Stranger things have happened

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⚠️Uh...I don't think that there are any warnings actually ⚠️


Gandalf jumped off of his horse and approached the group, light from his staff filling the area around them. Aragorn looked around, trying to spot the person who had tormented them but they had gone "Gandalf, you're here!" Aragorn yelled, relieved.

"Yes I am..." The wizard said as he looked around the group "...I was worried why you were taking so long so I came out looking for you..." He explained "...I brought some horses along with me" He said and motioned behind him to where six horses stood, patiently waiting.

3rd person PoV:

"Thank you Gandalf" Aragorn said, too tired and stressed to think of any other words to say. Though he did know that they were safe now because of the wizard.

He turned to the group behind him and beckoned them forwards with a wave of his hand "Cassius, Corvus, Fabian and Fuyu, this is Gandalf..." He introduced them, adding "...He is trustworthy"

Gandalf put on a forced smile on his face upon seeing their ghostly state "Nice to meet you" He said.

They did not answer, instead they just stared at him blankly with a look of fear or shyness on their faces "Okay..." Aragorn said, breaking the silence "...Let's get going" And with that, they hurried over to the horses.

Legolas went on a horse with Gimli, to stop the dwarf from falling off. Fabian went with Haldir for the same reason, along with Eowyn and Fuyu, Cassius and Eomer and Aragorn and Corvus.

Aragorn scanned the area around them one last time before they galloped off into the distance, finally making their way to safety in the walls of Gondor.


"Who do you think that person was?" Aragorn asked thoughtfully as they walked Fabian, Fuyu, Cassius and Corvus to the infirmary to be treated. They had both convinced Eowyn, Eomer, Haldir and even Gimli that they needed to rest.

"It was probably someone pulling a sick joke on us..." Legolas answered, wanting to think that it was all over "...They probably saw us out there at night and decided to scare us..." He added as they reached the door "...And besides, Cassius said that there was nobody else working for Mattsuke so I cannot see who it would possibly be"

With that, they walked the four into the infirmary and sat them down on one of the empty beds. One of the nurses came over, holding some equipment in her hands upon seeing them arrive "What happened?" She asked.

"They were attacked by some stray orc, we got there just in time" Aragorn lied, saying it far to quickly for it to sound true.

The nurse gave them a sly look but began peeling away the blood-stained bandage on Fabian's eye "And What happened here?" She asked, motioning to the horrible state of the poor elf's eye.

"The orcs stabbed him in the eye" Legolas answered for Fabian, flinching when the nurse turned to look at him with an angry expression on her face.

"I was asking your friend" She said coldly.


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