Use your ilusion

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⚠️Blood mentions, violence, angst⚠️


Mattsuke gave him a cold stare "Plans have changed..." He started "...If you want your precious Fab-Fab back then you should get there within two weeks or I will kill him" The two of them felt their hearts drop. Mattsuke sighed and rubbed his head "...That damn elf is giving me a headache, you have no idea have annoying his crying is. He is like a child, I feel like his mum" He finished and smirked at Legolas's horrified expression.

"You really did not learn from your parents did you? I mean...having to raise you" Aragorn sneered.

Mattsuke smirked and turned around to walk off, he turned around, and spoke, much like he had done the last time Aragorn had seen him and spoke words that made them both tense "Nice to see you Princeling"

3rd person PoV:

Legolas stared blankly, frozen to the ground as he watched Mattsuke walk off with fear ridden in his wide azure eyes. He wanted to run away...he wanted to scream and he wanted to cry, but his body felt like led and he could not move even if his life depended on it. He was frozen to the absolute terror as adrenaline coursed through his veins that begged him to move, that begged him to run away.

Aragorn placed a hand on his shoulder, rough fingers caressing the fabric that covered them but it was a hopeless attempt of bringing the fear-stricken elf back to reality.

Legolas's eyes brimmed with tears, building up by every second until the first tear fell from his wide eyes, stinging against his skin as it swam down his cheek before falling to the red ground, mingling with the crimson liquid that leaked from the bodies of his comrades. He took a weary step back, chocking on the ice-cold fear and sadness that drowned his body. His daring eyes watched as Mattsuke disappeared from view.

Aragorn wrapped an arm around Legolas's shoulders and guided the shaken-up elf towards Gondor. Neither of them spoke a word until they reached a room that they had been given to rest in.

Aragorn sat legolas down on the large bed, stroking a hand through the starlight strands of Legolas's hair with blood-stained fingers. Legolas shook and bit down on his bottom lip so hard that it drew blood. The red liquid dribbled down to his chin and mixed with a stray tear. Legolas let go with a hiss, the pain from the injury seeming to bring him out of his trance and he looked down to the floor, his eyes no longer wide.

"W-What are we supposed to do now?..." Legolas announced, barely above a whisper "...Two weeks is too short of a time to finish a whole war!" He exclaimed and let out a wrecked sob, the reality of the situation seeming to come back to him quicker than he had wanted.

Aragorn sighed and shuffled onto the bed, bringing Legolas into his arms, hands stroking the silk-like strands of Legolas's hair. He did not answer. He could not think of anything to comfort himself or the elf after what just happened.

The silence that followed was not comforting to either of them, it was filled with pain that had been extracted from the depths of their hearts and brought out so much fear in them that even Aragorn let out a stray tear. He wiped it away before Legolas could see and gathered Legolas into his arms, bringing them both down so that they could rest "I love you" The man whispered in common tongue and placed a kiss to Legolas's forehead.

"I love you too" Legolas whispered, barely audible and voice hoarse from the mental agony that he felt within him. Legolas fell asleep wrapped in the mans arms and stayed like that until the light of dawn.

Legolas woke up the next morning to the sun seeping through the open window. A fresh breeze followed after making Legolas's body shiver and he stood up to close the window. He looked down at the man who lay next to him, snoring but he did not smile or laugh at the scene. He somehow felt as if his body had been drained of all happiness after what had happened the day before.

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