2 Jojo hc cause i can

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Jojo switches languages when he's angry because he likes the idea of venting with no-one knowing what he's saying. The only person who can understand him is Henry because Spanish is his second language, though, he is very rusty when it comes to speaking it, translating for Jojo is a breeze.
Jojo also likes to vent to Henry in spanish:
Jojo: "Estoy harto de esa persona que siempre está siendo grosera y molesta conmigo. No puedo soportar su actitud arrogante y su constante necesidad de llamar la atención. Me hace sentir como si estuviera tratando de demostrar algo a toda costa, incluso si eso significa pisotear a los demás en el proceso. Ya no puedo seguir tolerando su comportamiento inapropiado y su falta de respeto hacia los demás. Es hora de que esta persona se dé cuenta de que su actitud no es aceptable y que necesita cambiar si quiere tener relaciones saludables y positivas con los demás."
Henry: "...Si?"
He understands him perfectly but he has no clue who he's on about. Tommy boy can't speak or understand them, poor dude can't even understand English half of the time. Mike loves hearing him speak Spanish, even when he's angry. Jojo also loves to call Mike "Amor" and Mike's heart leaps everytime he calls him that.

Jojo grew up in the Catholic Church. He has no memories of his parents, the only thing he has from them is the note that was given to the nuns when Jojo arrived at the door step. The note was in spanish but luckily one of the nuns, Sister Mary Liz, spoke Spanish and she adored Jojo at first sight and she was in charge of him. She spoke to him in Spanish and taught him everything he knows. The favourite part of little Jojos day was bible study, Sister Mary Liz would hold his hand and take him to the room of the church where parents would drop off their kids to do Bible study, and Jojo loved being around other kids his age, but he realised alot of them didn't want to be there and didn't enjoy church as much as he did and just wanted to go home. Alot of them took advantage of Jojos kindness, for example, Jojo gave them his favourite toy train with a smile because he didn't want to be greedy. He never got that train back.

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