Buttons // Appreciated

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Short (mention of abuse Tw, also I've been very sick so sorry fics aren't being posted as often, I am going to the hospital to I might get better soon)

Buttons was finishing off putting his little siblings to bed, brushing his little sisters hair and making sure the boys brushed their teeth.
"Benjamin are you staying tonight?" His sister, Amy, asked.
Buttons started braiding her hair, "It's better for be to go to the lodging house so I can be ready to sell in the morning."
"But it's scary at night when you're not there." She mumbled,
"I know, but you're a big girl, you know how to be brave." He finished and she stood up, facing him with a worried expression.
Buttons sympathetically smiled, "Come here." He hugged her tightly. Admittedly, he hated leaving his little siblings on their own at night, what if someone broke in or what if they got up to get a drink and hurt themselves in the dark. "I get nightmares when you're not there." Amy said, holding on tightly to her big brother.
Buttons stood up, picking her up and keeping her in his arms, "It will be OK, sweetie."  He then went to the bathroom to find his two little brothers, Ethan and Oliver brushed their teeth, "To bed now."
Once the three oldest were in bed, Buttons checked on his little baby sister, Mia, to make sure she was ok, she was sound asleep. He sighed and and sat down on his bed, waiting for his brothers and sister to fall asleep.

As soon as he heard snoring he headed to the lodging house. He got into his bed, smiling when he saw Elmer was already there asleep and made room for him. As soon as he lay down, Elmer instinctively wrapped his arms around his waist and spooned him, kissing behind his ear.
Buttons lifted his hand and petted his hair, "Goodnight, Elmer."
The next day, Buttons got up and went selling as usual, and made his profit of 50 cent. He used that and wondered what he was going do for dinner that night. That was his daily routine:

7:00 - wake up
7:00 - 7:20 - Get ready
7:30 - Buy newspapers
8:45 - 19:00 - Sell newspapers
19:00 - 19:30 - Sewing, fixing newsies clothes for extra cash
19:30 - Runs home to make his siblings dinner
20:00 - 20:30 - makes them eat, sometimes there isn't enough food for him
20:30 - 21:00 - Does chores, including:
Doing dishes
Doing laundry
Sweeping the floor
Cleaning his room he shares with his siblings
Wipe down the kitchen counter and bathroom
Clean his parents room so it's ready for when they come back
21:00 - 22:00 - get the kids ready for bed and make sure they have their stuff ready for the next morning
22:00 - whenever: make sure they are asleep then go back to the lodging house to go to bed then start over the next day

He works very hard but it pays off, he's siblings don't go to bed hungry and that's enough for him. That's why he's so thankful for Elmer, especially since he doesn't get much free time with him, except on Fridays and Sunday. Because his parents don't work weekends so they take care of his siblings and he can spend his day at the lodging house, but on Saturday he comes back to do his chores and take care of his siblings so his parents can rest from a week of work. But on Friday, Buttons and Elmer stay up late, cuddling, talking and kissing. Wishing it could be like this everyday. That night, unfortunately, was not a cuddle night, so after he finished fixing Jacks vest, he headed home. There, he opened the door and headed to the kitchen and called out, "Ethan! Can you bring down Mia for me so I can-" But in the kitchen, he saw his parents at the dinner table, sitting as I they were waiting for him, he hasn't seen them in days. "Oh, I thought you guys were at work-"
"Sit down Benjamin." He dad said. Admittedly, Buttons was terrified of his father but always longed for his approval, his mom was nonchalant, didn't speak much but when she did it was never comforting like how a mother should be. Buttons sat down per his father's demand, fidgeting nervously, "Am I in trouble?"
"No. But as you know, money has been really tight, and you've been wasting it."
"I know, sir. I'm sorry, but there hasn't been enough food."
"How many days have you gone without eating?"
Buttons looked down, "Two..."
"Right, when it gets to five start complaining. And your siblings have been eating just fine, you're the problem and you're helping us fix it."
"...Yes sir." Buttons felt bad but he knew he wouldn't be able to do much else, he's already over worked and there's no time during to day to do much else, and dear god was he exhausted and just wanted to rest, but that wasn't happening anytime soon.
"Right now, you are earning 50 cent per day, right?" His dad asked.
Buttons nodded.
"Alright, here's what's going to happen, you are going to pack up you're bags, you are going to work at that factory in Queens, they'll pay you twice as much and they'll feed you so the money can go to the family."
Buttons heart stopped, he looked at his dad, tears forming as he pleaded, "No, please-"
"We've made up our mind, Benjamin, go upstairs and pack your things you are leaving tommorow."
"No! Please, don't make me go," He sobbed, "I'll do anything! Don't make me go work in a factory please-" he looked at his mom for help who didn't do anything. He kept on crying and begging, working in a factory was not only dangerous, he knew from newsies that used to work there how bad the conditions where and they only fed them once a week and he'll never see his siblings again, or his parents. And Elmer, the only thing that brings him joy will be gone. His dad had enough of his crying and grabbed onto his arm, forcing him upstairs to his bedroom, his siblings hid from their father. He threw Buttons onto his bed and yelled, "PACK YOUR THINGS! STOP BEING PATHETIC! YOU ARE GOING!" He left and slammed the door. Buttons lay down, his head buried in his pillow as he cried. His body was tense from fear and he felt so helpless.  That's when his mom walked in and closed the door behind her. She said nothing as she sat on the bed, looking at he distraught son. Buttons sat up and begged to his mom, "Please, momma, don't make me go..." His mom opened up her arms and Buttons instantly held onto her for comfort. Eventhough she felt numb to his feelings, it was still her son, she used to love her kids, especially when they were babies but when they got older, that love faded away every single time and she left Buttons to take care of them. But Buttons was her first baby, he was significantly older than Ethan who's 10 and the second oldest. But Buttons used to be her pride and joy from when he was born until his brother was born, now, she felt nothing for him, she saw him as a free babysitter. But Buttons needed his mother's love more than anything, he clung onto her, sobbing and desperately pleading, "Momma, I promise I won't waste any money on food, please let me stay." Minutes later, Buttons was alittle more calm, but still scared and sniffling. His mom coldly asked, "Are you done?"
Buttons was so defeated he just nodded.
"Now, stop being a baby and do what your father asked, you're leaving in two days. Got it?"
"Yes, momma..."
"'Yes, Mam'." She sternly corrected him.
"Yes, mam..." Buttons repeated.

