Snipehen // Truth

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"12 bottles?!" Davey exclaimed, "Where on earth did you guys get 12 bottles of liquor?"
The twins and Mush snickered at eachother, "That does matter, let's have a fucking party!"
All the newses cheered but Davey instantly put an end to it, "No!- you are all going to drink responsibly! Alright? We don't want any accident."
Jack agreed with his boyfriend, but grabbed a bottle from Mush for himself, making Davey sigh.
Blink got one and approached Sniper with a cheeky grin, "You wanna play a game?"
Sniper and Blink usually responsible and not to crazy, but today they were thinking, 'What the hell' so they snuck off to Blinks bed. "What game were you thinking?" Sniper asked,
"Truth or drink, I ask you a question, you either answer or drink, got it?"
Sniper nodded and decided to start easy, "Who was your first kiss?"
"Mush." Blink answered quickly, "Now, who was your first kiss?"
Sniper opened his mouth to answer but decided not to so took a sip of the bottle. Blink was curious but kept on playing.
A few question go through and Sniper barely answers any:
"What do you write about in your journal?"
Sniper takes a sip.
"What do you and Henry get up to on the roof?"
He takes another sip.
"What made you run away from home?"
Again, he takes another sip, Blink watched Sniper drink almost half the bottle and started to get worried. "Hey- you OK buddy- you drank alot-" Blink nervously laughed, watching Sniper get dizzy.
Sniper just snickered in response, "Yeah, I'm fine- let's keep playing!-" He got the bottle and tried to chug it, but Blink stopped him, "No, I think you've had enough." Sniper groaned, "No I haven't, gimme- Blink-" Snipers face was flushed and he was slurring his words, he was clearly intoxicated. Blink found it alittle amusing but was also really worried, "Henry!"
Henry hadn't been drinking, he decided to stay sober to take care of anyone who drank too much, but he never expected it to be his boyfriend. Henry came over to Blinks bed. Blink was holding onto Sniper who was giggling uncontrollably. Henry realised what happened and tried to contain his laughter as Blink panicked, "We were playing truth or drink- and he didn't want to tell the truth. He drank half the bottle."
Henry nodded, and sat down beside Sniper, "Hey, Sniper- you OK?"
Sniper sat up and fell into Henry's arms, "Henry! Hi-" He grinned.
Henry chuckled a little, "Hey pretty boy- you've drank a little too much, haven't you?"
Sniper laughed and nodded. Henry smiled and helped Sniper stand up.

All the newsies noticed Sniper was the first to get drunk, and they found it hilarious and ironic.
Henry sat them down on his bed and gave Sniper a kiss on the cheek, Jojo, who also hasn't been drinking, approached them, "You want me to get him some water?"
"I'm fine-" Sniper said, "I'm just, a very lot tipsy."
Henry looked at Jojo and nodded, "Yes please." Jojo smiled and went off to get Sniper a glass.
Meanwhile, Henry looked at his boyfriend, Snipers blue eyes drowsy and his mouth presented a goofy smile, "Hi." Sniper said, clearly meant flirtatiously, but it came off as sloppy.
Henry chuckled, "Hi."
"I think I had a little too much liquor."
Henry laughed, "I think so too," He pushed some hair off of Snipers face, "when Jojo comes back, I'm going to take you outside to-"
"Make out?" Sniper asked,
Henry laughed, "No! To get some fresh air."
"But also make out?" Sniper snickered,
"Tommorow." Henry whispered. Sniper nodded and lay his head on Henry's shoulder. Calming down a little.

