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I literally named this chapter 'would?' after a song by Alice in chains that I was listening to
Slightly Longer chapter!


Legolas lay next to him, still asleep. Aragorn's body was wrapped around his, creating a protective and warm shell for the elf that he was cuddling. Remembering what happened the night before that led them to this position, Aragorn smiled and then frowned deciding that he did not know how he was supposed to feel. Legolas retelling his story brought him Great Depression but finding out that they both loved each other, both kissed brought a sense of happiness to his heart and he hoped to valar that it was the same for Legolas.

His eyes wandered up to the person that broke his slumber, his tired hands coming to wipe his tired eyes. Gimli stood there next to Eowyn, who was desperately trying to contain her happiness at seeing them in such a position.

"What?" He mumbled groggily, sitting up


3rd person PoV:

"What?" He mumbled groggily, sitting up.

Legolas was yet to awaken. Aragorn was surprised that the tired elf had not woken up to Gimli's booming voice, the human wondered as he looked over to the sleeping elf with soft eyes. The Prince lay, clinging onto his arm as if his life depended on hit, his body curled up into a ball with his cloak concealing his legs. To Aragorn he looked beautiful, his features calm, face protected by the golden strands of his hair. Aragorn's fingers flinched, having the urge to move the starlight strands out of his face so that he could admire him more clearly.

He only noticed that he was staring until he heard a cough behind him. Aragorn wearily turned his head around, posture relaxed despite the fact that he was being watched intently by two beings, a human and a dwarf "I really hate to intrude in this lovey dovey moment of yours but we are leaving"

"Where?" Aragorn asked, perking his head up.

"Sourman's tower, to get Merry and Pippin" Gimli huffed, sounding annoyed at his lack of attention.

Aragorn darted his head up, looking between the two of them "You did not care to mention this to me before?..." He huffed angrily.

"You were cuddling the elf, we did not know what to do" Gimli replied, Eowyn smirked.

"Never mind" Aragorn said, turning his head around to hide his growingly red face.

"Whatever just get the elf up and let's go" Gimli growled, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground below him.

Aragorn looked down at Legolas sympathetically; he did not want to wake him up from the only good sleep that Aragorn suspected he had had in years. To top that up, Legolas looked so peaceful, laying there with nothing but content plastered on his face, one would have to be insane to take that away from the sleeping being that lay before his very tired and weary eyes.

He gently sighed, letting his breath slowly exhale from his body. His body shivered as the temperature from the wind that he had caused warmed him up and he suddenly realised how cold that it actually was outside.

Aragorn gently lay his left hand, that was not being squeezed by the elf already, onto the soft fabric of Legolas's cloak that lay soundly on the Prince's thigh. Trying not to be too discreet, Aragorn softly patted down onto the frail form of the elf.

Legolas groaned, squeezing harder onto Aragorn's hand and pulling his legs up close to his chest.

The human smiled shamefully and attempted to pull his hand away from Legolas with more needed force. At this action, the elf squeezed even harder onto Aragorn's hand, to the point where his nails began to softly mark rough skin.

Aragorn stared at Legolas's now frowning face, his sleeping and relaxed state still tampered with the look of unconsciousness. Aragorn frowned.

Legolas began mumbling incoherent words in his sleep, his eyes moving underneath his eyelids as if searching for something or someone unseeable to his sleeping eyes. He began muttering words that barely passed though the void of dreams to his mouth, random words, undistinguishable but disturbing words that slipped through his soft lips with no care, seemingly no meaning or judgement for what he was saying softly under his breath. Words that only Aragorn seemed to understand.

Aragorn stopped struggling, watching intently at Legolas's contorted face with soft silver eyes that dazzled with worry. But Legolas had told him everything, right?

Wrong, Legolas had told him the truth but not the whole truth and Aragorn understood that as his face scrunched up, worry and more worry building up inside of him. The words that he had heard, the words that he had listen to fall out of his newly lovers mouth made him shiver. The added detail to the truth was much more disturbing than what Aragorn had ever imagined.

Under Aragorn's stare, Legolas kept his eyes closed. Words he mumbled, words he had heard and said long ago. He had not been brave enough to say them awake so he mumbled, mumbled and mumbled the words as he pretended to sleep. He was warning him, warning and shamefully confessing to what he had done. What they had made him do but still...what he had done.

"Leave me to wake him..." Aragorn heard Eowyn say behind him as he continued to stare down at Legolas with shock.

He simply stood up and carefully removed his hand from Legolas's now loose hands and stood himself up, gazing down at Legolas before walking off with Gimli in tow.

This was legitimately going to be an adorable chapter, I don't know why but I decided to give everyone depression...


Cute picture of arry and leggy tho

I promise the next chapter will be less depressing

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I promise the next chapter will be less depressing

Stay safe

Bye readers :)

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