She left and Buttons packed his stuff. Hiccuping and sniffling, but trying his best not to cry to avoid his parents getting mad again. That's when little Amy walked in, scared from her fathers yelling, but also upset because she's never heard Buttons cry before. "Benjamin?" She said in her tiny voice. Buttons turned around, his heart breaking to see his little sister. He sat on the floor and opened up his arms to her. She gave him a big hug, "Are you leaving?"
"Yes, sweetie, I have to."
"Please don't go..."
"I'm sorry, Amy, there's nothing I can do."
"Who's going to tuck us into bed or braid my hair?" She sniffled.
"I'm not sure... but you'll be just fine, I promise."
"No." She cried.
Buttons held her tightly, conforting her. He now had another worry, who was going to take care of his siblings, make sure they are fed and make sure the chores are done. Ethan is the oldest but he's only 10, even though he's been taking care of everything since he was 6, he didn't want his brother to go through the same thing.
But he held her close and assured Amy everything was going to be OK. Eventually, Buttons got her to fall asleep and got all his stuff ready. He was so tired, he lay down I his bed, and brought the blanket to his shoulders and got ready to fall asleep. But his dad came into the room, and he instantly sat up.
"What do you think you're doing?" His dad asked.
"I was just going to sleep..." Buttons said, scared he did something wrong.
"Why aren't you going to your lodging house?"
"I-" Buttons assumed since he was leaving he parents wouldn't make him work tommorow, "I'm sorry." He stood up and left for the lodging house. As soon as he was out of the house, he cried and cried.

It was still pretty early so alot of the newsies were still awake and getting ready for bed. Including Elmer who was just sat on his bed, counting on his journal. As soon as he saw Buttons, however, his heart broke when he saw the tears. "Aw, Benjamin..." He opened up his arms, finally, Buttons got the comfort he needed, crying in Elmers arms as he explained everything. "Who's going to take care of my brothers and sisters?..."
He sniffled, "I really don't want to go Elmer..."
"I know, baby..." Elmer held him close, almost crying himself at the thought of his boyfriend being put in such a stressful situation, "You're not gonna go, Benjamin, I won't let them make you go."
"Elmer, there's nothing I can do... I can't disobey my father..."
"You can always hide here, it's not like they can come and drag you out against your will."
"You have no idea..." Buttons mumbled, holding his boyfriend tightly. They lay down and Elmer keeps cuddling and comforting his boyfriend, "I can always go with you... keep you safe... Lord knows im not good at being a newsie." Elmer said.
Buttons chuckled, "I don't think so, baby... its alot of hard work and you risk getting injured every day because of the machines and the food ain't great either."
"Then why are your parents making you go?"
"Because I've been spending alittle extra money on food because we've been running low since Mias been off milk, usually I just give up my meal but..." Buttons teared up and Elmer held him closer before he cried again, "I've been so hungry, and tired. I work all day I just wanted some dinner and now my family is running out of money and it's all my fault."
"Shhh...it isn't your fault, Benjamin. You work all day everyday, and you work so, so hard, it's not fair that they're not letting you eat... I've noticed you've been so tired lately, remember when you fainted because you hadn't eaten in days? That can't happen again, and you know if your hungry, I can always buy you something."
"Aw, Elmer." Hes going to miss him, because not only does Elmer make him feel loved, he makes him feel appreciated.

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