Black hole sun

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Legolas looked up at the older elf gratefully with tears glistening in his eyes "Thank you Lord Elrond" He murmured.

"You don't need to thank me" He said "Now you you should go and see Aragorn, he would be getting worried"

Legolas smiled and walked over to the entrance of the tent. He looked back at Lord Elrond with a small smile and exited the tent to go and find Aragorn...

3rd person PoV:

Legolas smiled and walked over to the entrance of the tent. He looked back at Lord Elrond with a small smile and exited the tent to go and find Aragorn.

He looked around the site for a while in the darkness and so after finally spotting Aragorn near a tree, he walked over to him slightly more cheerful than he was. His light feet treaded silently on the dark emerald grass as he walked along the short expanse of space between the two of them.

"Aragorn" Legolas greeted and sat down next to the man, leaning his head against the rough bark of the tree, a soft thunk emitting from it at the small action. He felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. Legolas had been so burdened by the state of his hands and worrying how he would fight, he had not even had the time to relax until now. Even if what he did to his hands was his fault, he definitely was not in the right state of mind at that time so he was glad to let that weight go.

"Hello Leaf..." Aragorn replied and turned to look at Legolas. The elf smiled gently at the nickname and moved his head to the side so that his eyes met Aragorn's. The light from the moon glittered in Legolas's eyes as he searched within the mans silver ones, moonlight illuminated Aragorn's brown hair and caressed the subtle beard on his chin.

Aragorn moved forwards so that his legs were touching Legolas's. Almost as if in a daze he bought his middle and index fingers up to stroke the smooth skin on the elf's chin and along the pale skin on his cheekbone, resting delicately upon the back of Legolas's head swiftly like the first drop of morning rain running down the expanse of a leaf.

Legolas leaned into the touch and shuffled forwards, his dark blush hidden under the darkness of the night. Aragorn slowly leaned forwards and placed a gentle kiss upon the elf's lips, cupping Legolas's cheek with his spare hand and deepening it slightly.

Aragorn leaned back and placed his head back against the bark of the tree with a soft thump. Legolas whined slightly and tried to hide how much more he needed. A deeper blush forming on his cheeks at the thought. He shuffled away from the man and placed his head against the tree too "What was that for?" He asked, trying to sound as though it hand not bothered him as much as he wanted.

Aragorn turned to look at him and smirked "Why did you not like it?" He asked jokingly and tilted his head to the side as if to tease him on the question.

"I-I did" Legolas stuttered and fiddled with the bandages on his hands. He heard Aragorn laugh lightly from next to him. Legolas huffed, stopping his fiddling and turned to look at the man with a soft pout "Don't laugh" He pleaded and grew more red at the continued laughter.

"You're sweet" Aragorn managed and cupped the back of Legolas's head again, bringing him in for a much deeper kiss. Aragorn's mouth worked perfectly against the elf's making him moan slightly against him. The man pulled back and watched Legolas's flushed expression with a small smirk ghosting across his lips.

"Come here" The man muttered, motioning for him to move closer. Legolas shuffled forwards, watching as Aragorn took his hands in his "Let me see your hands" He said without question.

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