Exes and Crushes HC

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I've mentioned some of these but here's a few:


Race and Henry were eachothers first boyfriends because I don't see enough Race x Henry shippers out there

Mush has a few exes, mostly girls, but they only person he has dated in the lodging house is Mike

But Mike has been in intimate relationships with a few newsies, Mush just happens to be the only one that has gotten somewhere (And Jojo obviously)

Jack and Kathrine obviously cause Kathrine was like: Who's your hot sister, Davey?
And Jack was like: Who's your hot- you, Davey?

Myron dated Specs because I am a sucker for Bad Boy x Nerd.


Idk if this counts but Blink had a crush on Mush while he was with someone else.

Henry and Sniper grew up together and Henry has always had a crush on him.

Bart has always had something for Myron but he excepted Myron was too smart for him. (But hey, new ship???)

And ofc I have a crush on Morris Delancey.

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