Like a stone

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"As I was saying..." Ezekiel continued. Eyes focused on Aragorn as he continued to torment him. Most likely the reason behind why he did not react to the quickly approaching elf. Just as another sentence was about to come out of his mouth, a fist collided into him a jaw. The action causing him to fall back into the floor. The damp marble dampening his cloak as he clutched at the side of his face.

3rd person PoV:

"As I was saying..." Ezekiel continued. Eyes focused on Aragorn as he continued to torment him. Most likely the reason behind why he did not react to the quickly approaching elf. Just as another sentence was about to come out of his mouth, a fist collided into him a jaw. The action causing him to fall back into the floor. The damp marble dampening his cloak as he clutched at the side of his face.

From on the floor, Ezekiel stared up at Legolas. The pale complexity of his skin painting itself a blue colour as a bruise formed on his jaw bone. Legolas stared down at him. Blue eyes tainted with fury as he did so. He shook his aching hand as he retreated it from a fist. Knuckles dusted with a light bruise from the one punch (Man). Aragorn staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Don't ever compare Aragorn to Abraham again!" Legolas yelled, face contorted with anger "Aragorn is nothing like him" He said.

Ezekiel laughed. A tinge of pink coating the skin round the newly formed bruise as the corners of his lips were pulled back. Mouth opened to release a shrill sound that one might call demonic "'O course he's like him! More so than the many people I've met!..." Ezekiel said in between laughs "...Abraham killed, Aragorn killed-"

"Aragorn slaughtered those who had done evil..." Legolas said, voice raising in anger as he spoke. His words coming out of his mouth quicker than his brain had time to comprehend them. Legolas was livid and he did not care whatever he said to Ezekiel as long as his point was made.

"...Abraham did for the mere joy of it! You can not compare a cold-blooded killer who had committed foul crimes to someone with a kind and caring heart who killed to save the innocent from being killed!" Legolas finished, mind blank as anger corrupted his system. Breaths coming in short, angry gasps. Not even caring to get himself under control.

Ezekiel stopped laughing but the grin spread across his face did not waver "So you consider him considered him a cold-blooded killer? I considered him a good man. You think yourselves good but we see you as evil..." He said "...And so with the sides reversed, you would both play each other greatly"

Aragorn clenched his hands by his sides angrily. A murderous glare threatening to kill the man in front of him.

Legolas stood. He watched Ezekiel with cold eyes. His body tensed and hands held shaking into fists at his sides as the man stared back at him. Legolas took a step forwards, limiting the intake of breaths that he needed to survive as his eyes turned angrier "You're really him. The one behind it all, aren't you?" He asked.

"Legolas, He is just playing a game on you..." Aragorn said, trying to stop Legolas from doing anything "...He wants you to think that"

"Damn right I do..." Ezekiel said, snapping their attention back to him. His eyes starting to gleam with a crazed sense of enjoyment that only a psychopath would bear "...What did you think that I was trying to tell you this whole time?" He chuckled, knuckles turning white as he pushed his palms flat against the floor. Leaning himself forwards as he finally stood himself up from off of the damp marble floor.

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