Jomike // break up pt 2

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It's been 2 months now. And Jojo hasn't spoken since. Mike has gone back to seeing multiple people, including Citrus, which hurt both Jojo and Mike because they didnt like that they were moving on. It felt weird.
But they hid it. Citrus would sit on Mike's lap and Mike would smile and hold his neck to kiss him. Jojo would look at them, they were surely going to get together.

Days go by and no update on Jojo and Mike. Mike woke up, shirtless, in his bed with shirtless Citrus in his arms. When he would wake up with Jojo, it was special, now it just seemed like a chore. He didnt like Citrus as much as he used to, because of the things he did to Jojo, but now, theres no excuse to not like him. He was kinder, and left Jojo alone. But Mike still glances at Jojo, be would tear up at times and tempted to go back to him. But he looked at Citrus and kissed the top of his head, unlovingly. "Goodmorning."
Citrus wakes up and looks at him, "'morning."
They wordlessly start getting ready with the other newsies, when Ike joined his brother while Citrus was showering. "So, are you two dating?" Ike asked buttoning up his shirt,
"Not really."
"You seemed happier with Jojo."
Mike looked at him sharply, "Isaac-"
"-im serious. And Jojo looked happier with you."
"Shut up. I love Citrus."
"You dont-"
"-i do."
"I promise you I do. Tonight I'll make it official."
Ike knew Mike wasnt happy, but words came out and Mike just didnt want it to continue.

Everybody but Mike left to sell. Mike took out his suit case with the not much that is his stuff he got from the fire. He looked through it all and found it. It was a small stuffed teddy bear his mom gave him. It was small and worn out. He gave it to Jojo when they were dating, and Jojo found it adorable. It's called Toffy. Hes going to give it to Citrus for when he asks him out that night, which Mike isnt thrilled about to be honest, but it's the best way to move on. Mike put Toffy on the bed. He went to the bathrooms to brush his teeth, he didnt care if hes going to be late.

Jojo was behind the others when he realised he forgot his bag, he told Henry to not wait for him and ran back into the lodging house, he didnt know Mike was there. He looked for his bag and found it. He smiled but looked back. He looked at Mike's bed and saw a familiar bear on it. He looked around and saw nobody so approached the bed with a smile and took Toffy. He laughed alittle, because he remebered all the funny jokes Mike would tell him as Jojo just looked at the toy. All the happy memories. Jojo took the brought it to his chest. So many emotions, he was happy and sad at the same time. That's when Mike walked in on him, "Jojo?"

Jojo looked at him, he started panicking, he shakingly put the Toffy back on the bed, "I am so sorry, I forgot my bag, and I-"
"Its ok..."
"-I just wanted to hold him. You were going to give it to Citrus right? He deserves you- it- the bear, and you-"
Mike approached him, Jojo got nervous, but Mike just looked at him, "Its ok baby."

Jojos eyes widened, the nickname...the soft way he spoke. Mike took Jojos hand, "Can we talk? I know we have to sell...I'll make it up to you..."
Jojo pressed his lips together and looked down, "Ok..." and sat down with Mike. Words didnt seem to come out of Mike's mouth, he didnt know what was appropriate to say, "I miss you?" He chuckled alittle, because of the weight that was taken off his shoulders, Jojo also let out a giggle. And admitted "Me too..." Mike looked at him, and hugged him, both tearing up. "I miss the way you would ask for a cuddle like it was illigal, you were shy about it and it was so great to see your face lit up when I said yes." Mike petted his hair, Jojo smiled, "I miss the way you make me laugh through anything and everything, your so funny and smart." Mike held him tighter, "I want to love you again..."
"Me too." Jojo sobbed. Mike went wide eyes, "Aw, Jojo, dont cry..."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really missed helped me when I was in a bad place..."
Mike held him tighter. It was quiet and pleasant. Jojo looked at Mike's hand, and timidly took it. So many days, weeks of them not talking, like they were strangers to glueing back together in under 5 minutes, it's like they've been together the whole time. "Why did you leave me?" Jojo asked.

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