Tommy boy/Tombarn // Bears Part 2

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Barney arrived back to the lodging house and instantly his eyes went straight to Tommy's bed, where his saw Tommy clearly in a panic state, his eyes closed with his bear clutched to his chest. It wasn't the first time Tommy was like this, but Barney knew Tommy couldn't get back to normal on his own, and he also didn't understand why no-one else was helping him, especially Jojo and Henry. Everyone was just doing their own thing, talking or messing around without even acknowledging Tommy. He sighed and went to his boyfriend, and when he sat down beside him, he noticed Tommy's heart was beating so heavily he could hear it.
He gently placed a hand on Tommy's arm, "Hey, angel, are you OK?"
Tommy's breathing quickened and he didn't answer.
"Fix your breathing like I showed you, 4 in, hold 7, out for 8-"
But Tommy responded by shaking his head. Barney kissed his forehead and left to his bed and got some beanbags ans came back and sat infront of Tommy. "Tommy, can I show you a trick I learnt?" He asked, smiling. Barney knew that it always feels less overwhelming when he's smiling, rather than sharing his panic.
Tommy's breathing slowed down a little as he opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend. He had tears prickling his eyes but Barney looked so beautiful to him, and his smile literally made him want to melt, "Yes please..." He quietly said.
Barney smiled and started juggling, showing his best tricks, and he put on his best ringmaster impression, "Ladies and Gentlemen, here we see the fantastic Barney Peanuts showing off his amazing juggling skills- now- he's not juggling 1 beanbag, not 2, not even 3 but 4!"
Tommy laughed a little looking at his boyfriend as Barney continued, "You hear that cute laugh folks? That's my amazing assistant Tommy boy, who'll kind enough to pass me my 5th beanbag!"
Tommy looked beside him where Barney left another beanbag, he slowly took it and through it to Barney who caught it and started juggling again, "Thanks Angel." Barney winked at him, and kept on acting like a clown and a ring master. Tommy looked at his beautiful boyfriend, seeing him enjoy himself and laugh at his own jokes and antics, "Did you hear about the clown who went to jail?" Barney smiled, Tommy shook his head, "He kept juggling his sentences!" Tommy covered his mouth and tried to muffle his laugh as Barney continued to crack jokes, "What do you call an adorable boyfriend who can't stop laughing? A Tom-foolery!"
Tommy bursted out laughing, wiping tears that where now falling because he couldn't stop laughing. Barney threw his beanbags to the side and took Tommy's arms and lead him into a soft kiss as Tommy's laughter slowed down.

"Aw- feeling better?" Barney sweetly asked, letting Tommy lay his head on his chest. Tommy nodded, letting Barney play with his hair as he snuggled up with Poppy in his arms.
"You wanna tell me what happened?"
Tommy sighed, "Everyone hates me."
Barney was used to Tommy saying that, "Tommy, you say that alot, and let me tell you a little secret..."
Tommy looked at him as Barney softly whispered, "No-one hates you."
"But they do..." Tommy teared up.
"Nonono- Tommy don't cry, angel it's ok... why would anyone hate you?"
Tommy sighed and sat up to face Barney as he whispered, "I yelled at Buttons because I thought he stole Poppy and I annoyed Jojo and Henry by being an emotional baby again..."
Barney pressed his lips together and cupped his face, "Was this because you couldn't find Poppy?"
Tommy nodded, holding on closer to his bear.
"I'm sorry angel- I should have told you, she had a rip in her arm so I gave it to Buttons to fix her-"
"I know- its OK... I shouldn't have freaked out about it."
"I understand, she's very special to you, isn't she?"
Tommy nodded, happy someone finally understood. Barney kissed Tommy again a couple times before saying, "Have you atleast apologised to Buttons for yelling at him?"
Tommy shook his head, "No...I panicked and started to feel dizzy."
"Right, but you know Buttons is really sweet and understands it was a simple misunderstanding, you'll apologise to him tommorow, ok?"
Tommy nodded and lay down, Barney following, holding his hand as they lay side by side.
"You like bears, don't you?"
Tommy nodded, "Yeah..."
"We had some baby bears born when I last visited my parents at the circus."
Tommy looked at Barney with a big smile, "Really?"
Barney smiled back and nodded, "Yeah, they were super cute, and the mama was so happy."
"Aw, that's so cute." Tommy held onto Poppy tighter.
"You know, Poppy is probably a polar bear."
"A what?" Tommy was confused.
"It's like a white bear that lives in snow."
"Wait- there are different types of bears?"
Barney nodded, "Yeah- Black bears, Brown bears, Sun bears, Grizzly Bears, have you ever heard of Pandas?"
"They are black and white and live in China." Barney explained, caressing Tommy's hand with his thumb. Tommy was smiling, "What type of bears are in my story booklet?"
"Not sure, probably brown bears."
Tommy smiled, "You're so smart." He kissed Barney's cheek.
"Not really. I just have a book about bears- I still have it if you want."
"I can't read, Barney." Tommy laughed a little.
"Oh yeah," Barney laughed with him, "But I can always teach you."

He got up and went to his bed and grabbed the book, "Do you know your letters?" Barney asked, sitting beside Tommy who sat up.
"Uh- yeah, some..."
"Ok, let me write them down for you." Barney took a peice of paper and pen and wrote the alphabet.
"Why don't we start with the alphabet? I'll teach you the letters and the phonetics."
"What's a phonetic?"
"It's how you pronounce a letter- like the first one is called "A" but you pronounce it "Ah"."
"Oh ok-"
Barney smiled and kissed his cheek and went to the next letter, "So this is 'B' but you pronounce it 'Buh' and a B is a continent while a is a vowel, a vowel means you can day it with your mouth open, got it?"
"Kinda... like when I say 'Barney' my lips touch when I pronounce the 'B' but not the 'Ar'?"
Barney excited smiled wide, clapping his hands, "Yes! Good job, angel, and as you notice, continent can change pronunciations which a vowel, 'Buh' changes to 'Bah' and when you add an 'R' its-"
"Bar?" Tommy said, unsure. Barney nodded, "Now, the last 3 letters of my name are 'N' 'E' and 'Y' do you know which is the continent?"
"'N'...'E'...'Y' it N?"
"Good job- Y too but that's a little complicated, normally continents don't make a sound without a vowel, but 'Y' is used to make an 'Ee' sound-"
"That's so confusing..." Tommy laughed nervously.
"It's ok, it's really easy to remember, vowels are "Ah" "Oh" which is an O "Ee" which is an I "Eh" which is an E "Oo" which is a U, and sometimes "Ee" which is with a Y, like for Tommy. But Y can also be a "Yuh" like in Yellow-" Barney was a little worried Tommy was lost but he seemed to understand. It warmed his heart that he was learning so quickly.

(BRO WHY AM I PUTTING SO MUCH DETAIL IN THIS- welcome to Elizas English lesson ladies and gentleman Ik this is short lmao)

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