But not first words

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The quiet elf stayed speechless for he did not feel, in any way, like talking. For he couldn't, not when his worst fear had been brought to existence. How could he?

"Okay" The Ranger whispered into the young elf's ear and brought him over to Gandalf, the glowing staff illuminating his friends face. The light brought out his sea-blue eyes and protruding cheekbones, made his golden hair glisten like starlight in the dark, ebony surroundings.

"You need to relax" Aragorn spoke and sat him down on the ground "...come here" He continued rather embarrassed and patted the floor beside him. Legolas hesitantly sat down.

As the night slowly eased on, Legolas contained to refuse sleep so, as a result, Aragorn watched over his friend deep into the night.


3rd person PoV:

As morning crept into Gandalf's mind, he silently went to wake up the fellowship that would be forever positioned in his supervision. His heavy footsteps echoed throughout the small room-like area that they had come across the previous day.

One by one, he woke them up, hearing their groans of dissatisfaction turn to confident smiles. To add to the pleasing start of the morning, he felt more of his energy return to his power and he lit up the area with a delighted grin, seeing everyone else do the same.

The last two he was to wake were none other than Aragorn and Legolas. He acknowledged in his mind that he would let them stay asleep the longest as of Legolas's dire state.

He softly smirked to himself as he saw the slumbering figure of Legolas with his head on Aragorn's shoulder, Aragorn's head against his.

He comprehended why they spend their time so much together; Aragorn had the capability to suppress Legolas's fears...brave, he was, to provide everything to keep him safe, to keep his fears hidden and most definitely to bring his torn elf to back up to the surface of the water that he had drowned in for so many suffering years.

Frodo walked up to him and smiled the same smile that had been plastered on Gandalf's ageing face "Precious aren't they?" The halfling conversed as if he were discussing a newborn "Leave me to wake them, Sam's cooking breakfast...you should go and join them" Frodo suggested. The wizard grunted disapprovingly at being told what to do and walked over to the ginger hobbit.

Frodo smiled at the young elf and human, then gently shook Legolas awake. Legolas awoke with a start and simultaneously sat upright as if they were being attacked "Calm yourself, dear friend" Frodo whispered and stroked his pale hand.

Aragorn awoke following his friend and settled next to him, gently caressing his shoulder. He offered him a smile which the blond elf hesitantly returned with his pale cheeks tinged red...something which the hobbit only recognized himself.

Aragorn noticed that Legolas would look nought but directly ahead of himself, most likely to distract himself from the concealing walls of the mines that he unwillingly entered for the sake of the fellowship. For it was but a burden to carry, acknowledging that your fears, doubts and maybe even valid facts would be relinquished for the sake of the ring. Nonetheless, he knew...and yet he understood the concept of what they had to act. It was not life or death, your life could be taken and it would be considered an honour; you had died giving apart of your action so that the ring could be destroyed.

Ultimately, you wouldn't be dying doing something you cherished like fishing or staring at the stars. You would die a tragic death, an unimaginable death full of pain and anguish whether it was being incinerated by the fires of Mt.Doom or being slain by the hands of a cold-blooded killer ordered by the enemy to eradicate all happiness. Was that something anyone really loved? No, because these men, elves and dwarves were being ordered into battle by their leaders...for it is not their lives they serve, it's their superiors.

All of these thoughts flew through Aragorn's head as his sleep-deprived eyes gazed at his friend. These were only a few of the thoughts that always entered his mind over every morning that he had awoken to the fellowship. The thoughts never lied...and he believed them

"Lle maa pale, Mellonamin (you look pale, my friend)" Aragorn noticed and pushed some of his golden locks behind Legolas's ear, noting a fine braid amidst the strands. Though Legolas did not answer, he shifted his head towards the human and hinted a smile.

Aragorn nodded and placed his hand on Legolas', gently pulling him up to tower over the young hobbit. Due to their standing position, now, Aragorn let his hand go, feeling the coldness disappear...a coldness that he had grown to worry about, nonetheless.


As the day grew by, Aragorn walking close to Legolas at all times, Gimli let out a loud wail and ran into a chamber with an unmistakable tombstone clad in the middle.

One thing led to another and they soon we're in the middle of a battle against goblins and a cave troll. Aragorn feared for Legolas, but that was an underestimate, he feared the worst...he imagined the worst as he watched Legolas attack the cave troll.

Legolas had decided to take on the cave troll by himself to save his friends, even in his weak state. The green giant staggered as he desperately tried to get a good aim at his head.

Adrenaline pumped his veins and he jumped down, deciding to take a more long-distance shot. To take down the troll, that they believed, had killed Frodo. He aimed and shot, watching as it pierced the cave trolls mouth and gazing in satisfaction as it fell to the floor. He almost wanted to continue attacking the creature for slaughtering his friend.

He observed far behind the others, with awe and amazement as the black-haired hobbit sat up. He was fine. Legolas grinned.

But he knew they could not stay there long, for they would certainly be attacked again without a thought of doubt.

They ran for as long as they could until they were encircled. Again, Aragorn worried over his friend.

Then the Balrog appeared. Legolas had heard of these ferocious creatures and he spared no time to race forwards with his friends. For it was not worth the fight, they would die if any of them tried.

Across the bridge, they fled...but with one less member. Aragorn whirled around and stared as the wizard fought off their attacker until he was hanging off the remaining part of the bridge. But, it didn't even occur to him that all might not be done until a red-flaming wip clasped itself around Gandalf's ankle.

They watched in horror as he spoke his final words before falling "Fly you fools"

Now they were weeping as the reality struck each and every one of them. Clasping onto one another or staring off into the sunset like the ranger and the woodland elf.

Legolas stared into the sunset with tears building up in his eyes and a ranger by his side "How are we supposed to go forward now?" He muttered the first words he had spoken ever since they had entered.

And his words were so full of pain and suffering...so real. Who would lead them if not Gandalf? Who?

A tear slipped down the rangers cheek...

"Bleed him"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें