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You're probably wondering why the hell I haven't updated in a week lol
I was binge watching the untamed
Is it bad that I ship xue yang and xiao xingchen Lol?
I mean come on


"Hey wait!" Eowyn said and before Legolas could say anything, Eowyn wrapped her arms around them.

"Oh there you are, nin las (my leaf)" Aragorn said, appearing at the door. At seeing the position that they were in, he pouted "Hey! Nobody told me that there was a group hug going on" He sulked and walked forwards, joining the hug, though he ignored the presence of Haldir. Legolas was going to have to talk to him later, he concluded.

3rd person PoV:

"Aragorn" Legolas said, looking out at the crowd of orcs and Uruks that surrounded them and their people. They had set out the day before to the black gate as a diversion and so their own plan was finally in action.

He unluckily had not had the time to explain to Aragorn that he had forgiven Haldir and that he should too as the man had been too busy explaining the plan to Eowyn, Eomer, Gandalf and Gimli to have a chance to talk to him.

"Aragorn..." He repeated and looked to the side, to watch as said man stared into the eyes of their enemy. Aragorn hummed in acknowledgement and turned to look at him, his eyes were glistening with tears that held a specific fear "...Something bothers you" He said.

Aragorn's eyes averted to the people around him. Eowyn with her long hair hidden under her helmet who stood beside Eomer, the man had been very reluctant to let his sister come and had insisted on staying by her side throughout the battle.

Gimli stood behind Legolas, his small figure fixated on the enemy and Haldir beside Legolas, he had refused to leave his side ever since they had set out for battle, much like Eomer with Eowyn.

Aragorn finally looked back to him with a small smile playing on his lips "If I am to not make this out alive...I love you with all my heart" He said.

Legolas smiled sadly "Aragorn, you are going to make this out alive, we all are..." He smiled "...Have hope in Frodo and Sam, have hope in all of us and have hope in yourself"

"I do" Aragorn said and reached down to grab Legolas's hand in his own. Legolas looked down at their entwined hands and smiled.

He squeezed the man's hand and looked back up in the eyes of Aragorn with a small smile. Legolas then looked to the elf beside him with the same smile that he had given Aragorn "Haldir" He said and watched as Haldir turned to look at him nonchalantly. Legolas slipped his free hand down to grab the slender hand of Haldir's.

(Again for Haldir, just affection, not love)

Haldir stated at him shocked at the action but relaxed slightly, shoulders untensing after a few small moments, in which the enemy had started to gather closer around them "Let's fight " He said.

They grabbed their weapons, letting go of each others hands and they charged towards the eyes of death, begging that Frodo and Sam were close to destroying the ring.

When the two forces met, swords clashed together and arrows flew through the air, blood leaked from killing wounds, the stench of blood and death corrupted the air second by second as people both yelled triumph or yelled from pain as they died on the battle ground from the the wounds that they had bled from.

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