Headcannons pt 2

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I like to use Kid Blink and Mush from newsies live instead of '92 just because I feel like it's more natural because I use the newsies live versions for all the other characters. Since Blink in the show doesn't have an eyepatch (Probably cause its a huge safety hazard with all the dancing) I headcannon that he has monocular vision and heterochromia, and he wore an eye patch when he first came to the lodging house, scared that he was going to get bullied, but, when he showed off his eye, he was surprised that everyone found it cool and were super nice about it so he doesn't wear the eyepatch anymore. He still gets teased here and there, but everyone is very supportive and helpful when it comes to his disability, (just like Crutchie), like if he accidentally walks into a doorframe, or trips, instead of making fun of him everyone makes sure he's OK. They also never throw anything at him or let him go out on his own,
"You guys know I have an eye that works perfectly fine? Right?"

Meanwhile Mush I hc that he inst the most street smart out of all the newsies. He's the type of character in a kids cartoon than when everyone is running from the bad guy, he just stands and stares at it, usually Blink or Jack is the one to run back and grab him. But I still imagine him as a huge dork, and Blink as well. I do ship them, but i think they keep their relationship secret, or atleast private. If someone asks Mush, "How's things with you and Blink" He would usually not bring up their relationship, "Fine, I stole his hat the other day." And they'd be like, "Yeh but How's your relationship going?"
And Mush would just shrug. They also hate PDA, they don't cuddle when they share a bed (unless they are alone or with only a few other newsies) and the most affection they show in the morning is a quick kiss. It's so minimal, few people know they are together, so, they get hit on occasionally, so it's awkward when they have to say, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

Race is the best liar ever. He gets newsies in trouble for things he does all the time, Jack is the only person who can tell when he's lying. For example, on time Race stole a blanket from a random bed cause he was cold and his had a hole in it, for him to realise he took it from Elmers bed, he hid the blanket under his bed to pull it out at night before going to sleep. But Elmer was actually super upset and went to Race for comfort (not knowing he was the culprit) and when Elmer found the blanket under the bed, Race lied and said it was Albert (Because he's the one that sleeps in the bottom bunk) and Elmer believed him and snitched on Albert to Jack. Jack knew it was Race from the get-go, and made him not only give the blanket back, but let Elmer borrow his for the night as punishment for stealing. "ALBERT ALWAYS STEALS MY CIGAR THOUGH, HOW IS THAT FAIR?!"

(This is more of an au idea than a hc,)
Finch has adhd and Albert is probably the only thing that can calm him down when he gets alittle too hyper. But the problem is, he's also adhd and Albert and Finch tend to hype eachother up, when they aren't being all lovey-dovey, they are a menis to society, they are jumpy and over active, almost as bad as Race and Albert together, Albert would trigger Finch's stims, which are usually vocal stims, like repeating words over and over again, or repeating what other people are saying, which would just end up annoying the other newsies.

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