and put a fluffy blanket he brought on Mushs bed, as well and some gummy candies and a few stuffies for him to cuddle with, since Mush couldn't. He also got him some tissues and he put the trash can beside is bed so Blink didnt have to walk to put a tissue in the bin. When Blink came to his room,  he saw all the stuff on his bed and smiled, "Aw- you didnt have to..."
Mush let him sit down with his legs under the blanket, "I just want you to recover well," he gave Blink a teddy to snuggle with and some tissues. Blink found it super adorable, and nice.
Mush left and came back with the pain killers, a glass of water and sinex.

Mush popped out a pill for his boyfriend, but Blink looked at him, "I dont know how to swallow a pill..."
He admitted, a little embarrassed,
Mush just smiled, "It's ok, I'll crush it up, ill get you another drink because I know it taste disgusting."
Mush left and came back with another cup of water and put it on a bed table. He crushed up the pill with a pill crusher and put it in water.
Blink was about to drink it when he smelt the medicine, "Ew."
Mush burst out laughing, "I know, but you need to take it, drink as much as you can ok?"
Blink got alittle pouty because he wasnt looking forward to drinking it, but he drank about half the cup and instantly drank the water to get rid of the horrible taste. "I dont like it." He moaned, as Mush took out the sinex.
But Blink sighed, "I dont like that either..."
Mush ran his fingers threw his hair, "Come on, we have to." Mush sighed and let Mush give him the sinex, after the first spray, Blink started coughing dramatically. "Blink, it's not even that bad." Mush raised an eyebrow,
"My nose is on fire!" Blink stopped coughing. After the second spray, Blink inhaled properly and snuck down into his cover to take a nap.
Mush kissed his forehead and went to put everything away and stayed in the living room.

A few minutes later, Mush was finishing some essay when he heard, "Baaabbbeee-" from the bedroom. He got up to check on Blink, who was still in bed, holding on to a stuffy, blanket to his nose. Mush sat down on the floor beside him, "What's wrong?" He pouted, running his fingers through Blinks hair. "I'm cold." Blink muttered. "Do you want another blanket?" Mush asked, but Blink shook his head, "I want you to cuddle me."
Mush thumbed his cheek, "Didnt you say we cant cuddle when we are sick?" But Mush moaned in response, "I know- but I need you to hold me." He did grabbie hands so Mush thought, "I guess I can spoon you." So he climbed into bed with him, and held him close.

They fell asleep and slept all day, probably because Blink was sick and Mush was recovered from being sick. At about midnight. Blink got up, Mush woke up with him, Blink went to the bathroom and Mush sat up to wait for him, but he heard retching and instantly ran to the bathroom to see the door wide open and Blink over the toilet bowl, throwing up. Mush sat behind him and placed his hand on Blinks back, rubbing circles with his fingertips. Blink was crying a bit from the pain so Mush kissed his shoulders, "Sh sh sh...I know...its ok..."
When he was done, they they flushed the toilet and Blink rinsed his mouth and brushed his teeth. Mush hugged him, "'ll make sure you recover, ok?"
Blink nodded, exhausted.
"I'll just check your temperature because I dont think this is a cold if you are throwing up, it might be something like the flu." Mush said, going to the cabinet to get the thermometer. Blink sat on the edge of the bathtub. Mush sat besides him and put the thermometer in his mouth, "102° have the flu."
Blink sighed, "Can we get back to bed?" Mush nodded and got a bucket to put besides the bed incase Blink needed to throw up during the night.

The next day, Blink was still just as sick, so Mush did everything he could to make him comfortable. He got him all the medicine he need, he would run Blink a bath, buy him food. He made sure to get things like salads or fries incase because Blink lost his appetite.Blink loved eating gummies while he was sick, they were sweet and a great way to not get tired. He would put his laptop on the bed table and play some movies. While they were watching, Blink would fall asleep so Mush would pause the movie and lay down with him. Blink was so thankful and felt so loved, he started to feel a little better every day. The only down side is that they cant kiss. But they do cuddle and watch movies together.

One morning, about 3 days later, Blink woke up, and he felt much better. He smiled, but Mush was still asleep, so, he decided to make him breakfast. He made him some pancakes with honey, and placed it on the counter, with some strawberries and whipped cream, the honey was drizzled in the shape of a heart. When Mush woke up, he was in shock, "What's this?" He chuckled,
"Its you, for taking care of me...I know I was practically a nuisance, but since I'm better now, I can take care of you."
Mush went wide eyed, he smiled and leaned in for a kiss, but one kiss turned to multiple as he went into the kitchen to hold his boyfriend and kiss him showing how much he is in love, holding his hips and kissing his forehead when he's done.

So they enjoyed breakfast, and had a great day together, full of kisses.

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