Myron x Morris // Mistakes

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(A bit on myrons back story, sooo you have to have read that)

"Careful-" Morris hissed as Myron tended to the cut, just below his hairline. "If you stopped moving it wouldn't hurt so bad." Myron whispered. The cut was from the night before, but Morris didn't treat it, and Myron was spending the night so decided to help clean it up a bit. He was cleaning it up with some cotton and alcohol as Morris sat on the edge of his bed as his boyfriend stood above him, holding his head up by his chin.
Morris looked up at Myron and smiled softly, he couldnt help but lift his hand from the back of Myrons leg to his waist and pulling him close. Softly resting his head on his boyfriends belly. Myron finished off and caressed Morris' hair, "You ok?"
"Just tired..." Morris sighed, "You?"
Myron sat down, "Yeah... I think I'm just a little worried about your brother knowing..."
Morris placed his hand on Myrons thigh, "He hasn't said anything, he probably isn't bothered to care."
"I guess." Myron sighed.
Morris understood Myron's concern, since Oscar knows, now he can tell his uncle and they are sure to have to separate, and Myron couldn't handle even a night of without his boyfriend. "You really do want to stay together, huh?" Morris chuckled teasingly.
"Oh shut up... of course I do... I wouldn't put myself through all this trouble if I didn't love you."
Morris' eyes widened at his honesty, "Look, I know its hard but if my uncle finds out, that's the end of it, so maybe its time to consider you stop sleeping over so often, it's getting risky."
Myron gave Morris a look, it was a mixture of annoyance and humour, "Yeah, but I also think the main issue is your insistence on making out in the most risky places."
Morris laughed, and playfully shoved him down onto the bed, "Maybe I like a bit of a risk, what's wrong with that?"
Myron frowned and pulled Morris' arm so he joined him, "What's wrong is that we are caught, and now we are at risk of losing everything."
Morris sighed and started kissing his grumpy boyfriends neck, "I don't mind as long as I still have you, since your my everything."
Myron tried to shove him off, "Fucking hell are you cheesy-"
"What? This isn't a risky place, I'm allowed, right?" Morris chuckled.
"Not risky? Are you kidding-" Myron was suddenly interuped by a passionate kiss, and melted into it quickly, tangling his fingers into Morris' soft dark hair as they continued to make out.

Morris pulled away and wiped off some dust off Myrons nose, "God, you are covered in dirt."
Myron rolled his eyes, "Jee, thanks, babe, I appreciate that."
Morris chuckled, "Let's clean you up a bit." And got up, he went to the bathroom and came back with a wash cloth, a small bucket of water and some soap. Myron raised and eyebrow and sat up, "You serious?"
Morris nodded, "I love you, but your getting dirt on me when we make out, and we can't have that."
Myron sighed and let Morris sit beside him, dip the washcloth in water, rub it onto the soap and softly started wiping the dust and dirt away. "Your so compliant, it's adorable." Morris chuckled. Myron just ignored him, punching his leg.
"Hey, that was a compliment-"
"No it wasn't, it was a tease, and I don't like either."
Morris sighed and kept wiping the dust away, until he could finally see Myrons freckles, "Well- Hey, were did these come from-"
"I never noticed how many freckles you have, like littles stars." Morris smiled.
"Your a sap." Myron frowned.
"Can you stop," Morris pulled Myrons legs onto his lap, "for once, can we just be a couple and compliment eachother without starting an argument?" He looked at him directly, leaving Myron no room to look away as he was clearly flustered. He bit his bottom  lip before finally smiling, "Fine..."
Morris smiled and kissed his jaw before dipping the washcloth in the water and starting on Myrons neck. Wiping off any dirt and dust.
Then his shoulder and arms. Every area revealed an arrangement of freckles, and occasionally a scar or two from Myrons history of fights and a couple on his hands from picking at his skin till he bleeds.

Morris finished up and looked at his boyfriend who still had his legs on his lap, then pressed their foreheads together, "You're so beautiful." Myron wanted to tell him to shut up, but he just sighed in response, "Is there anyway we can spend every night together?"
Morris chuckled, "Not unless we leave and move in together."
Myron pulled away and gave Morris a grin, so quickly Morris retaliated by saying "No way."
Myron laughed, "Oh come on..."
"Don't your brothers have a room for you I their apartment." Morris asked.
"I'm not going to live with my brothers." Myron looked at Morris, still with a smile on his face.
"Why not? You won't have to work- and we won't have to sneak around anymore."
"But I'd have to live with those assholes..."
"Myron there's nothing wrong with them, hell, they seem to really care about you."
Myron frowned, "You're just trying to convince me to move back in so you have a place for us to make out in private."
"No, I want a safe place for us to be together without causing any issues," Morris dragged his hand up and down Myrons leg, "And I also want somewhere with warm running water and a nice clean bed for you, so no more dusty kisses."
Myron sighed, "If I do go there, you owe me big time."
"You serious? You'd actually leave the lodging house?"
Myron frowned, "No... but maybe only sleep there occasionally while still working as a newsie, since I'll be bored all day if I didn't."
"Won't the other newsies notice you missing?"
"For all they know we are still broken up, so they'd assume I'm out with some other poor bloke... and, I'm not sure they are willing to forgive me anyway."
Morris smiled sympathetically, "You did nothing wrong, if they don't want you anymore it'd their loss."
"I've done nothing wrong but you have, my only mistake is loving you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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