Falling down

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Legolas turned around, the underneath of his eyes red and sore due to the salty tears that had penetrated his skin. The moonlight reflected on the armour that surrounded him but kept the weapons out of lights view as if to protect him...as if Fabian was trying to protect him. The elf staggered his way over to the weapons and picked out one of the many sharp daggers that there were. It was his fate and he could choose what he wanted with it and he wanted this.

He closed the door to the room and locked it, not realising that he had not only locked himself in, but someone else. Oblivious to the observing man standing by the doorway, Legolas threw aside his cloak and went to pick up the blade that he had put aside while he locked the door, only to notice that it was not there. His breath hitched in his throat, shock pulsing though his veins that had once been adrenaline.

Before he could even scan the room, he heard a voice behind him, so soft and caring that he jumped slightly in shock "Eowyn warned me about you...told me she was worried" Legolas turned around to see Aragorn standing there, leaning against the wall and fiddling with the blade that Legolas had intended to end his life with. He swallowed the lump in his throat, body suddenly paused from shock at being seen in this situation. "I guess she had the right to be..." Aragorn continued in a softer voice as he paced over to a table and stabbed the blade into the wood making Legolas's body quiver from the noise. "What were you thinking?" came the first question of the man, voice filled with emotion.


3rd person PoV:

"What were you thinking?" Aragorn muttered, now looking up to stare at the back of Legolas's head.

There was a pause as an ear-breaking silence filled the air, nothing dared break it, even the humming of the crickets and the hoot of the owls had stopped in silence as if they were to watch the interaction. This silence caused Legolas to fidget with the palm of his sweaty hand in anxiousness, undoubtedly wanting some sort of noise to break the thick, tension filled air that surrounded them...but it didn't. Neither of them spoke or made a noise at the slightest.

Aragorn took a sly, weary step forwards. The sound of his footstep echoing throughout the room making Legolas's body shiver. At no answer, the human placed his hand on Legolas's bony shoulder and hummed questioningly at the elf. Still, there was no response.

Aragorn tilted his head to the side and continued to stare at the back of Legolas's head with concern etched across his face. In front of him, Legolas let out a shaky sigh as he tried hard to calm the tears that were building up in his eyes. He would not let Aragorn get to him, he told himself, he would not let another filthy soul captivate his heart for the sake of betraying him. Legolas would not let this cycle repeat itself. He would not let someone else rip out a piece of his heart and tell them they cared only to throw it away because it would just happen again and again and over and over again until his body was covered with earth and his heart started to decay.

Legolas turned around and gave Aragorn a piercing glare yet the human remained unaffected, keeping his stoic expression as he spoke "I care about you Legola-"

"You do not have the right to say that to me...not you" Legolas muttered tears leaking from his eyes and falling into the palm of his hands that clutched the sleeve of his tunic. Aragorn raised his hand as if to quieten him but Legolas continued on, clenching his teeth together as he took a step forwards, the tears that were running down his cheeks, curving their way slowly into his mouth with every word that passed through his lips "You listened to me as i said those words to you and you walked away-"

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