Henry x Billie // The secrets out

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Henry went over to Tommy's bed one , "Tommy, can you get Jojo and both of you come over to my bed, I need to speak to you both."
Tommy looked at him, "Oh- uh- yeh, ok."
"No need to be nervous, it's nothing bad." Henry left to go to his bed and wait for the two. Today, Henry knew that he had to speak to Jojo and Tommy, because he had to do something but he knew that if he didn't warn his friends, they could potentially tease him and embarrass him.
That's when Tommy came over with Jojo. "What's going on? Who died?" Jojo quickly asked sitting down, Tommy following.
"No-one died, Jojo, I just need to talk to you guys about something."
Henry looked at the two,
"Oh ok-" Jojo looked at Tommy confused, "What is it?"
Henry knew Jojo was going to love this because he's been begging repeatedly for it for months, he took a deep breath, "So as you know I've been seeing someone..."
Tommy nodded.
"Yeh," Jojo agreed, "That secret sweetheart you won't tell me about." He pouted,
Henry chuckled, "Yeh about that... so today is their birthday and I'm taking them out all day and when I asked them what they wanted to do they said they wanted to sleep over with me at the lodging house."
Jojo gasped, "Oh my gosh! We're gonna finally see them!!"
Henry shushed him, "Jojo- buddy, I'm telling you so that you know, ok? So that your aware that- yeh, they're coming over tonight. And I know I've been secretive about them but now, I guess you guys are free to ask me anything."
Jojo grinned, "What's their name?"
"Cybill, but your free to call them Billie."
Tommy asked, "Is that a girls name?"
Henry nodded.
"So your our token straight friend." Jojo snickered.
Henry chuckled, "I like guys too but I guess."
Tommy asked, "How old are they?"
"17, they are turning today."
"How did you guys meet? Is it romantic?" Jojo asked,
"Kinda, I served her and her grandma at Jacobis and when she left she forgot her hat, the next day she came back to collect it and told me she did it on purpose to see me again and we set up a date from there."
"Aww, that's so cute." Jojo gushed,
"I think it's cheesy." Tommy mumbled,
"Not as cheesy as how you and Barney got together." Henry frowned, Jojo agreed.
"What does she look like?" Jojo asked,
"Light brown hair, average height, green eyes, freckles."
"Have you guys kissed yet?" Jojo teased,
"Yes, Jojo, cause we're not 12."
"Have you said 'I love you' yet?" Tommy asked,
"Who said it first?" Jojo asked,
"I did."
"Do you mean it?"
Henry blushed alittle and nodded.
"What do you guys call eachother?" Jojo smiled,
Henry thought, "Uh, I mostly call her Billie, occasionally princess and beautiful and all that, she calls me her love sometimes but, again, just my name most of the time."
"Princess?" Tommy cringed,
"Barney calls you angel." Jojo stated,
"Yeh and Mike calls Jojo guppy."
Henry snickered,
Jojo smacked him playfully.
"Any other questions?" Henry asked,
"Will you introduce us?" Jojo asked
"Of course," He smiled, "I've told Billie about you guys she's excited to meet you." Jojo smiled but Tommy looked nervous, "Is she nice?"
Henry nodded, "Yeh, Tommy, don't worry she's the sweetest. Ok, I'm gonna go meet up with her, see you guys tonight."He got up
"Ok, bye." Jojo and Tommy got up to go selling.

Henry got his present from under the bed went to his usual meeting spot on the roof top of a building near a bakery, where Billie was waiting for him, sitting on the edge reading a book. Henry smiled and joined her, "Happy birthday, beautiful."
Billie looked at him, "Henry!" She smiled and embraced him. Then look at eachother and kiss twice.
"I sorted things out, you staying over tonight?" Henry asked,
"Yeh, I'm so excited, our first night together."
"Ok, but you know the fellas won't leave us alone for a second, just this morning I only told Jojo and Tommy boy and they had a million questions."
"Welp, secrets out I guess," She smiled and kissed him, "I can't wait to meet your friends, Nini."
"Yeh speaking of which, don't call me that infront of everyone." They laugh together,
Billie pouted, "What's wrong with Nini?"
"Yeh no, this morning they asked me what you call me and I left that out. The teasing will be unbearable."
"Ok fine." She grinned.
"Also, I got something for you." Henry took out the present and Billie gasped, "You shouldn't have!"
"Of course I did." Henry chuckled and handed her the gift, kissing her cheek as they both got up from the edge.
"I love you so much." Billie mailed at Henry, opening up her present. She squealed in excitement when she saw what it was, "A dress?!"
Henry smiled, "I knew you'd love it."
"A green dress! How much did it cost?"
"Nothing really-"
"Don't lie!"
"Honestly, It was nothing!" Henry laughed as she awed at the dress, "You like it?"
"I love it! It's perfect- thank you, my love." She hugged him tightly and let go to place kisses on his cheek, leaving lipstick stains behind. Her grandma got her the lipstick for her birthday. Now the sun was fully up, she noticed what she did, "Uh oh..."
Henry raised an eyebrow confused, "What?" He laughed nervously,
"Uh-" she tried wiping off the stains with her hands to no avail.
"Did you get lipstick on me?" Henry laughed,
"Yeh, alittle bit- it's all over your lips and cheek, sorry." She blushed from embarrassment,
"It's ok-"
"It's not- I put on lipstick to look nice but now I'm just making a mess, stay there, I'll run downstairs and get a cloth or something." Billie ran to the ladder and rushed to her apartment meet door. Henry sighed and sat on the floor, he knew she was panicking alittle because its her first time wearing make up, but he finds it cute that she got stains on him, its a cliché but it's romantic.
Billie came back, "Ok, honey, I got a cloth, let me clean you up." She sat infront of him and started wiping his face, "You're so pretty." Henry smiled in awe. Billie blushed, "Aw, Henry-" She kissed his forehead but left another stain so she frustratedly wiped it off before taking off her own lipstick, "I'm not gonna deal with that all day."
Henry chuckled, "You look beautiful with and without it anyways."
She looked at him and straddled his lap, "Your not selling today?"
"Nope, and I've taken the day off from Jacobis, so just you and me all day."
Billie smiled, "Perfect... Can I put on the dress?"
Henry nodded, "Sure."
She smiled and got up and took off her skirt and shirt. Henry helped her put on the pretty green dress he got her, and she looked gorgeous. He picked her up, making Billie laugh. When he put her down, they kiss.
"I don't deserve you, you're perfect."
"I know." He smirked and kissed her again as she laughed, "You wanna stay up here or go out?"
Henry shrugged, "It's your birthday."
"Uh..." She thought, "I actually want to stay up here, it's quiet and private and it's just you and me."
"Ok then, sounds good."

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