Ikeshot // Little prankster

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Mike and Ike were wandering around Brooklyn. They were supposed to be selling but kinda just wandered off.
"Hey, you know what would be funny?" Ike snickered to his brother,
"What if we go to the Brooklyn lodging house and place a bunch of mouse traps under their blankets?"
Mike thought about it, "We might get killed... but sounds like fun! Let's do it."
The two always gets themselves in mischief like this, they used to live in pretty standered living, they went to a private school and lived in a middle class house. However, after a bunch of thugs got their house burnt down, killing their parents and leaving them homeless. But they kind of enjoy the freedom, no-longer having to live up to their schools standered, even though they really miss their parents. They are now Mike and Ike instead of Michael and Isaac.

They got as many mouse traps as they could from a supply shop and got to the Brooklyn lodging house, attempting to avoid any newsies they saw selling. Luckily, no-one was there so they started their prank, hiding loaded mouse traps under each beds blanket, around three on each bed. When Ike was working on a bed he heard SNAP and an "Ow-" from his brother following.
"Mike?" He called out,
"Yeah?" Mike responded,
"Did you set off one of the traps?"
"Did you pinch yourself?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Alright, let me see." Ike went over hand took a look at Mike's hand, noticing one of his fingers seemed alittle bruised and purple, "You barely pinched a nerve, you're fine. You can move it right?"
Mike nodded, "Yeh, thanks mom." He said jokingly. Ike laughed and gently punched him in the arm and went back to hiding mice traps.
Mike thought while hiding mice traps, "Hey, Ike?"
"Do you remember when we were little and we got hurt, mom would sing to us?"
"You want me to sing to you?"
"No," Mike laughed, "but it's a nice memory isn't it?"
"I guess. I don't really like memories, it just reminds me what I don't have now."
"It's not comforting to you?"
Ike shook his head, just true, he doesn't like remembering the past too much, he just likes to focus on the present rather than the past and the future. He's only older by a couple minutes but he takes that role seriously, making sure to be the protector out of the two, while also being the most mischievous.

After they were done, waited until selling time was over, when they heard the Brooklyn newsies walking up the stairs, they ran and hid under a bed to watch their mischief unfold.
Spot was the first to walk in, "It's fucking freezing out there."
Followed by Hotshot and Bart, "Doesnt help that we don't that any sleeves." Bart mumbled, causing Spot to punch him in the arm.
Myron walks in exhausted, "Can we actually just skip brushing teeth and showers today? I want to go straight to bed."
"You never brush your teeth and shower." York said walking in with Graves.
"True." Myron mumbles as he throws the covers of his bed, causing all the mouse traps under his blanket to aggressively snap, startling him, causing Myron to fall backwards screeching.
Mike and Ike burst out laughing, as Spot forces Myron up, "What the hell!?" Spot catches them, "Manhatten boys!"
"Oh shit- let's go-" Mike grabs his brother. They quickly crawl out from under the bed and baulk it to the window, and run down the fire escape.
"Hotshot, come with me-" Spot says, running out the door to catch the twins from outside. Hotshot moans but follows Spot quickly behind.
The twins run out into the streets of Brooklyn, its sunset and its starting to rain, but they need to leave before Spot catches them
They run down an allyway to make a short cut, just to find Spot and Hotshot on the other side, so they run back the other way as the two chased them back down,
"We're gonna have to split up, you run left, I go right, got it?" Ike says, Mike nods and as soon as they leave the allyway they run in different directions.
Hotshot was about to split up with Spot until Spot says, "No, get one of them, they won't leave without the other." So they both start going after Ike.

Through the rain, Ike struggles to see but he's still really fast down the street. He's actually going to opposite way to where manhatten is but he did that on purpose so Mike could go towards back home while he would have to lose Spot and Hotshot then make his way home. He looks back, he doesn't see Hotshot and Spot, he things he lost them when he takes a turn into another allyway, he didn't notice a huge pole attached to the two building, before he even knew it, he ran straight into it, banging his head, knocking him out unconscious. When Spot and Hotshot caught up behind him, they saw him fall to the floor, they both gasp, almost feeling how painful that must be, "Oh god-" Spot said running to Ike to check on him.
"I think he's out cold-" Hotshot said.
"What do we do now?"
"Well we can't leave him out in the rain-"
"I mean we could..."
"Spot, no."
"Fine, pick him up, we'll bring him back to the lodging house."
Hotshot nodded and picked Ike up and threw him over his shoulder and they started walking back to the lodging house. As they left the allyway, Mike watched them from a far, when he saw Ike in Hotshots arms, he thought Ike got caught. "Crap-crap-crap..." He repeated to himself as he ran back home to get Jack.

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