Jomike // Venting

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Jojo, Albert and Race walked into the lodging house. They were hanging out like they used to, but it ended alittle, let's say out of control. Jojo was soaking wet, angry, and Albert and Race were behind him, snickering as well as apologising. Race and Albert left him alone eventually.

Jojo went to his bed, where Mike was waiting for him. When he saw the state his boyfriend was in, he was a mixture of confusion, amusement and sympathy, "Oh no, baby, what happened?" He looked at Jojo who was not amused, he wiped the water that was under his eyes and sat on the bed, staring into nothing. Mike kissed his temple, "You want me to get you a towel or something?"
"Nunca volveré a confiar en esos idiotas..." Jojo mumbled
Mike doesn't understand Spanish, "Sorry, in English?"
"No. No estoy nada contento con ellos." Jojo continued.
"Uh- Henry?" Mike called over Henry for help because he understood Spanish.
Henry, who was listening in, translated, "He says he's not happy with 'those idiots' I'm assuming he's talking about Race and Albert."
Jojo nodded, Mike sighed and took Jojos hand, "Race, Albert, what did you two do?"
"Nothing!" Race lied, Albert instantly nodded in response.
Jojo yelled, "¡Mentirosos! ¡Me tiraron al río Hudson!"
Mike was again confused, while Henry was shocked, "You guys did what?!"
"What did he say?" Mike asked.
Henry just kept talking to Race and Albert, "You guys threw Jojo in the hudson river?"
Mike shared Henry's shock, "You guys did what?"
"Threw' is a strong word..." Race mumbled,
"Yeh, more like, he tripped." Albert continued.
Jojo shook his head in response, crossing his arms and looking away. Mike held his waist, not minding the water, "You want me to get you a towel?"
"Sí, por favor." Jojo answered. Though Mike wasn't fluent, he knew what that meant so he stood up and got Jojo a towel from the bathroom.

When he came back, he wrapped the towel over Jojos shoulders and gave him a kiss. "Feeling better?"
Jojo nodded, "Thanks, sorry about earlier, I just find it alot easier to express what I'm saying in spanish."
Mike smiled, "It's ok, it's kind of cute."
"Cute?" Jojo laughed.
"Yeah, I find it adorable when you speak Spanish, it's such a beautiful language and the passion in your voice makes it ten times better. I wish you spoke it more often."
Jojo blushed, "You want me to speak in spanish more often?"
Mike nodded with a sweet smile. Jojo honestly felt so much more comfortable speaking spanish because it was his first language, so it felt so sweet Mike loved it, "I'd love to, Amor." They kiss again, Jojo feeling alot more relax despite having been thrown in a river.

The next morning, they wake up and get ready to go sell. Jojo was brushing his teeth when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind and kissed his neck. "Good morning, mi amor." Jojo smiled.
Mike smiled back, very tired, "Morning beautiful... You slept well?"
Jojo nodded, finishing brushing his teeth. Mike smiled and let go of him to take his hand and left with the other newsies to get their papes, "I imagine you're not going to be with Race and Albert today." Mike said.
Jojo shook his head, "What they did yesterday is adding onto my list on why I don't hang out with them anymore."
Mike chuckled, "They're still your friends."
"They are, but they are also chaos. Like you can be sometimes."
Mike laughed cause he knew it was true, "But you like my chaos."
"Yeh, there's something charming about it." Jojo kissed his hand.
They decides to sell together because they felt extra clingy that day and wanted to spend the whole day together, where Mike usually sells with Ike and Jojo with Henry and Tommy.

Mike was sitting on the floor as Jojo collected money from a guy who brought a newspaper.
Jojo sat down beside him.
"Jojo, how do you say, 'I love you' in spanish?" Mike asked.
Jojo smiled and answered, "Te amo."
"Te amo," Mike repeated, "How do you say, 'I've got the best boyfriend ever'?"
Jojo laughed, "Tengo el mejor novio del mundo."
"I know you do." Mike grinned. Jojo laughed and playfully smacked his arm, "Eres tan molesto."
Jojo smiled and said, "Estoy hablando solo en español de ahora en adelante, acostúmbrate, mi amor."
Mike's smile dropped, "Uh... can you translate that?"
Jojo cheekily laughed and shook his head, "No es casualidad, además, dijiste que mi español era lindo."
Mike frowned and grabbed onto Jojo from behind and kissed his neck from behind. Jojo laughed and desperately tried to pull him off, he was flustered and blushing,
"Todavía voy a hablar en español." Jojo teased. Though Mike couldn't understand him, he loved it, it was cute and his heart skipped everytime he got called 'amor'.
"Te amo, Jojo."
"Te amo más, Mike."

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