Albert Backstory

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Albert Dasilva

He was to a family of 5, his dad, mom and 2 older brothers, Sean and Kieran, plus his dad's older sister, his crazy Auntie Orla. His parents grew up together in a small village in Ireland, but came to New York, hoping to raise their kids in a city like they always dreamed. They had their first son Sean at the age of 20, so they were very young when they moved. Albert was always a mamas boy while his brothers were daddy's boys. Albert was this soft and emotional kid that just wanted to be in his mammys arms 24/7. Their mother was this sweet angel who always dreamed of opening her own jewellery business, while his father was a miner and tough but a loving father in general. Oh and did I mention, the whole family is RED, auburn locks everywhere. Anyways, Albert's mom past away when he was 12, and his father fell into a deep depression and wasn't able to work. Both his brothers were in their late teens at the time so they were able to get jobs mining and other hard labour. But Albert was still a kid, so he just became a newsie. Their father has never ending guilt for what happened to his family, and honestly, Albert never helped with that, he resented his father, alot, and blamed him for all his families issues. (Until my Christmas series)
But yeah, Albert is this kid that grew up too quickly and acts all tough because of it, but is secretly an emotional baby.

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