Headcannons part 6

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Spot and the Brooklyn boys have a soft spot for Tommy boy, like most people do. I got this from Spot hugging Tommy at the end of newsies live and also Tommy holding the Brooklyn sign during Brooklyns here. I'm sorry but what's cuter than that? I imagine maybe Spot and the Brooklyn boys came to Manhatten and were like, "What is a Tommy and where can I get my own?" but in all seriousness, they would murder for Tommy boy.

(I might make a short fic about the next one)

I did mention subtlely that Henry was attracted to both guys and girl when I shipped him with my OC Billie. But I hc that he was one of the first examples Jojo got of gay people (with his internalised homophobia). Like, Jojo was talking about how he hated the idea of dating a girl (oblivious) and Henry was like, "then date a guy" jokingly. And Jojo was like, "Oh no, those kinds of people go to hell".
"Why would you say that?"
"It's in the bible."
"Well, I have a boyfriend and I know I'm not going to hell."
Jojo was shocked and confused but apologised instantly, because even though he didn't support it at the time, he always believed in "Love Thy Neighbour". Henry was honestly fine with it and laughs about it with Jojo, especially when he got caught kissing Mike in a non platonic way. (Also the boyfriend Henry was on about, they broke up)

That's all i have for today lovelies 💕

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