Jojo came back with a glass of water and gave it to Henry, who thanked him before getting up and helping Sniper outside. Sniper could not even walk in a straight line, and Henry had to stop him from falling multiple time. Which was hard with only one arm free, Sniper laughing the entire time.
Finally, outside, Henry sat Sniper down and gave him his water, making sure he drank all of it. "How are you feeling, baby?" Henry asked.
"Wonderful!" Sniper said, leaning back, almost falling, so Henry quickly caught him, pulling him up. Sniper grinned at him and Henry sighed and smiled, "You're going to be the death of me I swear."
"You love me." Sniper snickered.
Henry nodded, "Yes I do, but I'd love to get my lovely sober Sniper back as soon as possible."
Sniper sighed and lay his head on Henry's lap, "I'm having fun."
"I'm sure you are."
"I should get drunk more often."
"Hm, maybe not." Henry chuckled.
"I love you, Henry, I feel like I don't say that enough."
"Thank you, baby, I love you too."
Sniper smiled and looked up at his boyfriend, he reached out to cup he's cheek, "You're beautiful." He giggled, cheekily.
"I'm glad you think so."
" I don't know what I love more, your face or your butt."
Henry bursted out laughing, "Hopefully my personality?"
Sniper squinted and shook his head, "Nah, definitely your butt."
"Right thanks, Sniper."
"Henry Butler Junior." Sniper poked Henry's cheek.
"Soren Wah." Henry mumbled, with a smile. Sniper gasped and sat up, "No, that's not fair." He said, slurring his words a little.
Henry smiled, "Sure it is, call me Junior, I call you Soren, that's the deal we have."
Sniper frowned, "Fine," He lay back down, "can we go for a walk? Go to the roof or something?"
"No, Sniper, you're staying here, definitely not going up on any roof."
"Whyyy?" Sniper moaned,
"Becausee," Henry mimicked him, "You're not sober enough for me to trust you to not jump off the roof."
"Why would I jump off the roof?"
"I don't know, but I don't want you to end up dead."
"Like your dad." Sniper snickered.
Henry gasped, "Hey!" But Sniper just laughed in response leaving Henry to laugh with him.
Henry sat Sniper up and tucked some hair behind his ear, just admiring him. "I got a secret to tell you." Sniper giggled, kissing Henry's jaw.
"What is it?" Henry asked, stopping him.
"You know- you've never questioned how I knew about your break up with Cybill. Months ago."
Henry thought for a second, "I guess I didn't, how did you know, baby?"
"Cause I was the guy." Sniper laughed. Henry nervously laughed with him, thinking his boyfriend was talking nonsense, "What?"
"Cybills library friend- that was me." Sniper smiled.
Instantly, Henry stopped, and felt his heart fall to the bottom of his stomach, as it finally became clear to him. He remembered the heartbreak, breaking up with the girl he thought he would love forever. It was not a good feeling. He felt a sharp pain rising in his chest as he processed it. Sniper. Soren, his boyfriend he loved more than anything, betrayed him like that. He was the guy. His heart shattered as he didn't know what to say, "You- you're the guy?"
Sniper instantly saw the sadness in his boyfriends eyes, "No, Henry don't be upset- please."
Henry didn't know how to process any of it, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause I love you, silly." Sniper mumbled.
Henry stayed quiet, trying to neutralise his mind, as well as trying to stop himself from getting angry at Sniper, or even crying. This whole time, they've been dating for months and Sniper never bothered to tell him HE was the reason for him and Billies break up. Henry had so many questions but he knew it was better to wait for Sniper to get sober. While he was in thought, Sniper held onto his stomach, "I don't feel to good-"
Henry snapped out of it and quickly helped his boyfriend face sideways towards the floor before he started throwing up. Henry silently rubbed his back before looking inside the lodging house door and seeing Jojo, "Jojo- can you get me another glass of water, please?"
Jojo nodded and left.
Sniper finally stopped and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and started apologising profusely, "I'm so sorry Henry- I'm an awful boyfriend- I'm sorry."
Henry sighed and comforted him, despite his previous anger.
Jojo came back with a glass of water and gave it to Sniper, who rinsed his mouth before drinking all of it.
"Let's get you to bed." Henry whispered.

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