Redfinch // My boy. Part 2

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(Ha, again, short af)

Albert kept holding onto Finch, his skin felt like fire and he was so pale and looked so weak. They were under the freezing cold shower for about 10 minutes when Specs said, "Albert, you need to get out of the water at some point or you'll catch a cold."
Albert shook his head, "I don't care, I'm not letting go of him until he wakes up."
Specs smiled, "Alright, that's fine..."
Jack checked Finch's pulse again to see if it had slowed down, but it was just as quick, "Hes still extremely warm, he's been under cold water for almost 15 minutes now, what's going on?"
"I'm not sure," Specs said, "but the cold water will help, it might get better when he wakes up."
They waited a couple minutes, when they finally felt Finch move, the waited to see if he was going to wake up or pass out again. Albert held him tightly, and took his hand to cup and caress his cheek, "Finch?" He said softly as he saw Finch's eyes flutter open, alittle disturbed by the water, though Albert was super excited, he kept calm and gentle. Finch opened his eyes and felt his migraine again, he was still in extreme pain, as he tensed up and started shivering, "I'm cold-"
"I know, Birdie." Albert smiled, brushing some hair out of his face, so happy that he was awake.
But Finch was extremely uncomfortable and in pain, "Why are we under the shower- my head really hurts, I wanna get out-"
He tried to sit up, but his headache stopped him, he fell back down in Albies arms, "Ow-"
"Hey-hey- take it easy, you need to stay under the water for a little longer, ok, just until your fever's down." Specs said.
But Finch was extremely overwhelmed, with the freezing water and his soaking clothes, and a migraine plus the sound of the water falling made things worse, he shut his eyes tightly and lay his head on Albert's chest, "Baby, I'm cold..."
"It will help cool your body down, you can't feel it but your burning up, a couple more minutes." Albert said, trying not to tear up as he's never seen Finch so vulnerable.
Davey walked in with a towel and dry clothes, "Albert, you need to get out now, now he's awake, you don't need to hold him, dry yourself off before you catch a cold." Albert sighed and nodded, and slowly let go of Finch and let him sit up on his own, Finch watched in envy as Albert was given a warm towel and dry clothes as he was forced to stay under the freezing cold shower, he was shivering and held his arms to try and warm up. As Albert left the showers to get changed in the bathroom, Finch weakly asked, "How much longer?"
"When your fever is down." Jack answered.
"But how can I have a fever if I'm so cold?"
"It's complicated but when he touch you, your skin is extremely hot, even though on the inside you feel cold."
Finch then, for the first time infront of anyone, he started crying, he was scared, and hurt and felt alone. And outside, Albert heard his boyfriend sniffling, "Is he crying?" He whispered to Davey on the other side of the sinks, Davey looked in and nodded, "Yeah, he must just feel terrified."
Albert felt his heart shatter, "Hes complaining about being cold but they aren't letting him out of the water, and his head still hurts..." He quickly finished putting on his clothes and went back in the shower and kneeled infront of his boyfriend, "Everything will be Ok, I promise, I'm right here..." He softly said.
"What is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me?" Finch sniffled.
Albert took his hand, "You'll get better I promise..." He held Finch's cheek, watched as his poor boyfriend cried in agony, his voice broke as he softly said, "My little bird..."
Finch looked up, "Your trying not to cry aren't you?" Finch chuckled.
Albert laughed, and instantly he felt tears fall, feeling relieved alittle, "I just hate seeing you like this, babe..." He reached out and felt Finch's forearm, "Your fevers gone down quite a bit..."
Specs felt Finch's forehead, "Yeah, let's wait a couple minutes for it to be fully down, then you can get out."
Finch didn't like that response, he wanted to get out instantly, but Albert took his hand, "You're doing so well..."

A couple minutes go by, and Finch's fever was gone, so they turned off the water. Albert wrapped a towel around Finch's shoulders, as Davey brought Finch some clean clothes, Davey, Specs and Jack waited outside as Albert helped Finch get changed on the floor, cause he was too weak to stand, and he was still shivering, "Drink plenty of water, ok? And I'm staying in all day tommorow to make sure this doesn't happen again." Albert said, doing the final buttons of Finch's shirt . Finch smiled and nodded, "Thanks, baby." Albert sighed and kissed his boyfriends lips, "I love you. And I'm gonna take care of you."
"Can I go to bed now?" Finch asked, tiredly. Albert nodded and helped him up, he let the others clean up as he took Finch to his bed. Luckily, it was late at night, so no-one was awake or being loud and it was dark so Finch's headache didn't worsen. "Your gonna have to sleep without a blanket, so your fever doesn't come back." Albert whispered. Finch sighed, he was honestly hoping to snuggle I'm a warm blanket after being trapped under freezing water, but he was too weak to protest. Albert handed him a cup of water and made him drink all of it. "You aren't scaring me like that again," Albert said sternly, "if I feel your body temperature rising even the slightest tonight, I am forcing you back into that shower, got it?"
Finch laughed, "Got it."
"How are you feeling?" Albert asked, in a softer tone.
"Sick...just weak and tired and alittle scares I guess... when I woke up and I realised I had past out I just- I'm sorry, I know I was a pain but I was panicking..." Finch cried and looked down. Albert's heart melted, "It's alright, I know it must have been scary for you... You've never fainted like this before?"
Finch shook his head, "I've never had such a bad headache before either..." He sniffled.
"Poor thing..." Albert whispered, "You need to rest, ok?"
"Can you hold me?" Finch asked, for the first time ever, "I just really want to be held..."
Albert nodded sweetly and lay him down, and let Finch lay his head on his chest, and he started tracing his finger alot the helix of Finch's ear, something Finch loved. Albert held him tight, "I love you, Birdie."
"I love you too..."

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