Redfinch // My boy

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(Tw- Severe illness. Also I'm thinking of making a part 2)

Finch lay on Albert's bed, eyes shut tightly, as he tried to pass the pain he was enduring. Albert came and sat beside him, and placed the back of his hand on his forehead, "Are you OK? Your burning up..."
Finch just shook his head, "My head is hurting so bad-"
"You might be having a migraine, I'll get you a damp rag."
Albert silently kissed Finch's cheek, feeling sympathy for his boyfriend as he knew how awful migraines could be. All the other newsies were being so loud, and the sun was so bright, that didn't help Finch's situation, he teared up feeling the effects of being ill, sweating but also felt like he was cold. Albert came back and places a cool rag on his forehead, that relieved a hit of the headache. "You're staying in from selling today, ok?" Albert softly said.
"No- I can't afford not to sell today-" Finch shook his head.
"It's fine, I'll cover you for today, I just want you to lay down and take it easy, ok?"
Finch protested, "Al-"
"I'm serious, Finch. Youre burning up." Albert unbuttoned his shirt.
Finch sighed and tries to open his eyes, but the pain the sun brought to his head was too unbearable so he just shut them again. So Albert got up and asked the newsies whos beds were close to the windows to shut the blinds as the left, when everyone was gone, and the room was quiet and the sun was blocked, Finch opened his eyes, "My head is killing me..."
"I know, love..." Albert said softly, unusual for him, but he needed to comfort his boyfriend, "I'll get you a glass of water then I'll see you tonight, ok? I'll try and sell as quickly as possible."
"Ok." Finch said weakly, but with a smile. Albert got up and got his boyfriend a glass of water and a bucket incase he needed to vomit at some point, he placed a soft kiss on his lips and left to go sell.

"That was so precious," Race said to Albert, waiting for him outside, "I've never heard you call him love before."
Albert sighed, "Hes in alot of pain, and it's breaking my heart."
"Yeah, Albert, its called sympathy." Race laughed. Albert chuckled, "Stop... I don't know, I've never seen him in his- not bouncy, smiley state... and he was crying a little and there was nothing I could do... my poor boy..."
"Aw, Albert-" Race had honestly never seen Albert in that state, he honestly had doubts if Albert could feel any other emotions than stubbornness. Albert just shook his head, "I feel awful."
"It's fine, I bet by the time you get home he'll be feeling better."
"You sure?"
Race nodded and patted his friends shoulder as they made their way to the distribution window.

Later that day, Jack finished before everyone else, it was a Thursday as well so he knew Davey was staying the night so he met him up at his house and they started walking to the lodging house together. There, they just saw Specs walking in, "Oh hey, you done already?"
Jack nodded, "Yeah, I just went to get Davey, I finished around 10-15 minutes ago."
Davey walked in, "Why is it so dark in here?"
"Oh, Finch had a migraine so we closed all the curtains." Specs answered. Jack nodded, "Yeah, I'll go check to see if he's feeling better."
Jack walked to Albert's bed where Finch was and noticed he hadn't drank the water Albert got him, he lay on his stomach with his arm hanging off the bed, "Oh- God- Finch, are you OK?" Jack knelt down onto the bed and flipped Finch onto his back, instantly he noticed how warm his body was, and he was extremely pale and his hair was soaked in sweat, "Finch? Hey, Finch, wake up-" But no response, Jack quickly called the other two over, "Hes not waking up, and he's running a really bad fever-"
Specs ran over, Davey following behind. Specs felt Finch's pulse and it was racing, and his skin was hot to the touch, Specs cupped his cheek and shook his head a little trying to wake him up, "Davey, turn on the showers and make sure they are at their coldest, Jack help me carry him." Davey nodded and went to the showers as Jack helped Specs lift Finch up by under his arms, in the bathrooms, they slowly sat him down under the cold shower, letting his clothes get wet, Specs rolled up his sleeve and ran water through his hair, and he felt Finch sit up a little meaning he was back into consciousness, Jack sat beside him, making sure to not get wet, "Hey, Finch, buddy, how you feeling?"
But Finch could barely get a word in before he slipped back to unconsciousness, "He's really running that fever, keep him under water, even if he wakes up, even if he's complaining about being cold." Specs said, he's always been the medic of the lodging house, his father used to be a doctor. Davey heard something and left the bathroom and quickly came back, "Some of the fellas are arriving back."
Jack stood up, "Right, tell them no-one in the bathroom until I say so, not even Albert, we can't have anyone crowding him, and also he's very vulnerable right now and we can't have him being some sort of show."
But Davey was sceptical, "Jack, you can't keep Albert away from his boyfriend, he'll be worried sick-"
"No, Jack is right, if Albert comes in, he's going to panic and worry and that's not good for Finch or him."
Davey sighed and nodded, as people came in, he told them, "Hey, no-one in the showers until further notice, alright?"
Albert wasn't back yet, and everyone else was confused, "What? Are you and Jack making out in their or something?" Race asked, causing everyone to laugh. Davey sighed and rushed to Henry's bed, knowing he will be the best guy to put in charge while Jack is taking care of Finch, "Hey, Henry, I'm serious, make sure no-one goes in the showers, Finch is in and out of consciousness and is running an extremely high fever, he's very unwell."
Henry looked worried sick, "Oh god, yeah, count on me, what about Albert?"
"Just tell him Finch is unwell but insist he doesn't go in, no matter what, ok?"
Henry nodded, knowing it was gonna be hard.

Davey went back in the bathroom and Henry made sure nobody entered the showers, and he also told Race what was going on so he could help break the news to Albert. But then Albert walked in and went to his bed and instantly noticed Finch wasn't there, so Henry and Race approached him, "Albert, sit down a sec." Race said, in a serious tone that told Albert something was wrong, "Oh my god, wheres Finch, what happened?" He instantly panicked worried about his boyfriend. But Henry just made him sit down, "Hey, calm down, Specs is taking care of him, he's just running a fever so they're making him take a cold shower." Though it wasn't the full truth, Henry wasn't lying, but chose not to mention the unconsciousness, or the extent of the fever. Albert gasped and stood up, "I need to make sure he's ok-"
But Race sat him back down, Henry helping him make sure he doesn't stand up, "Albert, stay here for now, ok? He must be extremely scared and overwhelmed and you adding panic into the mix isn't going to help."
Albert fought back, "But he's my boy- I need to make sure hes ok, I can't just sit here and worry, I need to see him."
"I get that, but-"
"Then let me go." Albert said sternly. But Henry ans Race resisted, but eventually, Albert pulled out of their grip and ran to the showers. The other two ran after him, but it was too late.

Albert walked in and stood there in shock as he watches in horror the state his boyfriend was in, he gasped, "Oh my god-"
Race and Henry followed, "Sorry, we tried to stop him-" Henry said.
Jack sighed, "Look, its fine, both of you make sure no-one else comes in." Albert teared up and sat beside Jack, as they had Finch sat up under the freezing water, "Oh... Finch...they didn't tell me he was unconscious..."
"Our biggest concern is his fever, right now, we need to keep him under water." Specs softly said.
"Why isn't he waking up?" Albert asked.
"I think his migraine is causing him to slip in and out of consciousness, its rare but sometimes the pain and dizziness is so unbearable, his body is making his blood pressure low so he's struggling to stay awake."
Albert tried his best not to cry, sighed and got under the shower with Finch, and held him, gently holding him up and caressing his cheeks, "I've got you, Birdie..." Albert didn't care that his clothes were getting wet, right now his biggest concern was his boy, praying that he was going to be ok.

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