Redfinch // Adhd

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(A lot of ppl agree that Finch has ADHD based on his line in Carrying the Banner but I'm probably not gonna write this in again, BTW I am using my own experience as a person with adhd, it isn't the same for everyone and I respect that, both Finch and Albert have ADHD in this but this is focusing on Finch)

Albert was just reading on his bed, with Finch laying down on one of his arms. It was supposed to be a peaceful time, not only for the two but for the entire lodging house. Everyone was either talking quietly or napping or reading, nothing exciting happening. But Finch was so bored. He loved being in Albert's arms like this, but, he struggled with just, sitting still. He would distract himself by counting Albert's freckles when he got bored with that, he started poking Albert, and when Albert told him to stop, he started playing with Albert's suspenders. Eventually, he accidentally manages to hit Albert with them, by stretching them a little and letting go. Albert flinched and sat up, "Ow- Finch-"
"Sorry." Finch sat up with him.
"Can't you just let me read in peace? Please?" Albert looked very annoyed. But Finch just nodded and they lay back down. But after a while, Finch got bored again and found himself tracing his fingers softly along Albert's shirt, which is something Albert didn't mind him doing. Finch then placed his hand on his chest and felt Albert's heartbeat. He started mimicking the sound out loud. He was probably being the loudest in the entire room, so Albert hushed him, "Shhh, what are you doing?"
"I'm following your heartbeat, it's going, like, really fast now."
"Ok, that's fine, but please don't do it out loud."
Finch nodded but after a couple of seconds, he started doing it again. He just loved repeating things, it helped him zone out. But it was clear that it started annoying others in the lodging house, so Albert sighed and put his book down, before kissing Finch's hair and holding him close.

He started massaging his hand so Finch could focus on something else and not be so loud. "Albert, can we do something? I hate laying down doing nothing." Finch mumbled, getting up off the bed.
Albert sat up, "What do you want to do?"
Finch shrugged and took Albert's hands and tried to pull him up, Albert laughed and gave in and stood up, Finch holding his waist and kissing his neck. Race poked his head down from his top bunk, "Can you two stop? I'm trying to sleep."
"No." Finch smiled and looked up at Race, before pushing his head away. That made Albert laugh at Race's expense. But Race got annoyed, "Jack! Tell them to shut up!"
"No, you shut up." Albert frowned.
Jack sighed and got up from his card game with Crutchie. "Guys, come on, for once Race is behaving, can't you guys just calm down?"
"We're not doing anything wrong." Finch shrugged.
"Finch is just being a little restless." Albert sat down on his bed, expecting Finch to do the same but he stayed standing up.
"It's so quiet here today, it's freaking me out," Finch said, a little loud.
Jack hushed him, "Ok, but there's no need for you to be so loud."
"There's no need for you to be such a bitch." Finch mumbled, mimicking him.
"Finch, you can stay and be quiet or just leave, right now, you're annoying everyone."
"No, I'm not-"
But that's when everyone else agreed to say, "Yes you are." And "What's wrong with you?"
Albert felt bad, he also knew what Finch was feeling, struggling to just, be still and to focus.
Finch felt hurt but he just sat back down on the bed next to Albert. Jack left and eventually, Finch managed to fall asleep with Albert in his arms.

"I forgot my bag-" Finch said, halfway on his way to the world factory. Mush laughed, "Again?"
"Damn it, I'm going to have to go back-" He gave Mush his 50 cents, "Can you get 100 for me? I'll be right back." Mush nodded and Finch ran back to the lodging house. There, he found his bag, he was about the head back when he found Albert's book that he was reading yesterday. It was some kind of fantasy book, which he found stupid. He hated reading, it was just a waste of time for him, and he didn't understand what Albert's fascination with books was. He picked it up and sat on the bed, and started reading:

Sullivan strode through the dense forest, his hand tightly gripping the hilt of his sword. He had been travelling for days, his destination unknown even to him. The only thing driving him forward was a feeling in his gut, a sense of purpose that he couldn't quite explain.

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