Tombarn OTP questions

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Who said I love you the most?
Barney, I feel like as soon as he knew, he was sure.

What's their love language?
Tommy is physical touch and words of affirmation, because he's so quiet, when he says something he means it.
And Barney is comfort and application, for example always being willing to make sure Tommy always feels loved.

Who's the little spoon?
Barney there's no doubt.

Do they fight?
Not so far, so far it's rainbows and cupcakes, but they are both very comfortable with it, it's not a scary situation of bottling up feelings, it's just that when they together they are at their happiest.

Favourite physical affection
Barney is holding hands, it was their first step and it will always be special in his heart, especially caressing eachothers hands with their thumbs, or laying side by side as he traces shapes on the palm of Tommy's hand.

Tommy is kisses, just because I such a unique sensation to have somebody kiss you on the lips, plus holding Barney's waist while Barney cups his face literally kills him.

Who needs the most comfort?
Tommy, because Barney has learnt to always see the glass half full and not worry about anything but his happiness but Tommys anxiety doesn't let him do that. He hates crying but his emotions overwhelm him and he feels so helpless and just needs alittle love and care in those moments.

What's their favourite thing about eachother?
Barney loves that Tommy is so kind and sweet despite his past. He's kind to everyone and just wants to make friends, even if alot don't share that kindness back.

And Tommy loves Barney's confidence, but if he was asked he would say Barney's joy. He's always smiling and just enjoys life in general.

Who is the clingyest?
Tommy? I wouldn't call him clingy though.

Who led the first kiss?
Barney, and it was Tommy's first kiss.

Who said I love you first?
I really hadn't thought about it much but its most likely would have been Tommy because he fell first. I imagine he would be super nervous to say it too, but Barney said it straight after.

Do they give each other nicknames?
Tommy calls Barney - Baby, Sweetheart, Sweetie
Barney calls Tommy - Angel (ofc), occasionally baby and babe, but mostly angel

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