Redfinch // Wisdom tooth

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(Modern Boarding school Au) (and no, they dont wear uniforms)

Finch held Albert's hand on the way to the dentist. It was quite far from the dorms, but, they took the bus from the dorms to the library which was next to the dentist.

Albert was going to get his wisdom tooth removed. He wasnt scared of the dentist, but he didnt love the idea of getting a tooth ripped out while hes high on laughing gas.
His dad was going to pick him up after surgery to take him back to his dorm. And he was scared he was going to say something stupid so he had Finch come with him.

Arriving to the dentist, they sat in the waiting room "Please dont let me say anything stupid to my dad." Albert pleaded,
Finch chuckled, "I won't."
Albert's name was called so they kissed, and parted. And Finch went to buy Albert a gift for after the surgery.

When he went back to the dentist, he went inside to check on his boyfriend. And God what a sight. Albert looked compeletly zoned out. He looked at the ceiling while twitching his eye.
Finch held in laughter "Hey, baby."
Albert stayed quite before looking at Finch "AH- dont scare me like that man that not cool."
"I didnt even scare you!" Finch petted Albert's hair while laughing.
Albert then started crying "You dont know, it was the scariest moment of my liiiiffeeee-"
"Aw dont cry, I'm sorry." Finch smiled.
"You're really, a really very beautiful boy." Albert said, still crying.
"Thank you."
"Why cant you be my boyfriend?"
"I already am."
"You are?!"
Finch laughed again, and nodded.
"Woahhhh." Albert looked up again.

The gauze in Albert's mouth made it quite hard to understand him, but, Finch understood all the nonsense he was saying as they waited for his dad.
When he arrived, with one of Albert's older brothers, they started getting ready to leave. His dad took Albert's bag, and Finch helped Albert to the car. His dad and his brother sat up front while Finch and Albert sat at the back. "You know what's crazy?" Albert looked a Finch,
"What's crazy?" Finch asked, smiling,
"Brooklyn nine-nine."
Finch thought Albert was going to say something else but he just looked out the window.
"I thought you told me you didnt watch it?" His brother said, turning to Albert.
"Hey man! That's an offence!" Albert slapped him, it wasnt a weak slap at all.
"Albert, do not slap people." His father said.
"Ok, I'm sorry." Albert sobbed.

Halfway through the journey, Albert lay his head on Finch's lap as Finch ran his fingers through his hair, "I love you." Albert said lazily,
"I love you too."
Albert shot back up, "Daddy, did you know hes my boyfriend???"
"I did, Albert."
"But like, that's pretty gay man. But I'm not gay, because my friend who is of the fe- of the girl gender, is pretty cool."
Finch raised an eyebrow "Which friend exactly?"
Albert looked at him "Uhhh, blond hair, an idiot with a boyfriend that's really short."
Finch and Albert's brother busted out laughing, "You mean Race?" Finch asked,
"Yeh, but I'm not gay, aren't I?" Albert asked,
But Finch shook his head "No, your bi."
"Then who is gay here?" Albert asked,
"Probably me?" Finch said confused,
"Hahaha, lesbo."
Finch and Albert's brother couldn't stop laughing.

A few seconds later, Albert looked dazed out the window, "Daddy, wheres my phone?" Albert asked,
"In your bag." His dad answered,
"Aaaaand, wheres my bag?"
"I have it."
"Well, why didnt you say that in the first fucking place, fucking idiot."
Albert's brother sputtered laughing.
Finch felt bad, this was probably something Albert wanted him not to say to his dad. But his father gave him a stern look and Albert said "Sorry, I'm sorry."

They finally arrived to the dorms, Albert said goodbye to his dad and brother, got his bag and Finch helped him to there room. "Maybe you should take a nap." Finch sat down on his bed.
"I'm no baby." Albert pouted.
"I know, but I think it's best if you fall asleep early."
"No, life is too good for me to sleep!"
"Come on, I'll let you wear my hoodie."
Finch laughed "Albie! Ok, let's get you ready for bed."

Albert laid down while Finch was putting his gauze in the bin. He was, again, saying complete nonsense, and Finch gave up trying to understand what he was saying. He just nodded and said, 'sure' and 'uh-huh'.
He then went to Albert's bed.
"What's up?" Albert looked up at him,
"Do you want me to cuddle up with you?" Finch smiled, petting his hair, but Albert swatted his hand away "No." He said, in a bratty tone.
"You dont want any cuddles?" Finch asked again sweetly, thumbing his cheek ,
"No. No cuddles."
"Ok, so I'll just go to my bed."
Albert yawned "Yah, you go do that, peasant."
Before going, Finch kissed Albert all over, mumbling "I love you."
Until he was pushed away by an annoyed Albert. Even high, he is still just as stubborn.

Since it was early evening, Finch just watched TV while Albert slept in the other room. But he felt Albert curl up on his lap. "You cant sleep, huh?" Finch chuckled,
"My mouth hurts, I want you to kiss it better."
Finch just sighed and pulled him up and kissed his cheek. Albert started leaning back, almost falling off the couch, but Finch pulled him back "Hey, dont do that, you'll hurt yourself  baby."
Finch stroked his cheeks with his knuckles, "You are a handful." Finch said in fake annoyance. Albert just looked at him with wide eyes and a smile, which looked really cute to Finch. "Let's go sleep, ok?" Finch stood up, but Albert wouldn't move so Finch had to carry him bridal style to his bed.

They cuddled up in Finch's bed, and fell asleep. The next morning, they woke up. Albert felt nauseous, so they decided to stay in bed. "What are we doing in your bed?" He yawned,
"Dont know," Finch admitted "but it's a nice change."
"How bad was I?" Albert mumbled, tiredly.
"You were so cute. I mean, you did call me a lesbian, you slapped your brother and called your dad a fucking idiot."
Albert cringed "Oh God..." he blushed so Finch kissed his forehead. "How do you feel?"
"A little sick, and my mouth is sore..."
"Aw, you rest, ok? I brought you something." Finch got his bag and came back, and took out a stuffed dinosaur:

Albert was dazed "A doll?""Ok, hear me out, I was gonna buy you ice cream, but I knew it would melt so I went to the toy store and, I dont know, it reminded me of you?" Finch handed Albert the stuffed toy

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Albert was dazed "A doll?"
"Ok, hear me out, I was gonna buy you ice cream, but I knew it would melt so I went to the toy store and, I dont know, it reminded me of you?" Finch handed Albert the stuffed toy.
"Well, I dont know thank you?" Albert said,
"So, you like it?" Finch smirked,
"Well I dont know?! I mean...its cute."
"What are you gonna call him?" Finch asked,
"I'm not a little kid," Albert frowned, "And dont assume its gender!"
Finch laughed "Ok, ok, how about this for their name, Binnie?"
Albert thought for a second, and nodded, he then fell asleep with Binnie in his arms.

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