Redfinch // Christmas Part 3

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(It's literally Easter now Jesus I started writing this on Christmas day)

Albert's dad knocked on his door while Albert was getting ready to leave.
"Go away!" Albert yelled,
But his dad came in anyway, "What's the matter?" He asked simply, alittle stern but still kindly.
"I hate it here." Albert let go and started sobbing, not looking at his dad,
"I don't think that's it, buddy... you went out to see someone?"
Albert's heart stopped, "...yeh..." He sniffled as he stopped his packing to listen to his dad as he sat beside him. "Did they come?"
Albert shook his head sadly, "They promised..." he whispered.
"I'm sorry, Albert." His dad sympathised. Albert hated crying infront of his dad, his dad was a man and looked up to him and this made him look weak. "They are the only thing that makes me happy...I needed them..."
"Does coming home make you sad?" His father asked,
Albert nodded, "I'm the youngest and I feel all alone... no-one talks to me and you all make fun of me."
"Al, you should've told me you felt this way."
"It's not like you can change anything." Albert mumbled,
"You're right, but I'm always happy to do things that you want to do, a game of chess, read, or just talk. Your brothers are getting married and your aunts a nut but I'm always here for you, and I'll always be there for you. But, again, you're always free to stay at your lodging house if you want. If want to spend the holidays with your... Partner?"
Albert's heart jumped alittle, but he nodded and whispered, "Yeh..."
"A girl?" His father knew that wasn't the case but he didn't want to force anything, but Albert felt comfortable enough to confirm,
"A boy..." He looked at his dad, "His name is Patrick Cortes but we call him Finch. He's funny, and tall and kind, and he has the curliest hair..." Albert smiled alittle. Albert's dad smiled at his sons confession, happy he trusted him enough, "He sounds amazing."
Albert's smile faded,"It doesn't matter." He mumbled.
"Why not?"
"I'm breaking up with him... we're done." Albert was tearing up abit again, leaving his dad to wrap his arm around his shoulder.
"If that's what you want to do. But you should always try and find out why he didn't show up, for all you know something came up. I remember, back in Ireland, I stood up your mother a bunch of times when we had to meet up and she got angry and frustrated like you, but she had a heart of gold and never gave up on me. It took her years to find out the reason I kept missing our meeting was because I was doing extra work to afford a ring."
"I doubt Finch is gonna buy me a ring." Albert mumbled, loving the story.
His father chuckled, "No, but, if you have alittle patience, he might surprise you. Choose to love unconditionally, even when it's hard. It's the most rewarding decision you'll ever make."
"...thanks dad... I love you." It was the first time in years Albert has said that, but he meant it. Albert didn't know if he was going to break up with Finch yet but he knew he had to give him a chance to explain. Albert looks at his dad, "I'm sorry I said those things,"
He meant when he got angry and blurred out things he doesn't mean, "I know you work so hard for us and I was being mean I'm sorry-"
"Al, the most important thing in my life is this family. I understand that we fell off short after your Mammy pasted away, so I understand your frustration. You're a kid, you deserve to be going to school, and I am so thankful you help with the income. I love you, you have nothing to feel bad about."
Albert smiled, "Thank you."
"Now, are you staying?"
"Yeh, I'll stay. I just wanted to leave to see Finch but right now I think I need to space from him...just for now."
"Ok, that's up to you. You should get some rest, I have an extra blanket if you get cold."
"I think I'll be ok." Albert said, getting into bed as his dad got up,
"Good night, Albert."
"Good night, dad."

Hours later, Albert was sleeping, when he was woken up by taps on his window. He assumed it was a bird and tried to go back to sleep, but the taps didn't stop. He angrily and tiredly sat up and looked at his window to see someone was throwing rocks at it. He confusingly got up and opened his window, he looked down to see it was indeed a bird, "Oh thank god that was your window!" Finch smiled at Albie, "I just took a wild guess."
Albert looked at him, nonchalant.
So Finch continued, "Um- I've got a surprise for you, you wanna come down so I can show you?"
Albert sighed and closed the window, Finch was scared he was gonna go back to bed but Albert got downstairs and met him in the street. "What?" Albert asked sternly. But Finch smiled in response and went over to give him a kiss, "Hi, baby-" But Albert just pushed him away, "You're hours late you asshole."
Finch was alittle shocked, "I- uh- I know, I'm sorry, but I got caught up with something-"
"Well, I wanted to surprise you and Race told me you always wanted to hear me play the guitar-"
Albert blushed from embarrassment, thinking he was gonna strangle Race, "Yeh, ok and?"
"Well, I sold my guitar before we started dating so I didn't have one. So i thought I could borrow one for a dollar from a shop somewhere but alot were closed, and the rest were scams and would only let me buy, and that would of cost me all my money-"
Albert then understood and felt bad for getting angry at him, but was happy he heard him out, so he gave Finch his kiss, "It's ok."
Finch smiled, "Thank you, sorry I was late I just really wanted to play for you."
"It's fine don't worry about it."
"Oh-" Finch said, grabbing the guitar, "abit too late cause-"
Albert gasped, "You found one!"
"Yeh! Well- not to borrow..."
"You stole it?!"
"No I brought it-"
"What?! That's even worse, how much did it cost you?"
"Don't worry about it, it's worth it cause I love you-"
"You're an idiot... I love you too." They kiss again, before sitting on the Stoop of Albert's apartment, and Finch started playing, and Albert was in awe, his heart fluttered. He was so talented and he looked so cute playing. "You're amazing." Albert kissed his cheek. When Finch finished his third song, he put his guitar down and looked at Albert, "Merry Christmas, my love I'll see you next week."
Albert's heart shattered, he wanted him to stay, "Wait- please can you stay alittle longer?"
Finch smiled sadly, "It's very late Albie, and look-" He embraced Albert as he was shivering, "You're getting cold, you should go back inside."
But Albert didn't want to go, he was about to say something when the door behind them opened, Finch quickly stood up to be ready to leave, but Albert stopped him when he realised it was his dad.
"Albert, you know what time it is?" His dad asked, alittle sternly,
Albert mumbled, "Blame him, he woke me." Finch was alittle scared because his dad was very intimidating.
"Is this Finch?" His dad asked. Albert looked down and nodded.
His dad looked at Finch who was seconds away from escaping, "What are you doing waking my son up so late?"
"I'm sorry sir, I was just-" Finch was about to lie when Albert said, "It's fine, he knows we're together."
"Oh- I'm sorry we were planning to meet earlier but I was being an idiot and came back late."
But Albert defended him, "But he spent that time looking for a present for me and even spent alot of money."
His dad raised an eyebrow, "Right, though that's really sweet, it's freezing outside and past midnight. You got a place to go tonight, Finch?"
"Yeh, the lodging house." Finch smiled and looked at Albert, "I'll see soon-"
"You're not spending your holidays with your family?"
"No, sir." Finch said quietly,
"Would you like to stay here then? We'd love to have you."
Finch was alittle hesitant, but he looked at Albert who clearly wanted him to stay, and he really wanted to stay with him too, "If you wouldn't mind me there, I'd love to. Thank you." Finch smiled,
Albert was super excited but hid it, "No problem, now, inside both of you."
Albert and Finch look at eachother and Albert grabs Finch's arm and drags him to his bedroom.

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