The day I tried to live

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"Shut up you piece of shit" Aragorn snapped venomously as he lunged himself forwards. Ezekiel was quick to defend himself from his attacks. Though Aragorn did notice that he had become drastically slower compared to his previous movements that he had done before he was stabbed, so Aragorn did suppose that the wound did effect him despite the monotonous way in which he acted.

They continued to mindlessly dodge and attack each other, seeming as though the fight that was taking place was the only thing that mattered in that moment.

3rd person PoV:

They continued to mindlessly dodge and attack each other, seeming as though the fight that was taking place was the only thing that mattered in that moment.

Unbeknownst to them, an elf hidden from their line of view as they continued to recklessly fight, picked up Legolas's discarded bow and arrows with shaking hands. Legolas's cries and Haldir's muffled sobs continued to poison the air, the smell of fresh blood hitting the back of their throats with every rushed breath they took in.

The silver-haired archer pulled back the arrow with shaking hands once it was hooked onto the string (I don't do archery so I don't know how it works sorry). Distorted eyes blurred with newly formed tears that hugged at his eyes, shaking hands comprehending the right point of shot as they gripped mercilessly onto the bow and arrow.

He watched as the fight continued to escalate. Swords clashing against each other as they each fought to win. Haldir struggled to fight the right aim, as every time he could, the target would dodge one of Aragorn's attacks. He needed to do this for Fabian, he told himself, eyes casting to the figure that lay bloody on the grass with Legolas gripping onto him. The scene caused him to lose focus for a short second and his grip lessened on the bow, eyes filling with more tears as the arrow flew from the string.

Haldir watched helplessly as the arrow darted through the air, eyes whipping back into its direction as it lodged itself into the ground by Aragorn's feet, barley the heel of his foot. Ezekiel's attention suddenly came to bare upon him, blood-stained sword still held out in a defensive position as he spared a gaze towards the arrow in the ground.

"I am disappointed, Haldir..." Ezekiel said, still being mindful of Aragorn as he addressed the elf "...I am not really the one for archery, maybe you should go back to your old ways...that way we might have more fun with this"

"Shut your filthy mouth!" Aragorn spat, glaring venomously towards Ezekiel who stood before him. Haldir's eyes widened, the new tears spilling from the cage around his eyes that held them and slithering down his cheeks like a snake advancing on its prey.

Ezekiel turned to him, the fight seeming to be momentarily halted "So you're defending him now?..." He asked, frown turning into a sly grin "...Do you want him to strangle Legolas to death? Humans really lack sense don't they?...Well except me" He said, head tilted to the side with amusement.

"You're not a human, you are a monster..." Aragorn snapped, silver eyes digging deep into Ezekiel's, seeing a tinge of anger forming in them "...And I don't think I have to explain my doings to them" He said and dropped his sword.

The two of them stared in equal confusion, but that confusion was short-lived for Haldir, who watched as the man sunk down nearly to his knees to rip the dislodged arrow from out of the ground behind him. Aragorn launched forwards, silver-tipped arrow being held by the base between calloused fingers. With his bare hands he tugged Ezekiel's sword from his grip and threw it to the ground even though it cut at his hands. Arrow head, dirtied with the mud from the earth, pierced through Ezekiel's heart. The exact place in which the other had killed Fabian which only seemed like moments ago.

"Bleed him"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang